Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, December 01, 1992, Page 2, Image 2

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New requirements
open up questions
As of Nov. 1. 1993. out of-statc students will lx;
out-of-luck students unless they can prove they are liv
ing in Oregon for non-educational purposes.
The state Board of Higher Education voted Nov. 20
to make it more difficult for out-of-state students to ac
quire residency. Instead of the current standard of re
quiring students to live in Oregon for a year, students
will now have to come to Oregon for reasons other
than school.
To its credit, the board moved the proposal's effec
tive date from July 1. 1993 to Nov. 1. 1993. so that all
students enrolled before Nov. 1. 1992 would be eligible
under the current rules.
Hut is the now proposal fair overall? As the saying
goes, yes and no.
One reason people supported the proposal was that
Oregon had lux rules compared to most other states
and it needed to catch up. However, Oregon’s current
rules are actually mid
dle-of-the-road. A ran
dom survey of states in
dicated that Oregon’s
system of higher educa
tion is not the only fi
nancially unstable sys
tem in the country, and
that many such states
still make it easy for
out-of-state students to
acquire residency.
In Illinois, higher
An out-of-state
student who
wishes to take
advantage of state
funding does not
have that same
right to taxpayer
education is also racing
a budget crunch. But at Southern Illinois University,
students need only to live in the state for three months,
which they can do while attending sc hool Other llli
nois schools have similarly relaxed standards.
Washington state requires students to live in the
area for a year. Educational purposes factor nowhere
into the equation.
That is not to say that Oregon lias the* tightest re
quirements either. Some states, such us Texas and Kan
sas. have requirements similar to Oregon’s recently
passed proposal. Texas requires a student to have gain
ful employment for 12 months prior to receiving res
idency. That employment can he achieved while at
tending school, but employment must be considered
the primary reason for living in Texus, not education
A better reason for the residency requirement is to
give longtime Oregon residents their due. A taxpayer
who has lived in Oregon lor many years deserves ac
cess to an affordable education. An out of state student
who wishes to take advantage of state funding does not
have the same right to taxpayer support.
The problem tor hackers ot the proposal is to deter
mine whether a student is coming to Oregon for educa
tional purposes As Shirley ('lark, vice chancellor for
Academic Affairs, said. ‘There is no formula for estab
lishing intent to live in Oregon." Will a person he a res
ident if he or she has a full-time job in addition to
school? What if that person leases a house? A clearer
standard must eventually he set.
Ore got i Daily
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• ST/MulAT£ ECONor^
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and /wat's
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Transition OK
Thv Ktyiistor-Cuanl posed the
question "Is transition too
Ions" on Nov 2'» I am in agree
merit with '/'/re Rt'ffisti'r-Ouard's
final conclusion An 11-week
period lias indeed worked well
in the past 5d years since the
20th Amendment, the so-called
"lame dui k” amendmenl that
her ame part ol our Constitution
tn ITU and moved inaugura
tion day from March 4 to |an
One must lake into account
the many appointments, sui h
as Cabinet posts, sub Cabinet
posts and ambassadorships the
president-eler t must appoint
He also must negotiate and
plan his lobhying legislative
agenda with the new Congress .
Stefan Stent
Come out
As <i man, a win anil a broth
er, I was disgusted by the be
havior of tin* I’lli kappa I’m
members who worn present .it
the (Nov :>:i) press confer
ence protest Where were they '
Win were the\ not outside to
stand up and acknowledge the
responsibility that thus all
share in their brother's atro
cious deed'
I am m no wav implying that
all Phi I’si members are rapists
However, if brotherhood is the
basis for the fraternal system,
then all of the members should
have been outside to acknowl
edge and accept responsibility
for their brothers' actions
I thought it showed a im
mense luck of character to have
the members peering out of
darkened rooms like small chil
dren while three women, who
cannot even lie members of the
fraternity, stood outside in the
cold and attempted to defend
the entire fraternal system.
And although 1 don't agree
with the arguments that the
three women presented, I ad
mire the courage they showed
while not only facing the wom
an who was raped, but also a
large and very angry group of
Fortunutoly for tlic Phi Psi
fraternity. those three women
had enough courage to shield
the little boys who were hiding
in the windows The fraternity
is also very lucky that the
woman's family showed more
restraint than did their brothers
and is only tailing for their re
moval from campus
Had it lieen my sister, there
may not have physically hism a
house left at which to hold a
press conference
Ebon Brady
This letter writer, a political
scientist and a student of Amer
ican foreign polit v in the Mid
dle hast, has written over the
years on the duplicitous prac
tices of the junior senator from
Oregon. Hob Packwood Most
recently, I lobbied my follow
Oregonians to i ast their ballots
against him
i nu\r siuuitru i m »
record and campaign tactics
during his 24 senatorial years
In one word, he is ruthless and
running Purkwood's success
lias been based on two issues
support of causes that attract
women voters, and uncritical
support for Israel to attract
money from the American Jew
ish supporters of Israel,
Our junior senator has clev
erly fanned the flumes of wom
en's issues and supported Israel
for his own political survival.
The recent disclosures of his 20
years of sexual harassment of
women speaks for itself.
In the 1992 election. Pack
wood sent a loiter not only to
Oregonians, but across the
United States to solicit money
to continue his service to Israel.
In that letter, the full text of
which was published in the
September issue of Harper’s
magazine, Packwood. a Unitar
ian, speaks of himself as a Jew.
In exposing Puckwood's odi
ous behavior toward women.
The Washington f’nst did not
mention or criticize his cam
paign letter This might be duo
to the Post's aggressive pro-Is
raeli stance and its reporting
standards Howovor, Pack
wood's ambush of women and
his use of Jewish religion and
people is reprehensible and
should be questioned.
Wo all have to stay vigilant
and expose dishonest and cow
ardly practices in all spheres of
lift;; our political survival re
quires it.
M. Reza Behnam
Rauch speaks
I am writing this letter to
state dearly why a protest was
held on Nov. 2d against Phi
Kappa i’si fraternity.
First of all, the protest was
not against the individual re
sponsible for nty specific ac
quamtunro-rupe situation. The
individual Involved In my case
took matters into his own
hands immediately following
the incident Ho acted in a way
that was both mature and re
sponsible, and I am satisfied
with the outcome of my situa
tion. He is no longer affiliated
with Phi Kappa I’si fraternity.
Nur was the protest against
the graok system I was protest
ing against the fraternity i’tii
Kappa l*si whore an alums
piteru to rape. a huso and harass
women is not only condoned,
but is promoted by the mem
I’hi Kappa I’si was instructed
to hold rape seminars and con
tinued to drag its feet until an
other woman was almost raped
at the fraternity itself Kather
than educating its members,
this fraternity would rather
cover up incidents of rape and
abuse. Had I’hi Kappa I’si mem
bers and officers changed their
behavior und educated them
selves, this protest would never
have taken place.
I’hi Kappa I’si fraternity is
still not taking responsibility
for the actions of Its members.
It seems as though the members
and officers of Phi Kappa I’si
will not listen until they are no
longer affiliated with the Uni
Niki Rauch