Lower interest rates reward prompt loan repayment WASHINGTON (AIM The nation's largest provider of college student loans, the Student Loan Marketing Association, unveiled a program Monday that will re duce interest payments (or certain borrowers who pay their monthly installments on time The program, called Great Rewards, is a whole new concept In education lending It rewards gotxl repay ment habits," said Lydia Marshall, senior vice presi dent of the association known us Sitllie Mae ‘'Good borrower* save us time, and they save us money." Marshall said "The savings will be passed hack to the good borrowers " Sal lie Mae is a publicly held, federally chartered fi nancial services corporation that buys education loans from banks anti other lending institutions It owns more than $20 uillton in federally insured student loans. which amounts to one out of every three such outstand ing loans today Under the program. 2 percentage points would he shaved from the interest rate on a borrower s loan if payments are made on time during the first months. Marshall said The program is limited to Stafford loans, the most common type of student loan under the Fedcr al r«mily Education Loan Program A typical borrower with S5.000 in Stafford loans would save $24(> over the life of the loan, which is usu ally 10 years A borrower with S2 t,(MK) in loans which fasomes the undergraduate fmrrowmg limit for Stafford loans In July — would save more than SI.100 In Interest payments The first group of students benefiting from the new program would typically have loans with an Interest rate of 8 perront in the first four years anti it) percent thereafter. Marshall said Under the program, prompt payments during the first four years wouid cut the in terest rale for the following years by 2 percentage points, to 8 percent, she said Once an eligible borrower has paid on time for four years, the reduced interest rate will remain through the life of the loan, regardless of whether the borrower be comes delinquent "But we expect a low rate of subse quent delinquency" in that group, said Sallie Mae spokesman Koss Kleinman The program will he available to students who get Stafford loans after Jan 1. 1983. that are subsequently sold to Sallie Mae and serviced at one of its loan servic ing centers before loan recipients begin repaying. Oregon Daily Emerald Call 346-4343 Before 1 p.m. Today To Put Us To Work For You Tomorrow! 103 GREEK HAPPENINGS FIJI INFORMAL RUSH Otnnct 4 b*g KrNn BUiti gam* f iMikday. 1. S 00 pm LK Had. 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