■YiCmliC . I /It- f • \&»ykr~ IXC A famous ihopjxr in... "I get my gift! from h z''7 :LViilVliLY^ o\diiks . . .It doesn't hate to lx dirty to lx good ” VIDEOS • TOYS- GIFTS «r NllW! “NAS-T-Shirts" Gift Certificates Available UcT 1 166 S. A Sc., Springfield 726-6969 ImsJIj mrnmU *mJ fmmt+i Open 24 Hour* < Vun to Itti*. M. .rv 1 J m to toon WINTER CRAFT FAIR Don't Buy Another Gift until you check out The EMU Winter Craft Fair EMlf Fir Room Wednesday & Thursday, December 2 & 3 10:00 am - $:30 pm Live Music! Free Cider! Fantastic Gifts! Sponsored h> the EMI' Gift Ccnlcj k the ('ultuiil Forom Fvi tnformjuon till Up 4 Vi| M KENZ1E OUTFITTERS Spend Your Weekend in WOOLRICH. 79 W. Broadway 485-5946 j Holiday Traditions Season TRADITIONS The leaves of fall have col lected beneath the now barron trees The pres ence of sun no longer signifies warmth, and the sharp wind whis tles past reddened cheeks The populace have dug up their mittens and scarfs from the winter storage The season of tra ditions is definitely in the air ft's time again to partake in tra ditions that persevere throughout the years and generation to gen eration. Despite the many different pleasures of the season, several are recognizable to nearly every one This year, while decking the halls with that holly thing, think proudly that it is a surviving tradi tion that began in 17th-century Germany when gathered garland suspended from the ceiling was a yearly decoration In addition to the German con nection. there is an older Roman custom of decking the house with evergreens as emblems of the mysteries of the forests and its 9ods As the last tree ornament is placed on the tree with tinsel and gli!/. think nobly that this tradition o) bringing the nature indoors was inspired by German immi grants and became popular in America in the 1840s The tree symbolizes a season ol bountiful vegetation and was therefore decorated with fruits Before the arrival of the Christ mas tree, a small potted cherry or hawthorn tree was brought into the house Almost globally there is a bear er ol gifts, whether it be "Father Christmas." "Santa Claus," the "Three Kings" (or Mom, Dad. grandparent, friend or stranger) In ail cases, the general idea of gift givers is to question the chil dren of their past behavior and reward the good with gifts Besides the indoor decorations and activities, the season is not complete without an annual snowfall. During the season there is a sentimental necessity tor snow because of its connotation with purity and magic Fd# ptado Decorated trees and gift givers are holiday traditions that date back tor centuries. Even in warmer climates where snowfalls are tew and far between, take a gander on the shop win dows where artificial frost is spiayed artistically near ther mometers reaching 75 degrees When the season is blessed with snow, a favorite pastime is to sit in front of a blazing fire with a cup of hot eggnog (yes. some people drink it hot) The "yule log" and fire are the European way of hononng the sun Instead of an actual tire, colored lights are strung throughout trees and houses to also represent sun light Eggnog is said to be a descen dant of the English drink called syllabub, a speed mixture of wine and creamed milk The drink was popular in the 15th and 16th cen turies The American eggnog substi tutes the wine with a splash of rum and/or brandy During the time of abundant progressive seasonal parlies, people were said to go "eggnogging" around to different houses By the fourth ''eggnogged" house, guests are easily pro voked into participating in a merry sing-a-long. One song that is never missed by carolers is "Silent Night." l uiii U1 lKAIimoNS. Page MU t/t g * ■wswy e'Z^'lSTXt.’IZ • -?KST&&( e'ZT&SDKsiS • THSTZIZlf e’*T&S~r»MS PLAY IT COOL THIS Christmas .with the gift that will last a lifetime...music. Light's lor Music's large selection and Inrndly atmospherr will help you find Ihr pcrlrct gifts lor lieginners and advanced musicians Don't forget gill certillcalcs are also availahle. 10% OFF Any Purchase *mn if mMtoafe* thU U mm> ihra ChtMaM. 52 1 Main Street Springfield 746-3822 TM£ MUSICIAN'S STONfc SINCE l*S»r 142 W. 8th Avenue Eugene 686-4720 TKSttTf e‘»K'lS7Ws4S • e’ZT&STHOIS • THSISttf