2io HELP WAMTEO EARN f 500« *«**> fluffy tt"v«op« a' home Send tong 5ASI Country living Shopper*. Dept 12? ’44*51 freenweft Spnrg* *ta 318 Greerwo Springs 1A ?C?39 ALASKA SUMMER EMPLOYMENT H her-os turn $600*Y»r«»&» nr* Carmen** Qf 54000* Alton!* ex* fcshmg boat* * «** Truntportiiixyv Room and board Over 8 000 open>ngs Mo o»p napes*»/y M«i« pr female G*H 4 heed stan on ifwi luflW Tty employment program CA*t 1 206 545 4155®!! A6069 EARLY RISER? THtS IS YOUR JOB' Da-y fm®« morning de^very person needed ASAP 'ex OAtt Y *t geH-ng started. com® up to the Emmaa & apply today no phone caffs ptoas© Room 300 tfb Memona; Urnon Stans at 5*4 75•'hour pfus mileage reimbursement f Of 215 WORK STUDY GREAT JOB. RocyclinB A»*«uni wanted tor Winter and Spring term contact Campus Recycfcng at 346 1529 220 HOUSES FOR RENT 1 bedroom. 088 1 i8tf »i Furru»N«1 c«l T44 0651 0> 686 0743 4 BIOCKS FROM CAMPUS 4 Bd/ffl. rr'wrtsnorrj/yur. $1200 mo, avauafito 12/2 485-0/90 22S APTS DUPLEXES S Jennings * Co UNIVERSITY MANOR SOUTH 745 E 15lh You can t beat the prt.es on those 1 bedroom units i block trom U of O h tyflry Cali Rick tor r»r’:«i rates a* .343 9907 or pager 465 0?j02 GARDEN TERRACE APARTMENTS 1093 Garden Roomy two bedroom, c*>se to cam pus AVAll Atfi t NOW O *»! n®,gh borhood. onty 5465 Ca1! Paul ’or showing 344 1 7?1 Furnished 1 bd»m Av.t *» for W ter Term 15th and Ifelyard Reserve -■ow 4B4 99?? Available X Mas break ease thru 6 1593, one bedroom arxl studio, tur shed, Y* bk>ck from campus. 5335 and $290 ♦ 5250 Dop. 735 E 17m. 343 2114___ Campus Apartments Furnished 142 Bedrooms Fell rates 53755450 405*2023 224 APTS DUPLEXES CAMPUS TWIN APTS *55 E Mth Star* lufchpr Fum<*n«d 5295^0 jpoc oap «nr> -4KVM On*** 4*ur«!> 343 1009* m*g 1'. BLOCKS FROM CAMPUS Studo. or Mo *undry $30Vt'O 4650790 Redwood Park Apts. Qui*L Country Living With City Convonimc* Untumlahvd 1 Bdrm f 3A5. (aiarting Nov 1) Low Utifctiaa On Bualtna Equippad W#«g w Room, Spt Wood Par* A Playground Laundry FacrfftHM Alto Fumlthod tullot *5«'*d«. i a j an $AOO to aa73 Individually Dacoratad Comp*ataty Turn*ahad Evarylhing From Cabla TV 10 l inana For Badf. Bath A Krtchan On Sita Managamant Taam 4103 W. 18th 434 5775 SPRINGFIELD tS? Soul* J3»d Q-, u' *m*fi t»u*linfl 2 Mm* 9190 319 C Slf»*t 1 ooclfooo- I n 9300 No poll Shown by •ppomtmml SPYGLASS ASSOCIATES 34SW lOlh 4*61110 EUGENE MANOR Studio*. 1 A 2 bdrm. groat vow / inci •»'.»•' *i $385, 1050 St 4B4 -'441 15th A OLIVE l igr>- txngnt and sparWmg studio and Loh aparman* g'ant down roam *o col ons, dating at me *!»»* most ct>v»'».*j ;.-fA ‘'*5 W 15th 4d4 5633 598 COBURG ROAD • bdrm cocxkn fufty app»ancad. ’Sundry, oo in yard v*w Sm* OK, $ vm 465 < :*in 1;ORE3T VIE LAG I? HIS |_1 QUIET, QUIET, QUIET Enjoy the lx?duty of wood* anti w rv *** in aupar fioor plan 2 BEDROOMS V»BATH • But Jo Campy* • Sw^rning Poo* • Wa*grt4 iioaw fVn • Saunas %A9S A $51 Sr MONTH Ask aoout N***'■ "CM**! M» HM*anca» C» «h»r 2PM RvJgMKNid A^o* mart* 6*6 S7W I tx*m hxn Vary mca aj* -n q •** Evading Cow«i partung Sundry S366*nontfi 1200 f •»"> S* 34)^# 240 QUADS Kmp my CMpottt t”*1 r->4 -g '*» S27ft^>o i Mi to 0W*pMi UM "Xi Coworwl pa'« a>ti 666 4236 RARE OPPORTUNITY N<» A r*jr u^ -«*j *360 AW S’ :u*k MM ) Vary law* l»h* N«m , •«’ .«!>••'.•’•«! Qt-attw Orth pnvata •^1*A°v» t »; « «*r* o»^rt raon Month lo/no^tf •aoa-'v.y Ovy 1209 *nd w?« ' -’NO Hflyard flaa I s?4ia NorthwMt >43 4106 f729'two. 1 Nock from cimpui utissaw trciudad. *v*»» 1 ? ’ H maai un* BMUfftuI VH»W #r**J«*t V*M -V Spent*** Bufto Du* accms pcx*. muj na 4rtS ?4V 0#ap#r*l«' M vjDadvu » rY s « The Co»toQ'a?i Ch'>% >4566'?