10,000Maniacs in Eden • Mudhoney Siveet • Sugar Sour Peter Gabriel Grows Stale • Ministry & Megadeath Tour II Coutut H4iw* Cm*mi I Mudhoney l\/rraf( Soul Asylum hunt-Iknuny I rii.'ti < i Beat Happening )tm I uni \fr (hi 7 10,000 Maniacs I hv / tmr In / tUn s Tom Walts litmf .Wiulttiu '* Eugenlus (hmuihimi l('Screaming Trees \.nlI >U:. -uW---v * -■ >* !*.»#» «v-- k \ \# AiU'ImVuM l K I 1 * • < V^u l S*» i ■*»!**• t->. K-M \ t 4« ttrffcrVi Kl \ I >4 * - .v* t \!V- • 1 Mini hMm t .4 HrU»4ir u\m l*r«Ji U14M.I WII S li.tuni' U\JV« l&wlt* * I WKII I .4M- . k> WM M t *4 Vlu,,:,. ^ mi I .4 k« IH I .4 Uwt.,41 ft\M Vr» ( WXM t .4 V«t|. f «<.(«»* k lltt Kkr I MU* . I - «l klMi l 4 Irxj. WIM 1 !i*.w I MM «r*t M Ml I Arrested Development Ray Charles. Aretfia Franklin... Malroim X SouiulhiuJ; ★ ★★★ F*1 I'umlling in <»| |.i// tot 'pnng srmrstri Ik i.uim- ||»r vmnv cl \ ir\s of *JOih 11 niniA }.»// .mm ♦ oituncH tal davs But two new trai kn on the soundttae k swing as well \ietha 1 lauklin s ' Sotneelav We H B< I ic e is moving and soulful, as alwavs. but the* tilth rntn mg, rneigi/eel Hat k is Revolution. from i lossovei laj* jH is Xnrstrd De velopment It s< t ins luting that these voungsteix» >prn the vnindtt a< k miim^ the tone anei ofiei mg .1 landmaik to the li\Kn< { to define wheie the powri of r a|»routes ti oin Billie Holiday \irilia ( oiirane .iixi M vtiiis fit tii 1^4 ifi.il it is 1 it who edicts this tribute to out i o||r< ti \ <• roots • I is a I* d mu nils, Kansas Stale ( olle-gian, Kansas State l Peter Gabriel Us ifiri I mm the gotghng pen ussion of f ourtrr n HI at k Pointings" to the hi ass bombast <»i "Ste am. linn li of Petri (»ahnel\l \ should sound familial to fans 1 title is ne w the album essentially < ata lognes his rlltntt dabblings and nthri apprnai he*s to elate \ ml w hde* < .aline I s miming in lilac e- (m Im< kwaieis) is n< »l mfiei e nth tiad, fe*w songs on / \ i ui as (i«%«nlv as his <\u bn wim k No( that ihnr .urn I )ii|*hpoinis Div^in^ in ihr I hi i." in * hi< h a laid Imi k mini\c’ is Iuik km b\ mvsaidhiliin I rd oulhuisis, and thr muuI.iiIn giiHivr^oiKiilrtl *ktvs lluit Fn»g. in whu li hr find* hmisrlt dttn ting .1 him lair, .iiv Mrll.ll (t.ihllf l \imI the |x tfr< t s< ►!I n« ss • »i Kl< m m| i»t Kilfii iiblitn.ito .im i nil 1 a! mgr. 1.111\ mg the Ini nut tin* nigh .1 nl t \ t |r of (InMir. union .tinI ypaia turn Bui Steam” oiuilrvti\ m%oikm£ “Me (l^rli.uimn i. .uu! Ihr Ivik n of “Washing of the Wain .in* bnidnlinc mil with dull inuMi to man h ( \ IS .» mixed bag .1 plca^ilit tirarlimll flip at It ot But c topping the i ollcgr < harts anmnd the countix. hut these k \ ko tet ot 1 with thrm Siigat just dorsii l »ut t lie- mils Lmi with its new it least , ( Hlur I hough t hr JHIw cl trio took in r \ t hi .isii mm k k*uit.u v**I « <1 with Ins r.uliri efforts in the mid- In Lift MK with Musket Du. it sum enough to keep i hr -i I hum horn being .in mmionr. te hash of the sounds of IN ail |.un. Nirvana .mund ingow i Mime aniioMiigb weak vocals Sugat misses the mat k for (Transits heir the band jilavs more like Sweet \ I ow an mutation ot something liettri that leaves a hi.ind altei taste in vout mouth lot about 20 minutes I! vou’te looking lot the teal thing, don t look hei e ■ Michelle I /irlinski. he kalahea, l . of Hawaii. Hilo in the studio Ice-T hot from pissing oft almost the entire country is releasing his sixth IP tentatively called Home Invasion Guess is Warner Bros probably will want to see a lyrics sheet betore Jmus Kme» and thalr hair. this one hits stores Feb 9 Back in the mid 80s Simple Minds pleaded "Don't You Forget About Me' to us Breakfast Club kids Well we did anyway But with a greatest hits album. Glittering Prize set tor release Jan 26. they're hoping to recapture some ol those glory days Jesus Jones last year s leaders in the we re-English and-we-have keyboards-but we-still-rock-category. will release an album next year The as-of-yet untitled fol luw-up to uoum sriuuiu ue avaiuuit: jjh vo New Order has re issued its 1381 album Movement previously unavailable in the states The IP. out m stores, should remind us all what was so droll and saucy about earty new wave Thornes Dolby no longer blinded by science, is back with a new album, Astronauts & Heretics Currently in stores, the ottering features varied and complex tunes, incisive tyncs and mercurial moods shifting from uplifting whimsy to disturbingly haunting Or something like that ■ Tracie Bruno. Argonaut. U ol Idaho on the road A brief look at December concert listings Megadeath ft Suicidal Tendencies: Vancouver BC 121 Salem OR. 12? San Francisco. CA 12 4. Sacramento CA 12 S Fresno CA 126 Phoenix AZ 127. Albuquerque. NM. 12 8 Oklahoma City OK, 1210. Housion. TX. 1211. Del Mar, CA. 1230, Los Angeles CA. 12/31 Ministry ft Helmet New York. NY. 123 Boston MA 124 Washington. DC. 127 Atlanta GA 123. Orlando. FL, 1211 New Orleans LA. 1213 Houston TX. 1214 Dallas, TX, 1215 10.000 Maniacs: St Louis. M0. 122. Kansas City KS. 123 Dallas TX, 125 Houston TX 123 Austin TX, 12/7. San Diego, CA. 1210. Los Angeles CA, 1211. San Francisco. CA 1212 Toad the Wet Sprocket ft Gin Blossoms: Baton Rouge LA, 12/1 Houston. TX. 122, Austin. TX, 123. San Ar.tomo, TX. 124 Lubbock, TX. 123. Albuquerque NM 127. Flagstaff AZ. 123. Santa Barbara CA. 1210. Los Angeles CA. 1211, Las Vegas NV 12;12 quotable “Some people still write us off as some shallow pop band. They haven’t listened." —tan Dench, lead guitarist and songwriter for EMF