Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, December 01, 1992, Page 10, Image 18

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    MoviePreznews • Winona Ryder Sinks Her Fangs into
Dracula • Demi Moore Satis Body Paint • Video Releases
IU SA11 \ mi N( A
I huh f <*ugnr, [ of Houston
Hollywood IhijIU »s irlrasmg (hr good
s that !< >>■■' flUtll <« -«ds ill n«>H
\ ■ ■ ■ ■
sitidiu> ,ii«* getting thesr hr.tw hitting films
out I s to sijtirr/r f lie til if* Uiulri 11»« 1 hi ai
deadline loo had thc*\ .ill uon’i inrri
\* ,ni« min viaiHl.ii(h
I Irtr iv .1 jh rk at wli.it I Inllv^m *i thinks v%ill
amuse the m ill brats tins holwliv sraMm
The Distinguished Gentleman (Hollywood
kddu Mtuph\ guarantees .1 laugh altat k t«»i
audiemvs. trtiiming to his «on man «hara*
trt I homas (effrtson Johnson tuns the
gamut on a« trnt.satid strtrolNprv as hr %mt ks
the ultimate Main Ikit Johnson tlocsti t have
!i 1 Hum about g< tting i aught l*< a use hr \ at
fhr one t»la» r in tin l nitt »i States where tak
ing iiuntc) fiom iiinormt people »s lrg.il
( ongri Hs Mtuphv s sil atght man is (iiant
Shattd, better known as Milrs horn Murpf11
ih . v shaud lias l« < n iv|M s .ist lilai.mth. hr
is the know it all iicui«»tu who gets wrbailv
abused b\ Mui pin thddte. not Krown
^cem Of a woman (universal riciuresj
\\oung gm leant* how to expelicihc* the
most tKit of !it< liorti an oldn gm during a
weekend jaunt in \(*w N«*i k t it\ ! heir (! lx
tons til that male htHnling Mult, turn **1 sxinpa
if»\ lot the i haiai tetv ami d sou make thr
voting guv liM»k giMxi. vi»u II get tons <»l ti« ki t
sail' I ruin the women 1 he oldrt man is \l
f^»t ino, tltrvtmugri govts( hml) Donnell ti
vuj»j»ovit to lr a drama. so wunduKh is going
todir oi grt M iioush injuirdoi have lmho«r
lictwrm twoctiiLtih de|tte\xiiigoption*
Trespass (Universal Pictures)
h r I. Bill Paxton, William Nadlet and hr
( ulx Mar in this llti k about two fit mien who
get into trouble while looking it »r stolen goods
in an abandoned building \fter thev find
nioip than just the g«*<MU, thev end upon thr
wtong side o| the l«n al h,»<1 glivs
I hi\ movie "as t ailed ljMXn\ and was sup
posed to tome out sometime last summer
Wondrt win it didn t- It serins l nneisal
thought the release might bring trouble and
Eddie Murphy hopes The Distinguished Gentleman will keep him smiting all the way to the bank.
viole nt i s*. ihr studio will open n two davs
before < hfiNiin.iN \ o, there won l hr am
problem* with that Drt rinbrt is thr last
month of tin seal and supiNiscdh has fewrt
violent »1tines Ills hope things air a lot ImtI
trt than I hr tumultuous o|«nmg ot \ntfink
( m
Forever Young (Warner Bros.)
