Organic taste-test University student* ran sample organic food and shixit at bugs with squirt guns Unlay as part of OSPIRfi'i Pesticides Action Day OSPIKC member Moo Reynolds said she believes the 'Pasty Challenge." a taste tost between organic and commer cial produce, will have a big Impar t on students •‘Besides general awareness, the 'Pi-sly Challenge js a good chance for people to loam bow good organic focal K taste wise." she said "If a lot of people start eating organic food hero, it'll snowball out through Oregon." A pesticldo shooting game called "Shoot the Bug" will demonstrate how OH percent of pesticides miss ihetir intended target. Reynolds said The day's activities will he from o to u m to A p.m in tho liMU (kmrtvnrd nool ol UNIVERSITY OF OREQON & Department of DANCE DECEMBER CONCERTS Clip and save this calendar! For more information on any School of Music event, call 346-5678. To confirm concert times and ticket prices, call the Music Hotline at 346-3764 for a taped message. Tues 12/1 Wed. 12/2 Thur. 12/3 Fri. 12/4 Sat. 12/5 Sun. 12/6 Sun. 12/6 Mon. 12/7 Tues. 12/8 Tues. 12/8 Thur. 12/10 Sun. 12/13 Sat. 12/19 OREGON WIND ENSEMBLE UO Ensemble 8 p.m. Beall HaH $4 General Admission, $2 Students & Senior Citizens UNIVERSITY SYMPHONY UO Ensemble 8 p.m. Beal Hal $4 General Admission, $2 Students & Senior Citizens OREGON VOCAL JAZZ & JAZZ SEXTET UO Ensembles 8 p.m. Beall Hal $4 General Admission, $2 Students 4 Senior Citizens OREGON JAZZ CELEBRATION Guest artists Rufus Reid & Bllty Pierce. 7 p.m. Beal Hall $14 General Admission, available at EMU or Hull Center OREGON JAZZ CELEBRATION Guest artist Eddie Daniels, performing with the Oregon Jazz Ensemble 7 p.m. Beall HaH $)4 General Admission, available at EMU or Mult Center CHAMBER MUSIC AT TEA TIME UO chamber ensembles, with complimentary lea and pastries at intermission 3 p.m. Beall HaH $4 General Admission, $2 Students & Senior Citizens "MOSTLY MALLET MUSIC" University Percussion Ensemble 8 p.m. Beal! HaM $4 General Admission, $2 Students 4 Senior Citizens CHRISTMAS CHORALE UO Choral Ensembles 8 p.m. Beall HaM $4 General Admission, $2 Students 4 Senior Citizens COLLEGIUM MUSICUM Muse ol the German Renaissance 3:30 p.m., Room 198 FREE Admission 19th CENTURY VIRTUOSO FLUTE MUSIC UO Flute Soloists 8 p.m. Bead HaM $4 General Admission, $2 Students 4 Senior Citizens PACIFIC RIM GAMELAN Music of the German Renaissance 8 p.m. BeaH HaM $4 General Admission, $2 Students 4 Senior Citizens "MESSIAH" SING-ALONG Jom the University Symphony and soloists lor Handel's Chnstmas masterpiece1 4 p.m. Beall HaM $5 General Admission, $3 Students 4 Senior Citizens "CATCH THE HOLIDAY SPIRIT!" Children s Concert Senes 10:30 a.m. Beall Hall The Oregon Children’s Choir performs holiday music from around tfie world. $3 Adults, $2 Children 4 Students, or $5 lor a Family Packwood checks into alcohol clinic WASHINGTON (AI’l Sen Bob I'ttr.kwood will spend a week in an alcohol treatment program, but will not consider resigning He has hired an attorney to defend him in a pos sible Senate ethics investigation of sexual ha rassment allegations, an aide said Monday The Oregon Republican. whose whereabouts have been kept se , ret for more than .1 week, voluntarily entered treatment at an un disclosed in-patient facility on Sunday, his chief of staff Flaine Franklin said ' It will involve some blood tests, some therapy, some sessions” she told The Associated Press The fat Ility is very trained in the use of alcohol I'm not going to say any more about it.” she said in an interview We re not going to tell where he is. because he needs privacy right now, added Josie Marlin, an aide to Packwood Ten women former Packwood staff momlaers and lobbyists - have ai < used the four-term senator of untnvIted and unwanted sex util advances over the years Oregon Democrats and a coalition of women's groups have called (or Put kwoods resignation Hut Packwood. who was re-elected in Novemlwr, intends to take the oath of office in January and "give a 110 percent effort in the Senate like he always does," Franklin said Senate Republican Leader Bob Dole of Kansas and Majority Leader C.eorge Mitchell. D-Muina. have saitl they would like swift resolution of the charges against Pm.kwood, possibly even before the new Congress convenes in fanuory They both unlit ipated there would he an int)uirv by the Senate F.thus Committee. which Pat k wood Inmself fias said he wants Franklin said in a statement Monday morning that Packwood 'tits ided to seek professional advice after reflecting on the allega tions first published Nov 22 iti I he Washington i’osl. "Sen Packwood welcomes and will cooperate fully with the in vestigation, Franklin s statement saitl She said Packwood had re tained James F iit/pulrit k of Arnold & Porter in Washington as Ins counsel Judge sets date for execution VANCOUVER, Wash (AP) A Clark County Superior Court judge on Monday set a |an 5 execution date for West ley Allan Dodd, convict ed of slaying three boys. At a hearing before judge Robert Harris, Dodd repeated his long-standing wish to skip appeals He also chose hanging instead of death by injection "I don't believe the state has any choice but to carry out my execution," Dodd told the judge. The execution at the Wash ington State Penitentiary at Walla Walla would be the first in Washington since Juno 30, 1963. Dodd. 31, was sentenced in 1990 after admitting he fatal ly stal)bed 10-year-old Wil liam Neer and his 11-year old brother, Colo Neer, in a Vancouver park in Septem ber l‘)H9 and strangled 4 year-old Lee Iseli of Portland the following month. As Dodd stood to bo led out of the jammed courtroom Monday, Jewell Cornell, the mother of Lee Iseli, shouted, •Pig!" Attempt to spread AIDS earns 5 years I*( JUTLAND (Al*) A man convicted of trying to infect a 1 7 -year old girl with AIDS through unprotected sex wax sentenced Monday to more than nine years in prison Allrerto Gonzalez. «!H, was or derod to serve five-and-a-half veers in prison for attempted murder and an additional four years for giving the girl marl |uana Con/ale/., who did not testify at his trial, told Multnomah County Circuit Judge Ancor Haggerty before sentencing that he was the victim of racism and fear of AIDS But Haggerty responded that the conviction and sentence were appropriate "Given the number of people At Rainbow Optics, students are at the I top of our list rainbov optics. 343-bbbb 1740 West 18" Jus! west of Chambers 766 East 13th One block Irom U of O dying of this disease, the court sees your conduct us heinous," Haggerty said Gonzalez also suggested that David Peters, the deputy dis trict attorney, had a personal vendetta against him. "Next thing you know, this man is going to say I killed fc)l vis," Gonzalez said fWUNDERlAND 5*VIDtO GAMES Slh STREET [ PUBLIC MARKET 683-8464 J r c VIDEO ADVENTURE © VALLEY RIVER PLAZA •r W ««r • IM4UI UUUUUP .zat.'zju | »«/\4 U«» »tl tmtrcri CUSTOM PRINTED T-SHIRTS Lowest Ratesi Cash For Textbooks Mon.-Sal. Smith Family Bookstore 768 E. 13th t Block From Campus 345-1651