Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, December 01, 1992, Page 6, Image 14

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    Grades by the Glass
A cormfcat-on oxWte ty-twr-en flr.wJr point awrapo
alcohol ooiruimptioix accwilinf.to a
curvcy at 9&3Q1 -tudcrtv Acimfnr.terfsl
from lc»S9 to 19°)\ at 78 colta^c-v.
the • duily examined the tolaiionnhio
between GOA and the number of drmir,
consumed each week.
uu nva
( »< ! .1 had IrM gt adr 11JIN uni 1 laving .1 dtmk
(ot i<mu il.*i!«*n m.iN not hr thr wistM thing to do
\ in ( in siifxrv shous studrnts \Mth I* tu 1
1'iadc jmini .nriijji > dunk a loi mojr ahohtd
than ihov uith \ of Bavnagc*
Hv m»i\« \ Htandaids. Nil k l ahhtm h, a I of
\ I t 11)0!it Jitniot diolild have (ailril long ago Hut
P.iltlmu it has a I J <.1' \ and va\s hr t onMimrs
ah*nit J 1 diinkn .» \xr« k I think that < nllrgr
stud* ills drink a lot nmir than thin siiivc\ s.i\>
the > do hut thr\ it still ahlt* to maintain a
it lain t t\ g« h wi ( #H \
I hat iii.in hr but Slat r\ Kt \nolds at ting
t \t i utnt dn ta toi nt the \m< i n an ( omit il foi
Drug I duration. \avs dir statiMn h air on targe*t
I heir »h a lot of truth in that thru grades sutlri
il dir\ an dunking a lot ■ 11 rather Mr^Juillrr.
fi(. Xrun, Bowling (irern Statr l
^ Is the party
really over?
1 astri n knitm V\ l *
I H Mll.il I IN .IN .1 j Ml IV V hi K i| III.IN
t*e (tuning to .in ( nil Its home*
i itv in puning othriN nationwide
in ihc struggle* to < hangr thru
Nt hoot's image's and (let lease
underage i < HisumptK m
<hiatvpK.il llmisd.i\ night m '
Ku hnmrui. students I mm not
oill\ i .istnn tint alsii the* t of
Krnt'.ji k\ Moiclic ad Van l
and I i atisv U am.t t , ma\ he
hnttitl paitNing downtown, on<*
i*| the i in Is plat vs w lirt e
underage students ma\ rnt« i
But a irgulatiou adoptrd ill
Septemhei h\ the state
\ 11 oholu hrVf i age* ( on t Idl
ptrNrnts patntris tindei 21 from
rntri mg tun n that ro rive less
tKt.iti v> (M iirnl o! Hh ii gloss
lew - it tic -s fioill food Sun r it
went into edict I Nt*|»i bai
owiich have found wa\s t<i
Iwjuvs and. in Mime t .iM >, deb
t!t< irgulat ion < >ih* fui displays
.1 sign ill.it saxs “IS .imi above
writ ohm* IV.U owners lefused to
i « minimi on llir ut*w regitiath »n
! kind of ihink it s stupid
I hex it Still letting eveixbodx
in. saxs R.t< h.irl knight an Is
vr.il old h rslun.ui who goes
dtiwiitown on Ihursttax my (its
\ll ( k (• iIm'I Sllipi isr sWt» J) lv\
tin \|U < aught vAt't.il students
off gu.nd but dkin t driri tlirin
I torn irtuniing \h .in Spi.igrtis
a sophtinioir .it th< l «»t
Kent in k\. has kit krd out during
Ilu* swrr|* but saw hr will
< on limit to go to K it hiuoiid
bats ■ Susan (*a\le Krrd,
t astern f'rogrrw, I astern
KrntiH k\ l
Quit that day job - this one pays more
If juvs in lx i si mV lit l»»!\ |in-Mill ill in I VH nt.i tin v il.i'' III (.u t, it |i.ivs .1 lot
I til 1ii|i sitIIti l 11 t\ri hum's III llu Siiiislniir St,Ilf m.tkr itmitili mplr .mil rscn Itn
Unit's ihr s.il.i!li's * il tlir tilt'll 11 HUlIrrjMl Is 1UUH ntwiik1
Knfu-in r Mnv.ill j»irsMU'iu ai Mmiki.i \.v t .