_ Farm*had room, tfyired *'• ’■** Wtis'^oyw/ ad v«*rf paring L^: lavs tnckjdod $300mont" 46S 0846 Furntfthad room, {’ ,’* te> -vnknior ??nO anti C ham be** $' 50 00004# 344 ??3? Room tor •• 4«o» > »*£ - $200 ..• m. M-Xlad 1 4. frtx at 344 3359 OPEN HOUSE! 4 00 KKMy LttAi Manor, tt48 Ada Ot-'O'”* ‘ Oni ^ Ni l 4 >60 Ap{ i dti '•■.»•' «*?* good crncM I'RI ■ a A "4 «? 666 '»’W 4M«« ^now-ago „• roMnmitM mmw^ • **» 4-*g*» twd loom to a jvg. coo* *cmm> V*f> ■** a-!v« T44 * 2tJ& Midi LMffT—J *oU roc.tu»/ a**! «o»f c«)w«»*» CVm! cprtoQo 1 A V* • 4»S4;iS 2«s CLU8 SPORTS SNOWBOARD CLUB Maating Wa<1n»aday. l>a<#«it>#r 2 6 00 PM Qij«« call l •• at MV9yS Of Krta at 346 0614 2*5 ARTS 4 ENTERTAWMEHT POCKf r PI AYMOUSI PHI SI NTS TEX’S DREAM Oac 3. 4 4 S, 1 PM Room 102, V.Mard Kail Suoowtxl $1 Donation r CV5i (JUT . . A» 54 - Mu l 1 b*» %>!»> w «atw|-m ^ r a»<; a ua ouh tit «* m < a . i rntwa* 1 •*F*f 5 MS *30 N AN MIAUL MU A AIN HIM I4U0ON Yl<>: A4M»A AY Nil rilt N IUMAIM. A BRIEF HISTORY OF TIME j *“,• *< ■» «> WINNER! BEST PICTURE AND BEST ACTRESS IMS C ANNES East FESTIVAL EST INTENTIONS, IFMimiYTITTA -•.singles 5ISTEH ACT whooh cot obi h j OFF LINE by Rick Ball OUT Of ALL THE. ANIMALS IN OR&jON, */HV is our mascot a ducr? INC FAR SIDE By GARY l ARSON 1 J "Ba pat Writ. Laona. ba patten! Zebra* won't I a drink until they know N’t absolutely sale " Calvin and Hobbes by Bill Watterson DO 10J HATE BEING A GIRL? ITS GOTTA BE BETTER TUAN TWE ALTERNATIVE WHATS 'T | like ? is IT LIKE BEING A 8UG? 1-1 » AA I (MAC,IKE BUGS AND GIRLS have A Dim perception THAT nature PLATED A CRUEL TR\CK ON THEM. BUT MT LACt THE INTELLIGENCE TO REAliT COMPREHEND THE MAGNITUDE OE \X A/f. I must yt Pur w PINKER OK IT Tin JOS HEALTH 4 FfTNESS DANCfJAM' A (Sanca '1*f'si -o {wily tnw*&. axj %p-'? 7 30 T00W C *v < JlM? S **•!■*?> tn. sag* I .tv* imt w*4 O a car-' I ohm* !f»g a.’-vy -»V "g tarty r .v- C.n 64 ? MS! HotN=^ o Chocolote 2. a .. .. =) ” Italian o £ £ Soda*1 c o a u - U_E At The sprcsso Cart ^ now toco»#/ >> V i ' f.V’lKfM’t HP 11V’A LOT * '>t WU * ,t»K> »V 'Ml UU"t Y UPVf HU AiW 1 MH’ ?* rptfi'i t Of >1 ,if.. t.'j WN I MOCXHAll -inn .'-tv iA/‘> WA ffCAU YA It. 1* >1 PA J J±L^L_J t <*£LL CROSSWORD By Eugene Shaffer ACROSS 1 f ishhook to jtorw 5 Bashful 8 *M M du Sc hon“ 12 ' b#o Adh#m* 13 l uau gun* 14 Su11» wot. old slyl« 15 Wilat r.otor A»17 17 Communal nwar Ca*r 18 “BaaJa Blows* 19 Wood shop rnachidM 21 Sohddy 22 I DR s 23 F itmrf bad 26 Kinsaay 28 Sousa 31 S#« 44 Down 33 CotaaI gram 35 Infamous lyrist 36 “Stormy W» at h#r* tompOMM 38 Shoot wnf a ray gun 40 Salon ■n—rr «pp«C on 41 f <»pfy t>l »Undtng 43 On pan* 4% I a«y 47 t 4t*y Moimon **W© 51 Spi'ltd MO«d 52 f tom Sunday lo Sunday 54 Mtiuie 55 Watf® foof. dU» 56 Roman road 57 Partner 56 Nalab# * O.WJ 59 Parisian pop DOWN 1 l OW 2 H«ip a fKKMj 3 Thunder ou* non# 4 Urban fto«l 5 Botch tba pa ml jot) 6 School dune# 7 Highway 8 Groom'« pal 9 Going two** 10 Un matched 11 •— com pany * Solution tlms 21 mint Yesterday's answer rr—a—rr IO nvm.hjo 20 /’•* a tt» fQ«H 23 Buimti (leg 24 * M>*i* Riooki* 25 GanaraHy 27 W (olio warn 29 l muUla N*»ix» 30 Prop tor Markham's man 32 Mov.a ttkrt !m cian's a*da 34 Smear® 37 tk>#n 39 Mountain «*r » goat 42 t -«W m.ii ahal 44 H avotvad from 3t Across 45 sk>*« » hotiMi 46 Saad coal 46 Nov®rr>t>ar otohg*l«on 49 l oliafM loo/a 50 F airy I ala 53 Mound flat 35—F5 "irm