Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, December 01, 1992, Page 8, Image 8

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    Oregon Daily ElTlCrBld
Pit may just happen for Green and running Ducks
From the
Dave Charbonneau
Lasl April, ferry Green
made a decision he decid
ed In drop oboul 50
rungs on tho ladder of success
Green lofi his assistant
i (Mi lung job al Kansas a tra
ditional (Hiwer in college has
kettiall to take over as head
coach for what was arguably
one of the worst programs in
Division-1 basketball last sea
Some may say (awn s move
was a death wish. )usl ask Don
Monson. who rtn entlv accepted
a coaching job in baskotball
cra/y Australia
But don't dure try to tell
Green that taking over a pro
gram that finished (>-21 last sea
"A Community Agenda"
Tuesday, Dec. 1st, 1992
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An MJMV aMwr-TW*
There are a lot of things people here
haven*t seen... yet’
Jerry Green,
men 's basketball coach
son and hasn't boon to the
NCAAs since JFK was prost
dont is coaching-suicide.
Croon has vowed to his play
ers (hat one day McArthur
Court will be jam-packed, and
it will have nothing to do with
an appearance by a certain
The snappy dresser with a
slow, southern drawl is not, nor
wants to l>e, the toW'el-biting.
plaid-wearing quote machine
that seems to be the require
ment for college coaches these
He simply wants his team to
he accepted and respec ted by
basketball fans
Croon has not taken Oregon's
"have you heard the one about
the Ducks'' reputation lightly
He made a valiant attempt to
resurret t interest in the Ducks
before practii a even began
when he risked a no-show em
barrassment by having “Late
Night with Jerry Croon," on
Halloween night Although
only t.O(H) people showed up
at tO,000 seat Mac Court that
night, it at least showed that
people were interested in see
ing what was up
Oregon fans got their first
looks at Croon's style of play in
two exhibition games in No
vombor Although the Ducks
played two teams that were far
from F’acific-10 Conference
caliber, they won both games
and averaged 94 5 points a
game Oregon even scored 100
[joints in one game
Green's first priority is to
make Oregon basketball excit
ing again Last season, the
Ducks had their second-worst
home attendance figure in 20
That had as much to do with
Oregon's style of play as it did
its record Under Monson. it
seemed as though the Ducks
conceded defeat every time
they took the court. They
would play slow-down basket
ball hoping to lull their oppo
nents to sieep
The new system under Green
is simple:
1 If you're open, shoot.
2 Stick to your man like
white on rice.
it Play like a unit.
•1 Kun
Green is going to have his
team running whether they're
playing Athletes in Action or
Michigan Although this ap
proach may result in some
high-scoring losses, at least the
games will be exciting.
"Thorn urn a lot of things
people out here haven't seen ...
yet,'' Green said
tlrt rrn ’! 1! roVen a m.- 5 :30
decembcr 2 + 3
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