,i \r.»i ,*s siuiifiii ImmIs pfcsidrnf \nd Stovall savs that nm
|N’um «»l tm vilajs is jusiiticit Ik* ausr <»l dir irspoiisdwlltics hts
|m »\iu« »n rntatls
Mark ISihd*» v»ns hr has lots «>1 i t-sj m himImIuh n .in \%rli N rt hr
makes »iti!\ $J ITr» atilt* l “1* alitoima I ns Xn^clrs I hr
m.i|oiiiN «»i student c \c*t iiiin( s .it iitiiNriMtK s have simil.it
duties with unu h lowr? <«»mjKMivUioii Honda State* l student
U*d\ l*!rsnit nl |<Mtlfir Hr Ilf 1 lakt S HI $l».<WMI Ui.it \ limes
what ISirdur l n RikIiicv < •lass makes
I hr dr* tston «<»n< ruling the vil.ii ic s • it ihr student «»f!i< la Is
v.incs, delimiting on the s< l»« m*1 \t I \Ml Snwail ^ vilan ns.is
Roderick Stovall
.utpfmrd h\ \ u r rrc\tdcni foi Sludrnl Allans Ki« haul i laiiM i
awl the tunvriMft ntrsidc ni I l.unri lain said hr madr a tutstaki It I uppitncd (that
salat v ) then I'm Mite it Vk.is a Ihn" hr viid I lainn irnr^nl < »n lhai adintvsi. m the
iic\l da\. t HU;.; S«. a all s i isj m »i isll nlittrs as the K avm !«»t sin It a hti'h salan • Ihossaiii
K»hImi»im*/. Honda Hamhrau, Honda Stair l
^ No books, no students, no problems
\rsilctt in the it|>|m t ntifthvsrM tomn »»f h*w.t in thr hr.tlt <>! .1 l.ikr it s«*tt is .1
m\thit .tl v h<w*l« lilt <1 flu 1 • tj < )k« >lx >j»
) i< >tit >1 .ti\ dr^n <■ h« 11 it hit it I’t cMtlcnt c .« «»1 y; * Bush, h»! im 1 <
.ithlrlr Bitit <• |<*titirt .MUI l »»1 h >\s.i hxHh.tll <«*-»* h I h»\drn Fn
1 hough It h.t% .til tin .h 11111! 1 r ill f ill s «»I .t 1r.1l t nllrgc
iiit 1 utii n^ 1 shuts. s|)oi is tournament* and 1 tun it hi
|i*tt tit s < >k<x>|i has no ical rsl.Ur studrnts m »law '
and ‘"adnnnist!alive ollit rs" arr It Mated in ionndrr
11< iman Kit iiu i s \toir in Milford Iowa
I hr ahsrtit r of an at ilia! » ui i it uhiui dt »rs not
ta/r Kit hit*i, who in tinrt toi of stutiriU afIans
“No what it fhcit if no t lassrs Mr vi 14**1 tin
|>ro|»lt and a jn»\itisr altitude. anti rvervone has a
ltiiH\“ hr saw
( iLoIhijis foot ha! I tram, tin H^htin^ Phantoms
t omplrtrs its srasoii on Nrj»t il even vrai I hr> pla\
tin winm*t of tin Iowa Iowa Siatt game and Nebraska
anti Not it Damr I hr s« hool exists to < a in pus \ Nims,
tm mi:11 rsen il the dates ■ it thr Iui; names do nut
People .11 tu.ilK think it's .1 1e.1l tiling.' sa\s I mil Kn htrt who 1 Mated thr
iimvrimi\ in !**7ti with Ins hinthrt “I <it example. ihr\ 11 ill'll! snip .it the 11.1111
Ourrii .mil ask wili n' the kappa house is
With swi lls n| |m 1lr11t1.il students and .1 posinxe tr[xnt limn rdiu ahon ottii t.ils
the lullin' || X iks hi Ii^ht till the lit tu lulls tiimrtsm Kappa In illv 111 nut
