mo« across m mho* ► An end to boogers on Ren & Stimpy ? ! hr irlniMnn 111* k.« is to hl< .ind the vidc'iiiajM* is shoxed into the \ ( R For months the Rrt\ Cr \timfr) Shtur marathon has been .1 ti.Million in (>kl.ihom.i State l s IV< illicit Residential Hall I his voting tradition. h< rwrvei rna\ wioim»mr t( > an end With thr it* « nt firing ol show Dim tor and Ri»m1ui rt John kin lalusi. mam tans arc* wondering il thev‘11 ha\r logo elves*tirir to (ind this (juir kv t\|x-«*t rntn tainmrnt Some* Ians think tlit lutui < «»l the slum is hleak ‘ I think \ot 1 II ha\r a hum h ol tor|m»iate suit t\jk*s that aie going to tix to make it wat k\savs Rant/ 11« »sr lr\ a m 1 iioi at \N ashington Stall 1 Nk k( i\ }t »\ mukm |ih 1 human .inti (hr <»thn ( >hlahoma State wan I his < haul vsith the I s.»\ .ill the tutu I r\rn put it «*n .<11 of mv notes 1 ill the past Vc .il t olle^r stueie Ills have lulled 111 to vsatc h .tmfll.ltloil te sts the' limits of taste students s.iv the- slum < irate- s the ultimate < hilelhood Um^c is aiicl f.uts Ixin^ piogram staples I’ec »plr 11 impair me with Ken sav s < )klah< una State* si »i man “I shat r a Ixnui with Ken slu »\s Sc »me I hut (inoii imghi f 1«»i won likr .« i oiiiplmic ni (<» iiiohi Ken in .» siobhrnu^. |mi.ui<>mi Nc iinm «nf< Nir ti*.uum ufm^amctl .t I* > 11«*w ini' bo .him- *»l his unmtic M» \n an < « 1 mutn u»n t i our te w «»i Km I.iIum Hut thru hm l.tliiM \ no longt i with 1 tif* slum \|t krltHtron tn<- ( ami), is in t haigr •>! cnMini^ tin sho* s lontuiurd Miurvs ( amn is hoi king on nine in vs r pivi xlr s Ini t his mm von " \\ r it going h» « on limit' lo 111 It ill 0111 t oinmiinu hi toi I nr\s fj)iM *drs Me vainit 1 van lhis season lint C* \ttmfn is on Saturdav nights and Suiniav mornings on \n krh»dron N it k< lot iron it It a mm I vrvrial nrw kindri. grntlri ad\rntm rs < >1 thr uiistuah hrd dun m Migust I o mam Rrn \ Nlimpri s. 11 k hiding l of Kansas gi aduatr stiitirnl Mai k \\ hifr. tin nrw irlravs vsrir pair imnations < >! the 1 ral thing I was it alls divap|>ointc*d. \\ httr sa\s “ I hr shovs usrti to Ik- a git al mi\ o| sight gags v>uild flirt Is and tastrlrvs lull not I hr fiist slu ivs 1 >1 the* nevs m.ivui just hat I < tnldish huiltoi I he < hai ill of Hr* 1 c* S ttmfry is tin unnjiK ai t st\ !< null tin light m mini rllrt ts and musu ■ K\lr A. MiUrr, / tu Ikuly (¥( itllrjfuin, C kklahoina Stair l . ► Movies you just gotta see When Joel Hrllri. .» New YoiK 1 ’ M iuoi ukc s h»s v i rrnpl.iv s to \ tiMHlutm, hr hopes fhrv II ii €.«<]> have his Mu»l See Moy ie i alend.u on thru drsb Hr I In rxjin ts ilir t alendai . published l>\ Random House-, to for a L “hoi holiday gilt item this L scat \ t least one 111 in produce! hasoideied HOC) ol (he nationally selling < alendai s His 1W.H Must See M< >\ ies daily < alendai trtmrci ihr “ullimalr Milro irniri 's umipamnn" was ( teated t»\ >Hiilcnl ciilnpminu Mrlln and il «>thn whins .mu m< t\ it \ ic\s t i s f .i< h teat ulj page iiu hides iht mmic ' tunning time*, suggestions for siinil.ti movies .tnji the* l»\i V\uh nut h (li\ciM' films .i1' I fir (•uulualr, l*ump l p iht Volutnr at id \tva / jis \ egas, the* main t ntena lot st lrt lion was rntettamment value*, lit- sa\s "We want |K*t)|ilr to 11 list the « alendai like a 11 tend win* knows eveivthmg alwmt mmies.” I lellei savs \tltf ( hut k 1 hrsnrr Heller’s etht« »i at K.tudt mi llouv savs its a gilt that lasts vs til Ivevond a veai Not onh dt»es this use fwith sides ol the |>a|xi. hut thru* is mt entivr tt» save it and use it, lie s.i\s ■ Donna K tgsdale. Thr Brrrzr, James Madison l ► Spreading holiday joy Mam i ollt-gr stiidriiii famom lot partving and all-night < ramming [nil a\idr ilirii lxMii.1 and Ikci\ dining lln- Imlidaii (■■ i|>md tumult" volunlrt-i In mi mii tin 11 iniiniiniiit-> Mint nmding dim t amptivs I hr t animus here is .1 sris giving (oiiiimimlv and almost even-one |).tt tl( lpate s III dltlrlrnt hllld laismg at tivitirs like loud and < lot lung drives," vaw I <-«• Saugstad. a senior ftaiemitv tnemhei <>( IV ta I beta l*i at the l of Kansas I hr ( habad llmivr at the* l of Massat husetts otters students a plat r to mingle and Irani timing the holidavs. saw Voclirved Ailrlman. uMitiet toi of tire house \nd halt-i nits hiothris horn a Bouncing for bucks at Vermont vuitrtN ol religious hat k^foutids wdunteei Ihrii lime at tlie* I of \\ ashmgtt m "We vc juitulpated in an annual ft**! drive* t«>i aUmt five* years to gel food out to those m need.” sa\s I laws Messri . assistant so« lal wnnr < liamnan foi Alpha 1 an ( )mrga “ I fir brothels Irani a lot about themselves, othris and diffrtrnt < ultuirs vshrn thr\ spend time helping othei [M oplr ■ Stars Malone, lkul\ (W/rgfian, l . of Mavsathusetts