Plusiquebourniet Ca!«iing lo ln« Discriminating Collector CRITICALLY ACCLAIMED CLASSICAL MUSIC & OPERA ON COMPACT DISC & CASSETTE CD s FROM $5 95 ] _TAPES FROM S2 95 j In the FiMhpearl Building nr* * r f. . r- .. 343-9000 Holiday Special Acrylic $0/^1 Fills Nails set/ mtm\J alw.ivs r»'>; S24 $14 Gift ( ertifu att> avaitaNe 12*0 S -»\sr« iK. Sul* J • '4 44i't'> ’>*'S />)? A. V. V • a*, V. K;• ^% • SECOND THOUGHTS NATURAL FIBER RESALE CLOTHING fOR MEN & WOMEN 25% OFF Everything Sale Dec. 5-12. 199? 77 W 11TH • EUGENE • 683-6501 Cyclist on your list? May we suggest... • Helmets • Raingear • Racks • Lights • Clothing • Wheel Sets • Upgrade Parts « • Computers •and much more Cloves Fenders Tools Locks Stumped? Try a Gift Certificate! 1 CYCLE-31, REPAIRS A CYCLES ( 1340 Willamette • 687-0288 As Easy As The Eugene Symphony 1.2,3 Holtdai Special Gift Pa. kage A fanes tasselled envelope Two pair of tickets lo the Valiev River Center N'lght.Music Senes and a delicious surprise from Euphoria Chocolate Interested? Just call the Hull Center at 687-5000, ask for the 1.2,3 Holiday Special, and we II do the rest We deliver it to vou and vou give it to anvbody you want to impress with vour charm and good usir and vou save 15% Talk about your sweet deal! Prices range from S28 to S63. depending on seal location So call the Huh Center todjv at 687-5000 It's as easy as 1,2.3 Eugene Symphony ORCHESTIC RIGHT ON TARGET ...,w Emerald r CAU OUR ADVERTISING DEPARTMENT 346-3712 Photo tv Dylan CouR^ Bon Marche employee Donl Follman (left) samples some cologne for University senior Brandon Schorn stein Local retailers say the re experiencing an upswing in sales this year. The Christmas gift buying season has arrived in Eugene and local retailers are experiencing an upswing in shopping While most of that increase is due to the time of year, other reasons also come into play Gloria Godfrey, owner of McKenzie Honey Farms in the Eugene Downtown Mall, believes a certain governor of a southern state has more than just a lit tle to do with the spending "People have a more upbeat and positive attitude after the election." Godfrey said with a smile, looking out at the newly opened Olive Street and the poten tial shoppers passing by “I think the election has convinced people that tthings are changing, things are going to be better." he said And while not all retailers may agree with God frey on the cause, they certainly agree on the effect Jamie Chisum. a sales associate at Great Out door Clothing Outfit in the Downtown Mall, believes the opening of Olive Street has contributed to more shopping "We've seen a lot more foot traffic since they opened (Olive Street) up," Chisum said. “It just makes the mall more open for casual shoppers." Yet. while shop-owners are finding more and more shoppers passing through their doors, stu dents are not tiling in at a remarkable pace "Students are mostly looking for themselves." Godfrey said with a laugh However, the store owner gestured around the McKenzie Outfitters store pointing out numerous items she believed students would be interested in. "We have plenty of things students could buy for gifts, from vests to socks to nightgowns." Godfrey explained. "I guess we have to wait until the last minute with students, though " Since most students usually opt for University apparel for Mom and Dad. shop owners are cutting prices on sweatshirts, pants, hats and the like Duck sweatshirts are available for as little as $12 at McKenzie Outfitters Or. if Oregon's berth in the Independence Bowl put you in a more expensive mood, the University Bookstore has more pricey options in its selection "Sweaters and shirts sell the very best,” said Tammy Berry, owner of Cooking on Broadway and manager of McKenzie Outfitters "They're usually closely followed by socks and gloves." For students who have more than $20 in their wal let, Melange in the Downtown Mall offers fashion able outfits "We have lots of unique gifts that are not outra geously priced." said Lauren Harvell, who studies at the University as well as working at Melange "Most students seem to be interested in accessory items, like purses and belts." Clerks at stores such as the Bon March and Meier I urn to KKTAII., Page l(»B 6 12 foot Christmas - trees with stand — $ 49 99 9 it. of Canadian Pine Bookcases Reg. s49-s79 Now S19'S39 uarland Rev;. $9" 1 5^88 Now D BASKET MARKET Open Monday-Fnday 9 6. Sat 10-6 Sunday 12-5 475 W 5th A.o Eugene-66? 5614