Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, December 01, 1992, Page 19, Image 27

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hcnrvn a
hand <11-s
f<»i a long
tunc, it has
Ian Iv g« kk!
odds of
hi cm king its sound
instead id making it
again i he new a Ihnm
c an he hi illiant bevond
most people s shut I
memo! ird expet tations
oi an insult to at t ont
plishments • »f the past
Mtci a thiee seal
hiatus, the* last thing
Io.ihmi Mamais wanted to
do was insult then
autlieme Sollies staved
hi illiaiit
Our It nit i n /■ dm, t he
Inst elloi t It out t he
Jamestown. \ \ folk
icm k hand since I9H9’s
Wind Man s Ant, tontmues
its str mg of tout fling,
powet till sotigw i iting
\nd like a fine winr. the
hand has matuied.
adding a natutal lluiditv
to its sound w it h songs
centeteti uiorr tin gioup
jams than piet es wi men
in isolation and
assembled ill the studio
I he hand s leatl
vocalist Nat.die Men haul
doesn't see anvthiug so
odd about the hand s
pi olonged absent e ll
After a three-year hiatus, Natalie and
crew havefound their place in Eden.
B\ Ki \ 111 m. The Daily. I . » »i \\ \si n\<. i < >\
Mri i I).ftll( s 4|)|M oat h to
Is i u vsi titng In (In past
she has vs iiilrn in tilt! il
jirr son. made politu al
drt l.tiulinn^ hi mesc'iitrei
an " 1" 4% a d'.s( itu I Is
M'|).ll.ilr i liaiai l( i I In
nrv. solids have inoir *»t an
in(tos|i< c use fi rl. a m use
of i otiinniMs Ikmuitii (hr
ailist and dir nimhii (
" 1 hal vsas an tnt< i«*hIiii^*
in trill foi me Ui.mv
I (tilIlk ll \lioss« «I a 1 >I( e • 1
c on!idr Hi r and mas be*
Miami trs al (hr value turn
Mil* r I vv.imi i all aid lo live
msself as subjee i maun *
Meti haul sass “In (hi pasl
I fell like I kind of disguised
msself in othn « baiat tri v
in I vs on id make* a
< (inipoMlr |m i son.this
um- of (hal exists « Hi dlls
mold but I dunk if x a
seiv In Hiest le t« nil and a bit
more iM ivmai
I hr e* f f r < ( is Itlosi
sli iking in " | e* / e hr I. " a
heal i hi rak i ug I a Ir of
disintegrating lose While
sns mm fi in die spuil of
“Verdi ( i u*s and
“Jubilee" fioin (hr |>asi tsso
albums, Mr i e haul dors
not distance hrisrlf vsith
dux onr "You lie dirrr, an
ifltioe rnl bafis I frr! like
( hr (turf vs ho is i aiding
voui fiomr. mining and
hi raking and taking in
anything, she* vivs, u rna\ In- the* Ik*s| llim^ the gnmps
evri <l« »i ic
We took some time oil bee ause |k*o|>U* vs.mini to
oigani/e (hni lives, wed l»een oil tout loi years, she
sa\s "II was like* a lime of letle* 11«>n aiiel test
111 that lime . othn ham! membe is got mauled, and
one had a * hild Willing the new material t«n»k a veal.
Wen haul sa\s K*« oiding f«»ok a moillti
'I ihmk we all giew lo applet lale what we do lot a
living, Wen haul says When we wen so involved with
tom ing, I think we all lost sight ol how enjoyable it was to
he a musician \nd the*ie s hettei communication
between the people in the* gioup It s like a shot t
se pa ration is healthy fe»t a friendship 01 woikmg
i elatie xtship — that‘s w hv |h** >ple take va* at ions, isn tit
Whalcvet mav have happened sinee the banel s last
t« mi, it v\< >i keel (hit limr in /’ <irn i alls to mind mu< h ol
the Mania* s’ ratlin work without sounding ledundant
I tom haunting shades ol then eailv new w aw songs to
Motown heats and James Blown hoi ns the Manta* s
slirh h thru 4lir.uK whir finish .11 lent
Xml white* thr hand has htought othrt
instt umentalists into thr studm fn-forr. it's nrvri hern to
this r \ trill <*i r Ur 4 t Has si ion <1 tir t s. j»r 11 ola 1111 g
priiusstnli .uni r\ri plrsrlll slimes Irml depth and
tnatuiitv n<>( set veil liom (hr hand
Paul 1 o\ s pKxluc turn «»l <Hit Itmr In I dm also niai ks 1
hirak with IVtn Ashri, who in laigelv irspoiisihle lol
tinning up thr iumlX sound with In W> /'n/r and Himd
Man s Zoo. I hr abusive but Hfrt tiv< Xshei no lulls
irali/rd thr Mamai s' |x>trntial that to mans it seemed
odd to lc*a\r him Im IiiikI Put (hr\ did, and it wot krd
IW-4 auv ihr mrmlxis of thr group haven't 4 hanged
it srrmril like tiiavhr bringing in a lu sh pan of ears and
a new influriu « of some v»it would Ik* g*hk 1, Men hant
savs "It was goo<l to woik ssidi sotnronc win* girw up
listening to thr same tmisn wr did Paul s a mush tan m
fils own tight a |a/V piano plavri s4» hr was irallv gixid
at arranging songs “
Hut Our / imr in I dm 11 ills distinguishes itsrlf in
cvrr\ h h mi, she- Miig\, tirails t mng
Men hailf sass shr f»M»k this applo.w ti altci lesiMtmg
«>l<I albums In V .in Monison ami IV<>l> 1 >\lati. who she
irah/rd ~i mild handle the* |ri vmmI and the |m ■!iik al on
a ire old and (lie* shill wouldn't lx- jarring al all I thought
I had lx t il doing that too. hut mashr I was avoiding
f*ring t«*o |misonaI I thought it was self indulgent and
lio one was icalls mtetested I i rah/rd I ssas i ( alls moved *
hs that soil ol « ontent in othet wiiteis winks so mastx- I
should tiv it mssell and not lie einhaif asset!
but. she sass. "It s not alXHtt me answas " < I his means
K I M h Mil hael Stipe Men haul s sc-ini signifn ant
othei ( an hieathe a sigh ol irliel )
“I se alwass iim iI liist pci son befoir. I’m not a single
molhei <>i a lat lory worker, hut I sc written songs hum
the |k i \|m « Uses ol these ( hai at In s (’ 1 at loi I vso and *
Maddox table ) \ml I’ve nrvei lirrn matned
Kxt rpt to the 10,1)00 Mania* s \nd now. altei what
appeals to iw a healths sepal ah**n and rrnrwetl rnrigx
the hand’s leads to give it allot hr i shot ■