M ^ nine women .ii< |iiv( m\' Hill tllfll wnne women .ill'll I lie nil * \fi h it i Mul the' ill ml li.m' ili< kind nl m \\ ili.fi hi t' 1.IM iv|ou\ pulx 'i ent'i aught in ptihlii IiIh .ii\ buigl.u In .ini'hit lilt him; I ntur, hur photo 'plead'. thi' kni(11lt.it itl'pltc' pi egn.ilil women in tfii* iv. Ittigci ii p.n lie' hi thru l.i't li line'lei. tin W111< t i li.it 111.ike' oiling 11 mplc ' londle i .11 li othel -ilounii jHiiiei ' "hi i !' III i ' < la"f' I B | he l ,1'jrs 'mi ed .m tie" ll.i' etneiged hum .111 lei I tniin tin mill ^ U KO» ln.il paek "lei kage. leaving txliind tin it 't ol die • luh hkt II ii Ii 1 who 'it' -ii home ii.linin' lot phone < .ill' and aubtii'lurig ^^ hum li.ui' out of ho H In III' .tin! Kliiilm who ' taking il.iiu e levu 111' In nil V line hot it.I igtaphei \ I n li i" ' done Inin I lelegaled to hi nidi i .it Livel i oil lei lie' i' he i e the 'till gel' lie III'I line', 1ml Rob ' 'I ill Ii inking In top hi' |IHS lieilotiti.ilti e lit Ilf). Ihat\ Ml/imi. A/ei. lihm <1 III III Mlanta motel n Hill I leml Mi h iie h.l' bli »"i mieil \llei .i lew 'Iile'lep' 'ini e liei ^ Pe el' 'hoi up the hict.in lilt .il ellteit.iiii!iietit l.tdilt t. 'Ik li.t' mi hetl Itei wa\ to the ti'i 'l.u side «*1 till* IIX »s lr talltig sea It* Ami to 111) t s%«• « .1 l r r I <1 e I » l» 1 n g pel lot ill.tiK r% in I lie: < all. 'lie won'l Ik* their lung, win* h »% w.i\ inmr than tin S/ f Inui's fleets t*m v is " YVe II ha\ r i«* see Vkhat happens. Imii I think the v%a\ im < aim has g«»nr to till ra* h thing 1 cl**. people grl a deeper glimpse into ssh.it I might Im < apatite < it she visa l his month mat ks the ielease «*1 Roh Keinei ’% eagei Is anin lpaten Soi kin s sin t esst ill til oadto as plas \!« mi e t o slats ssith I om < i uise anil |at k \u hoist mi in ha I « unis h.tsr pi riIk tetl to Ih- an ( >m at windfall 1 he stot s has ( i uise plas mg a gllh \ass latovn. self! led lx » ausr his pent haul toi plea hatgatnmg still help the militais asoid an emhai i asstng ti lal hi a M a i Hit mill del t ase Minor is a tiers lieutenant « “Would vim it, what would Ii.i|)|k-ii and what would di.u do io vour" sin- asks “It s an intuguiri^ (oiu epl I let aust tl t|Ueslioils all o! those teals dial people have in then own leiaiiondnps and the 1h nindai lev dial mil I low ( rossing boundat les, though, hasn I heen a piohlem loi Moon i s|k i lalh in die last veal when she sei siandaids loi pie natal mid I Is I lie ml anions In Mils Fait uneis and ai < oinpanving pill ilov’iaphs i the tilst v t Ix-ing vets nude and sets pie)pi.inl, die set olid set lieing painted Imds suits and huthdas suits a to< k hard vision ol post paitutll st nsiialiu I tested most ol the taboos on store newsstands I H.«Mi t out to make* .im kind ol paitu til.it temmivt Mate* me*lit; it was |UM hot* I Irlt .in .i woman vhr sass 1 ae rd mwll. and it s obvious that 1 likr to haw a lot ot lun and do voinrlhtng thats a little- mute rdgs " l he tii vt e ovt*i was al>out me* as a woman and how I fe lt about m>M*ll. im bods. the- woi Id and hi»w I lelatrd to it 11u se t one! t o\e i I wanted to lx- the* value* It all i ome-N down to m\ fe e ling ol vtiength anil |x iwri as a woman and not l>ring ati aid Munir \as\ ht*i husband. Bluer Willis, isn t je alous that the* male- masses haw a working knowledge ot his wife's anatoms W ith the see ond lusei. she sass, **\ou have* to take- it slight Is tongue m e hrrk " But she- wasn’t laughing about the e ompamon jure «• ptedilr w hie h toe use el on hri well-dex umc*nt«*d legion ot tail lit ill assistants and c harat in i/rd hri as a dommrrt mg e elc*hi its e < mil ol h c-ak Sloe ii e calls it an As the brat pack’s sole survivor, Demi Moore has turned brains and sex into box-office bucks mu.hi poiliaval I hi mils vs,n it M i nis that | I lit* HI lit'I ) I nil 111 .11 > t-|>l that I was small anil suctcssful and ambitious h.is in mala mi- a bid h I n Irl her ililo m\ liomr and into mv lilt is a vrrv sjit i ial t« k u v is nn c*i dt*v i.tire I l he* mmir tit k’mi t eoinprt muse* me* di.ii.u his nv »i rating .1 lonutix t when that's not what it s alxmt MtM.it rmphasi/rs that her t li.u.it le t isn't just .111 e qual time* tin tu.itivt pict r Ihmvm t ti ( 1 uim .uni Nit holson A1\t haiat irt pushes Iom s t haiat tei to do (hr 1 ighi thing it > st t* things and not just pass the but k and go it .1 the* quit k ti\ 1 am. 111 vi se nse*, the* mol al sou r." she* savs Ht i other film, out rath ne-\t suminei. is Adiian l.vne’s Indrirnt I'ropowl, tt^ stalling Kotx-rt Kftiioiei and Wt>od\ ll.uielson Although she- s .«tit 111it»tic*i Mu had Douglas t»i tmptvmg 1 ondiments jars with Mu kev Kouikf but she- adopted a new stralfgs tt» l**at out a host o! top-lhghl at tit ssrs loi this t <•\t tt tl role ”11 ame* in thnmgli the- hat k doot anti hiked it.“ she- savs MtM.it- anti I iaiit*Ison pla\ a voting couple' approat heel In an affluent gamblei (Rrdford t vs ho otlcis the* in $ 1 million in it* turn 101 one* night o! st*\ vsith llaiTcIson’s Ix*ttc’i halt MtM.it* savs this pioje tt gave- her the* opportumtv It. plav out a iantasv with t onr.lrs moral ramtlie at it ms 14 Helicsc inr. I will ! nn <1<> ii ayani " Uni n»-ncralK Munir's lilr isn’t all tillhulrntr and conliovrrss lVs< i ihm^ lu-i vll as "nondfilulls lia|)|>s shr sa\s. "im idea ol a viral lilr is nhwnush a lilr ss1111 slim lurr, but I want (o Ik- iinlnuitrd I want to do rsru tiling, and wln-n I sas 1 want it all. that's what I mean." ■