Mr I (iiljv >n piii • ho hot 1m *1 on n < m this
lost lost moor (.tin*Hi plavs a l‘M‘i daredewl
test pilot who is m lose. hut he. lads ts plowed
down bv a t at and ends up in a coma beftWt
hr tan miitnhlr the magu sorth. “Will >ou
main in* (*il»vm sduiat u i t an t viand thr
thought of living without her so hr asks
(»eoi g< Wendt ! Not in tioin f >wro to ttrr/r
him 1 oi a \rai Fift\ vran lain some kith thaw
out the wrll pit srrsrd (»ihv*n. bunging him
into thr moclri ti world Ihr kid who opr in
thr frrr/rt just hapjK iis to lx* thr von oi the
nurv who tales foi (»ib*ons living lost lost
What a siiokr o! hit k Somehow thr 11 tis get
iiivolsrtl. and their are some t have s< rnrs
SIhh king lot a (.ihson film huh I his should
hr a inlet able movie, it \ou ir into kissing
hugging and Mel ( ahson s hair t first
Moffa (Twentieth Century Fox)
|.u k Nu hnison stars .iv jimms I lull.* in this
banns brVito film about the powerful
IraniMris 1m»w who piobabh ended up as fill
dirt undri (.iantv Stadium Hie Join and S he
Penguin tram up to chronic k* die lifrof the lop
tnu king dog imtii hrv itt< rption as boss until Ins
mysterious demise 1 k \ tto < imrs two unihtrl
las m dm film, one as dirrt tor . the other .tv
M lot | )t \ lto plass the )Jll> who l«*oks al the
I rtlv ami visy t hi want me togne up 11* »fia
Yeah, like the (litre uh of thiv «ur touiake temv
of moiies niiAtc is going (ogive it up
Leap of Fafth (Paramount Pictures)
Mrtr iv a item about a touting rrvtsahst
mnmtn that pet lot im pseudo-miracles anti
take* donations Sound fannhai' ( an son sas
PI I \o dm is not a iritin of |tm and 1 ammv
front the lunns mast ara dass duv is a flu k
with Sieve Martin hr hind the pulpit rtghfin
tfir wrongs of life Kansas mas l»e the downfall
of Rrv Martin’s ministries. though Die town
hr has c hosrn to sutiliu/e rs piai tn alls drati
h s piohahls the trailer home si tornado
dung ) Kansas might Ik- (>K foi Doioths. fmt
Sieve is gonna fiasr trouble dine B
on the set
The Robert Downey Jr audiences knew trom Less Than Zero and Chances Are is history
Downey hasn't retired, he's iust been waddling around like a duck on the set ot the film Chapim.
a picture where he portrays the great silent comic And the transition trom teen brat to serious
actor hasn't been an easy one
I leel like the I rst 10 years all ted up to me having just enough experience
to be able to take it on and try to make it work" says the 27-year-okJ actor
Making it work sapped his energy and required all his creative and artistic
"Jus! even the body language, it s not American It's about a British per
son It's real different," he says
Downey says his talent came a long way to do the part
"(There were) so (many) technical improvements to be made on Robert
Downey Jr so that he could be Charlie Chaplm and it's kind ot like new and
improved Robert iust so he could loot the bill" he says
And after portraying one ot those great artists, tie says his acting never will be the same
'l can't ever realty do another film without preparing tor it m the fashion that I prepared tor Chart*
wtuch was doing a tot ot preparation so that I was free to enjoy it when I was doing it as opposed to
going m and winging n a By Greg Srisavasdi. Daily Brum. U of California Los Angeles
video calendar
A brief took at December releases
Patriot Games, Paramount. 1124 Midnight Clear, Columbia 12? Lethal Weapon 3, Warner
12 2 Beautiful Dreamers. Hemdale 12? Fire Within, New York Video 12/2, Universal
Soldier, Live 12/9 Housesitter, MCA 129 Until They Sail. MGM 129 Operation Crossbow.
MGM 129 Adventures in Spying. Columbia 12'16 Clan Act. Warner. 12/16 Poison Ivy.
Columbia. 12/16 Prelude to a Kiss. Fox 12/16 Hellmaster. A I P Home Video 12/16
Boomerang. Paramount 1222 Hansel & Gretel. Paramount 1222 Big Girls Don't Cry.
Columbia 12/23 Butty the Vampire Slayer, Fox 1223 Sex Crimes. Atlas 12/23 Talons ol
the Eagle. MCA. 12.23 Out on a Limb, MCA 1223 Oh What a Night, Columbia 1230 Death
Dreams. Columbia. 1230
“I wasn’t out to make any kind of particular feminist
statement; it was just how I felt as a woman.”
—Demi Moore on her exposure in Vanity Fair