Photo try (V** Valley River Center'$ Santa Cloui laid he trlei to "keep the warm tooling of Christinas alive Amid the department stores and passersby in Valley River Center sits an old man on a chair for hours on end Some people wave at him, and some just stare A lew have even been known to cry The man is Santa Claus, a gentle soul with a generous heart and a jolly belly that welcomes one and all to abandon shopping for awhile and sit on his lap for a chat ' They're always excited to see him," said Judy Sebastian, while watching her children Sara, 7, and Gregory, 6. sit on Santa's knees and tell him their wishes Sara, who asked for a "crying doll," likes Santa because "he gives everyone toys ' Gregory, who asked for "lots of candy," said he likes Santa simply because "he's nice " But it wasn't just the young who got into the act Steve Albrich, 49. and Ray Marsh. 53, of Corvallis, much to the amuse ment of shoppers, sat on either knee of Santa and posed for a picture Marsh planned to give his pic ture to his three granddaughters Albrich said with a laugh. 'We posed because it's Christmas, and we believe in Santa, but the picture is just a lark " For whatever the reason that people are drawn to Santa. Mr Claus sits and sits listening to each person's reasons — some times for six or seven hours at a time But Santa doesn't mind "I could take a break it I wanted to, but I don’t want to." Santa said “I love kids, I enjoy waving to people, and I enjoy just sitting here, watching and meeting peo pie" Santa has had many unusual experiences with children sitting on his lap over the years "Oh yeah, they go to the bath room on your lap." he said "You just act like it didn't happen I just keep talking to them If they're sit ting on one side, then after they leave I move the next child to the other side Then I go home at night and wash But that's the key — I don't act like it bothers me “ "Many of the kids become so excited because they view Santa’s presence as magical." said Pat Havice. owner ot Santa , Magic, a small business he has run during the holiday season tor many years Although Havice receives mod est profits from the photos taken at the mall, he said the money is not the reason ho operates the business "We try to create the warm feeling ot Christmas and bring Santa alive," he said The line of children eagerly waiting to see Santa proves that Havtce's efforts are working He attributes the success to the steadfast belief children have in Santa Claus "In a child's mind, there are three things that are important at this time of year," he said "You have God or Jesus r< you are reli gious, then you have Mom or Dad because they're your protec tors, and then you have the guy in the red suit," he said When Christmastime rolls Turn u SANTA I'agc Nil ) RECORD GARDEN ou/ ctjSI We've lixpanded iltnvntokvn VVill.Htn'th’ in -1717 CREATIVE QIFTS I xplore the largest Art Supply Store in Oregon... and discover tiie perfect gift for your favorite artist. W We have kits and sets foe artists of all ages: Paint Sets Pastel Sets S