Oregon Daily i'* Sounds like Christmas tcy Xrf* *•**■<-*/ Heather Creech (left). Ashleigh Speiiberg and Caissy Aron are part of a group from Mrs Adkins' seventh grade Jefferson Middle School class singing Christmas carols at the Winter Faire m the EMU Wednesday Budget plan may lead to less access j Brand questions how budget would impact University and higher ed By Colleen Pohhq i i ! As* i >!!.* In reaction to (»ov Barbara Roberts' re cently unveiled proposed (amend Fund budget for the loo t 05 biennium. Uni versltv President Mvles flrund is ijues (Inning the future .11 < ess to higher edui a lion or tile lack thereof "Access Is a complicate*! thing As the state pulls buck Us dollars and they are not replaced bv tuition dollars, we have less money to hire teachers." Brand said "This means wo have less classes avail able. whir h means less spots .it the Uni versity for students "So as you push down tuition too much, you cut into your revenue, there fore not being able to provide education for .is many students And that's the rea son why the 1 huncellor was talking about enrollment caps " In her budget plan, the governor calls for a 7 peri ent decrease in enrollment Enrollment will drop by -t.-ltill students to an enrollment cup of 50.020 statew ide in toot 05. according to the proposed plan "For the first time ever in tin1 slate, qualified Oregonians are going to bo turned away from getting an education," Turn to BUDGET, Page 5A Housing may change priorities j Proposal would end marriage requirement for family housing By Sarah Clark Emerald Reporter University Housing has proposed new family housing eligibility requirements that would give higher priority to applicants with financial aid and would eliminate the traditional definition of '■family.'' The requirements would not affect students who currently live in family housing. University Housing Director Michael Eyster said They would only affect new applicants beginning full 1993 University Housing is sponsoring a public hear ing for the proposal today from noon to 3 p m. in the EMU Bon Linder Kixmv Under the proposed requirements. University Housing would work with the Office of Student Financial Aid to determine if applicants are eligi ble for financial aid, Eyster said Currently family housing applicants are required to submit a finan cial statement, hut University Housing do«>s not have access to the kind of information the finan cial aid office does, he said 'We want to make sure the people we re giving the highest priority are the people with the great est financial need," Eyster said "Our rates are so much lower than the market rates that for many students, we are providing financial assistance It makes sense that students with the greatest need have the highest priority." International students who are not eligible for financial aid may lx- screened through the Office of International Education and Exr hange. Evster said The OIEE has access to a limited amount of fi nancial information about international students, said Peter Briggs, associate director for the OIEE The OIEE would like to work with University Housing. Briggs said, but it doesn't know how it will assess International students because it lacks tax rix:ords and extensive information on what constitutes financial need in the different coun tries. However, Briggs said he's not worrier! that in Turn to HOUSING. Page 5A PROPOSED HOUSING REQUIREMENTS • Proposal would give lop priority to graduate and undergraduate students with financial aid who have chil dren Currently, top priority goes to graduate students with children, regardless of whether thoy receive finan cial aid • Second and third priorities would go to graduate stu dents with financial aid who don't have children and undergraduates ages 21 and over with financial aid who don't have children. • Students without financial aid who have children would be fourth priority • The lowest prionties would go to graduate students and undergraduates ages 21 and over who don't have financial aid and don't have children. • Two adults who want1° live together would not need a marriage certificate • The maximum occupancy for studio units would be two people, not one. Grapfac by Jail PasUy WEATHER Eugene-Springfield residents should expect mostly sunny skies with highs in the mid 40s Tonight will be cold and dear withlows in the 20s Thought tor Today "Histiry is but a kind of Newgate calendar, a register of the crimes and miseries that man has inflicted on his fellow man.* - Washington Irving ARRESTED FOR BITING HILLSBORO (AP) - A 39-year-old Aloha woman has been indicted on attempted murder and other charges for allegedly using the virus that causes AIDS as a dangerous weapon when she bit the finger of a sheriffs deputy Joan R. Meza was arraigned on an eight-count indictment Tuesday in Washington County District Court A circuit court appearance was set for Monday Tnna Strom. Meta's court-appointed lawyer, said she would ask for a release hearing Meza was being held on S40.000 bail In addition to the attempted murder count, a Washington county grand jury charged Meza with attempted assault, assault on a peace officer, assault, resisting arrest, menacing and recklessly endangering another _SPORTS MILWAUKEE (AP) Milwaukee Bucks forward-center AUa Abdeloaby could face mariiuana possession charges after his arresl in a Milwaukee suburb, officials said Wednesday Milwaukee County Assistant District Attorney Stephanie Rnthstem said her office would await results of tests from the state crime lab and then decide whether to proceed Authorities refused to divulge details of the arrest, including when it was made ‘lust because we re reviewing charges doesn't mean there is going to be a charge, it doesn't mean there's not," Rothstein said Wednesday The investigation is going on *