Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, December 01, 1992, Page 12, Image 20

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    Winona Ryder is a,.,n
hcrniiic <>l lilt* twc'iilN something gen
eration, the James Dean oi those' who grew
ti|) wearing purple polyester helihottoms
and < ante of age dming Madonna and
Mrii i*. \u I si / tifttnLi ant! / htl xrtuhon of Ihi; otr Slum ( Ir.uh not voill
tvpi* .il U rn tint) stull
Most of m\ |a\out< movies .to rinntion.il. iijvvnm heart-nut. drag 11 thtough the
sit * it km* I til mi »\ its she viva with a dai k suit It
I nth t'*i the .t< Hess has a wist ness about hei apparent tlnough htl tonlidt lit
frankness I iu ia* i dial sht s Ik * am* a ~tuovir stat srems not t* > ha\r phased hri Mir
111 tamlv has n< >t g« »ue through a tv pit a I ethn ation pit h ess
UiM'iw ini at .n;i \ '\ at ttic San I taut is* «» Ament an ( --iim i\aim\ I hratri Rvdn
va*« oIh tiM »k s« mu i »j hr t * at h tv >i« s oh* tin kt*\s'« to get * nil«»l high s« hool < lasses.
I w.»s v» mni; Imird and I \sallied t«»\o*i k sh* saw
\od \><wk sh* has I dm atioiralh she's never l<M*k*d ha* k *»<* aviotialh taking * lassrs
male! ialism.
\ rmnu .1 \tuu i
in the 14JHb k l.issw . Hmthtm, iiiM.inih
gaining ihr n Sj»r< I «*f tern evui
< \e!v\tlH h shr ** in.itlt I I movie** in
he I eiglttNr.il t.urci, m< bubug
linns HfrlUtuttf. \fnmtn
but h.t\ mg mMlrsirt* loatlriul t olu g<
I in coinpletrlv |Ht»-«»*Ilrgr anti [ »n m «i 11 < .tin »f 1. but 1 I eel like I III
queen ( ) f I ^ . k ': 11 11 ' i' ' i < < < S • i! 11 i i: d. .!»•.; '.tint 1 • * I * 1* 'ill,
^ / ) / I s| < ,
/ it ward StiiwrhiiUtlx and im*n%
Hr am Sh 4.n \ Ihu<ul(i. tnoii
than earning Im die tide
• f "ijHrni * d ! tTil ^
Hut Kwiei. tin
N e.l! old at liens
and gn<h tidd *d
tali at id r\jM*tI
I niioth\ I < ai\.
has moved
hevunti teen
I dmi 1 just It am about movie's whrit I inakt
mmies Ifsa big hie Irwin ! u.isel a l<*1 and i
It am a lot alxiut e*d»ri « ultuies mi I don t
It t I im edtn at ion stopped
I ns lead K vale 1 s (lit et I«n s have
been b
t nt 01
Martin Smisese. Inn Burton
anti I taut is I old ( oppnla
she s< lr.uk l>et ttine tin
head ul lie 1 t lass <d
young thrspi.ms
I teat III I s . \ till tv 11 ll
vtn It .iv I tint gi rat*
R o ti 11 n e 11
1 (impaled In
(lie loval
great* til
|i 1 r t 111 it *
(he like*
id Natalie _
\\ 111 til and
I illtait (.i*lt
Ktdei 1*
i iiniing id
age with a
g I a 1 e I 11 I
1 on I 1 d e ti < e
and a well 111
1 at eel pa I It
ahead id hit
\ ltd hei attse nt
he! uni aunt ahtlttv
In avoid tidi* m
llolltwnnd homh*,
she's done it .ill without
.11 i) it 111 ttg the k t * * id
death “teell *t.il " laltrl
"I've Iteett trail* Itn k\ that
I ve winked nil llltlt* that
weien I teen film*she *av* Most ' ■ f \
ul the film* that I've done were with *,
adult* and geated (in*aid a mine adult
audieut r ’
(>1 i nut**' Ktilet sat* she * vttated lit the past
hating ailed 111 a lew movies she d r.u hr I lot get Hut
aside limit those sell adnutted "turkeys." 1*1 knew when I
was mall ue them lint weie had. Inn 1 . i mldll I do ant thing alxnu il
With (aippola.
thing* Itateii i .ilwat*
been smooth a*
lellnloid though
Slated lot a role
III < oppol.l *
Godfather III,
Ktdei lei I the
set die dav she
was to begin
* h o o ling.
