TOUR Continued from Page 1 will (iirry guar and provides first aid. bit vt.lts repair, snacks and water This riders will camp each night In towns along the Oregon Trail, and will he entertained by folk singers and story tellers during the evenings "Port of the ride Is to educate the rid isrs on the history of this trail and the area," Armstrong said, 'and folk singing and storytelling were a port of the pio neers' journey " Armstrong originally suggested the ride was not for novice bicyclists, be cause it covers about 50 to HO miles per day, with one 95-mlle day, Bui he also added. "Killing that far is a mental as well as .1 physical, thing A novice could do it. If they put their mind to it Along the Oregon Trail, many of the townspeople Armstrong approached to ask about camping were skeptical at first "Once 1 mentioned that I wanted to bring 150 hit v< lists through their town and lamp there, there was a pause." Armstrong said "Oni e I explained it. they began to get into it Armstrong said at first many town offi cials were worried the riders might be disruptive, but now "they're looking for ward to it If the town is on the Oregon Trail, that sets them apart The towns tie- riders will stay in will benefit financially from this tour Arm strong said part of ear h rider's partir ipa lion fee will go to the towns in return for 7 found when I got home it was the 150th anniversary of the Oregon Trail, and then / knew it had to be a bike ride.’ Tom Armstrong, bicycle tour organiser (rumIs anti camping. "Some not-for-profit groups «re put ling together meals, the dinners and breakfasts," Armstrong said, "and It's giving the community a chance lo make some money As long as vve spread (his money back into the community, every one will l)o happy “ Besides fostering an awareness of the history of the Oregon Trail, Armstrong said he also hopes to establish art aware ness of bicycle travel Armstrong said he hopes state govern ments will begin to plan for bicycle trav el when designing and repairing high ways For more information on the trip, in cluding registration forms, write the His torical Trails Network. Oregon Trail Kide, P.O Box 81808. Lincoln, NK (.8501-1808. 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