Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, December 01, 1992, Page 18, Image 26

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    U. Photo Contest — Keep 'em Coming
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T hree U. Readers Win New Cars
in 4th Annual CM AC Sweepstakes
linn / rc.idit' won new C .cnrr.il M< 'tors c ars .is grand prize winners in
(hi- C .rticr.il Motors \ccrptance ( orporation’s Smart Buyer" Sweepstakes
contest, which rati in l l hr \Jtion.il ( nllrttr \fj)f.izinr hist spring
It,, winners Xtcse kalurny, Voti Johnson and Kerrs O’Brien were
selected randomly from thousands of entries from college students across
tin eountf. I hiring the past four stars (AIAI has sponsored this special
college sweepstakes program in I each contest has generated an average
of more than '1.000 student entries
I his sear \ (ir.nul I'ri/t
winner, Steve h.iluznv.
vs on -i I'***2 < tlsismohile
Ashicva S Sport t oupr.
“It vs .is .liter I found out
vs hat ts pe ot ear it vs as
that it hit mi," save Scott
Johnson, who won a new
Buiv L Skylark (iran
Sport Johnson enters
Scott Jamison
Kerry 0 ftrien
Geo Storm
Steve Kalu/n*
oilut sontests often hill never has Ini rne |.u kpot like lie slut with nis
l,MAI prize
Kerrv O’Brien, w mi» f nt j I '*^2 ( irn Sturm, was espec tally tl.ippv In he i
winner " I wo weeks earlier, another driver totaled my tar I w.isn l sure
how true it was hut the annouiKenirnr letter! . a me certified mail It was
really, really cool,” she said
CiMAt Sweepstakes is an annual contest that awards new t.M sirs to
college students throughout the l tilted States.
to the winners ot the 1992
College Journalist
of the Year Award
tor excellence m reporting
Michelle ( ampbcll
JourniJitl of the > cat
\tMr /Vr»>
Anvoru Suit l
I >onru Murph\
I »r-*t Runner l p
/ i"r Rct’tru
U I JfUwAfr
Ntoc I rios
ScvoihI Runner I p
N.-. thw -vtrm l
/ is a* < epting applications for foul lop editor s t« > seise as editors «>ii fellowship
lot the 1‘Pi V‘M publishing \rar, whic h liegim next |uiic \ppli<ants must have*
at ItMvi two Vf.us ot student newspapei expeliem* with one* \eai as an editor 01
see (ion call tot. and seme »i status o» a hac heir »i s degi ee as ot (illy l**4* a (Qualified
students should send a selt-addiessed, stamj>ed envelope to I s Wengei ot Jat ki
Hampton. 1801) ( umin Park Fast Suite 8‘JO, ! »>s \ngrlrs. < \ 00007 Of rail
(SHM r»M-1381 lot more in tot i nation