K ilium * were
living about
pieg naniv.
e ill o I i ii il a I
ill ug ii*i. and
pluhlems with
|ohnnv l>epp.
hri on-agaiu,
oil again
lelalionslnp i lit
the wav. it’s im lot
now — on lo I hr
point ol a hoiildri
on hrl tell hand I
Hut Ktdei sat* il was
sheet phtsu al rxli.ui*
lion and an tipprr
i espu aim t mlei lion lh.il
let I hei with a I III degi re
level and an inahiliiv lo wmk
( hhri ,u lievve* mat mil hate Inin
able lo r*t ape the hai klash, hut
nrilhrt Rvdrt's lelalionslnp with
( op|Mila not hei |xipul.lilts weie damaged
■| (eel/olhn III| was |u*l anoihei pri>)rt t I hal
one didn’t work out I In* one did and it * iralls
miledlhlr Ktdei s-lt*. dismissing ihr lopii
Still, altri all the "carrel" roles and lauded (K rlormani e*.
Ktdei vits she has no true game plan Im hei hie she has no wish list
<>i rls< I u.is going (n get Mini ") slu- tun In-rn lui k\ it tti»' ti»il\ ivists m
H.iIIwmkmI wnli tin lilmv
■Viut now mill Miim, tin noln t h.it.« let in IhuniUi. she lui iti*' |xitn l rule to t .tin
tin into adulthood in the evrsol I lollywoixt
Nim n was time In ^11 mi l ih.it hinlgr going limn .1 tern -agei In .1 voting woman,
uIm ti I was (tiling 111 mi lilt-." KuIn wn
/>111111/a tr.iUni'N Km In .is lhe mm .11 n.ilnl |i isl love 1 >1 .1 snlm live h i In 1 living
ol dim t<»in 01 tolrv pirMimahh rx-t.msr wu* ha* *» main offer* thiown at her
“I 've* Ikch rralh luc k\ Im*< auw* l'\r ju\t had ihrv realty amazing mlm tome along I
know .» lot ol at Hesse* who have (comr at io\* the problem), and I’ve heard thov
complaint* and I Irel vn> t om passionate. and I (eel almost kind ol guilty that I'm not
going through it."
(.uiltv. veah. hut not ajxtlogrlit It's good to lx- Kvdei what with tin* hot Ixnfnetid.
killer roles and seemingly unlimited |xitrnlial
l)ia<ula pl.ivru li v t *.»i v Uldin.iti \uthcm rs.
.it t usiomt-d to the* nuasiinnoimi<* ol Ruin ’s cmiIic*i
sulmihan hasnl |mi ts, nui\ In- i)xm ked in the* tnrlul ol
Ruin s i.iw v ioualm and passion
Not that R\«i«'i is about to go soli |*»m oi anything
IVspitc tiw* roll*, siu* sa\s shr s not a fan ol blood gore
and skm films and M tualK nevn lias sn*n a l)ia< tila
movie Hn lavoiiu* mono .nr about vsai. unhiding
tini iiii munv i»»’» lii.in ii lit nit hi
Itliiiniakni);. alnad\ i\ talking alxun tning In i
hand .11 dim ting
Tin vrrv inlru-Mfd m ilul. Inn I rr.ilK nntild
mil grt ahead nt imtfll.” she viv> "I vi.iiii in rrath
wan until i«‘\ mm', and I don't know whi n dial >.
going In bt
judging In In i past, 11 mm'l Ik- Inn); ■