Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, December 01, 1992, Page 3, Image 3

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Continued from Page 1
As for his plans for the histo
ry department. Mohr said ho is
pleased with Its strength but
would like to see some minor
changes, such as making a wid
er variety of upper-level classes
available to undergraduates.
"I'd like to offer students a
somewhat leaner menu of sur
vey classes and offer more of u
richor menu of advanced
courses with world-class histo
rians. which we have hero,”
Mohr said
Mohr said the history depart
ment is also looking to hire two
more professors next year —
one historian of modern Japan
and the other on 15th- and
lfith- century Europe.
"As an outsider. I'm very im
pressed with the commitment
to a high quality of teaching."
he said. "It's wonderful to see
in a department. This isn't just
lip service."
Mohr was a professor at the
University of Maryland at Balti
more for 21 years before accept
ing a position at the I Iniversity.
I came to mt: university De
cease 1 wanted to come to a do
partmont with a full range of
degree opportunities where ev
eryhodv from freshmen to I’ll U
candidates exist," he said
"Also, the long-term pros
pects of the department are ex
cellent," he said "We will con
tinue to build a national class
program that the state can he
proud of, and tiiat opportunity
didn't exist where I was be
fore," Mohr said
Many professors in the de
partment seem to he optimistic
and grateful to have Mohr
"(Mohr) brings a great deal of
prestige to the department,”
said history Professor John
Nicols "He's a well-respected
scholar, an experienced admin
istrator and is very committed
to the maintenance and im
A graphic accompanying
an article in the Nov 25 is
sue of the Emerald contained
a factual error The Naviga
tors believe God is the cre
ator of the Universe. The Em
erald regrets the error
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•We will continue to build a national class
program that the state can be proud of,
and that opportunity didn't exist where I
was before.’
- Jim Mohr,
history department head
provement of th«* undergradu
iiit* and graduate programs "
Mohr admits his inlorwd lies
in policy and how it affects
specific issues, and many of his
books reflect this integration of
policy in American social life
Mohr's most recently pub
lished book The Abortion
Debate in American History
was such a book
Before 1000. Mohr said, alior
lion was tolerated and it wasn’t
even an issue
"By 1000, it was a crime in
every slate.'’ he i«l "So my
book asks a historical question
How do you go from point A to
point B In such a short lime?'"
Before he wrote the book.
Mohr said no one knew much
about the history of abortion,
and he was suddenly cast as an
expert and was being called for
interviews from National Pub
lic Radio, CNN and local talk
"I wrote the book because I
am interested In lttth centurv
social policy and this history
suddenly had n real relevance
In modem history debates." he
said "As a consequence. 1 was
often interviewed hv radio sta
lions and newspu|Msrs "
In l'Hll. Mohr, as the na
tion's ranking expert on abor
tion policy and history, was
asked to testify about a bill go
ing before the U S Senate The
hill dealt with whether the
framers of the 14th Amend
ment to the Constitution in
tended person hood to apply to
the unitorn as well as the born
Mohr testified that tiie from
ers of the 14th Amendment did
not Intend (mrson-hood to in
clude the unborn The U S Su
preme Court lias since xus
tamed this position in a num
ber of i ases, tie said
The book Mohr is currently
wrapping up deals with the re
lations of law and medicine Me
said It Is alxiut what the two
professions thought their roles
should lie and how they Influ
enced public policy.
"One thing this btxik asks ts,
'Why are we meshed in this
malpractice crisis trxiay?' " he
Mohr s other Ixxiks have to
do with state politics in the
United Stales during the Recon
struction period and an account
of a Northern family during the
Civil War
In addition to the hooks.
Mohr has written several arti
i les for various history, law
and health journals He has also
given almost ••() public lor lures
and paper presentations on the
rescan h he has done
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t t
While paper colored paper vom
pule: paper newsprint unbleached pa
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So go clean up your men the easy
way I ced it In somebody else