I miillimnt s up. tuition s down, in me u! the I at nils wants a 1 .use and the
\( \ \ i It in d mu hitliall Irani llt iiii.in Knhlrt sals ■ Sara K.pftteiu, /7u
Ikul) Iowan, l ui hma
^ No sale —AIDS
cards get the ax
\ \r*vs A < >i k man who xav*. hr i«»
help >r> th< N|>ir.ul of AIDS on t ollrgr
t all i ptixc x foi $20 a pop Is hrlllg
lunc d hum \rlling students a ( aid th.u
identifies thrill ax I IIA negative
Hit \r\x A 01 k Suptrmr ( mil t has
planted .1 irmiMuan uxtiaimng oidri
againM t hr is I ntny>i isex loi selling thr
< ai dx on \rw A t »i k c ollrgr < amptisrs
h 11 k < )\ r 1 s. \\ h<» t anic up with l hr
idra laxf xpimg, xrllx xtudrntx a < aid
pi inted with thru Hl\ irxiilu*
It x not toi jxoplr to think lhr\ air
going to grt inoi't xr\ IK t atlsr thr\ have
tin t aid. < >\rix \aw ' 1 hr point |x to
grt {m «*plr to go in to grt trstrd
hui a spokesman lot thr Nru A 01 k
altomes grnrtal xa\x ( hrix ix pirung
on ft mix alfciut thr disease It x a pints
xhamriul rllott to 1 ap 11a 11 /c* on thr
A UtS m an x.»s x Rk haul ilut
Krxidrx ( otnrll seiiioi Alan Shaw
xasx, thr taid dot x nothing to stop thr
xpuadolthr \ll)Svuux
“Aon miglit ax s% v 11 give* one to
rvrivlxwh Ix t auxr sou i ould nrsri Ik
xillr whrtflt 1 thrs an HI\ jH»xiti\r of
not ■Jrft Selingo, Ike Ithacan, Ithac a
► Boxing for cash
takes a major hit
I wo months ago ( htistophrt Smith
rntrirci thr ting to parti* ipatr in .t
mm in mu ir hoxing m .& i«. Ii What
happened thru* howtnn , inav take
him a lifetime t» »mrn otiir
Smiih. J V a Puidtte I scnun
underwent 1)1.uu suigris the* das altri
ji.ti tit ip.iting in tin l,Nth annual
“Bolin IV.nils.’* a philanlhn»p»« boxing
Now thr um\nvit\ ma> put an end
n» thr t \i ni And offi< ials elsewhere
are < <iliM(l< ling lii«' safety of like*
1 hr national < haptet of Sigma Pin
I* psiion cameled its ' f ight Night at
Northern Illinois l two weeks aftri
Smith was injured
IaM \r.ii thr l .4 Florida halted its
1 .r>\rai-old I Mixing r\rnt lin ,uim- thr
uimei sit\ feated students c on Id he*
l lomi.i Stair l . though, uMiiimm
U t hi>ld its Mam I sent
I hr matt hrs thru* ma\ hr safri
than those* at Purdue hri ausr of
tnandatorv vim turning hv (hr Honda
\wm taiioii «>f 1 mte*d Stall s VniaUmi
Itnxiug f ightrts must undergo three
mouths of training non-sam Honed
csrnts oil lx mjuiir a phvMi al exam
“()ur assot tattoti has not had a
sci ions in jut\ ot t 111 at anv «»t the*
rwnts vt t >|>ottsoi . saw \nk
( iminciitu president of the*
,is>< m lation ■ Mike I-ohash, Purdue
h xponent, Purdue l .