JOHNSON Continued from Page 7 knpw I would miss basketball. I really looked forward to the mission." Johnson returned from the mission with many concerns Only one of tho players re mained from the team he played with two years earlier Oregon also had a new head coach (who Johnson didn't even meet face to face until this summer). Moreover. Johnson was 25 pounds heavier than he was during his freshman year, and he wasn't even sure if he would even be able to play or ganized basketball again "When I first heard Oregon fired coach Monson, 1 wasn't sure if I still had a scholar ship." Johnson said. "It was a big relief when 1 learned 1 still had my scholarship." Actually. Green didn't exact ly call Johnson, tho coach called Johnson's parents be cause the Mormon Church trios to disc ourage missionaries from receiving incoming calls "I called them and told them that wc would in? happy to have Aaron play for us,'1 Green said. "I had them relay that message to Aaron ." Then there was the weight problem While Johnson was at Aloha, he tipped the scales at 200 "af ter a tug meal " At One point during his mission, he weighed 250 pounds "I was so busy, I didn't have time to run or do any exercise, for that matter." he said "1 ran about once a month It was really weird being that big " Last summer, Johnson was able to knock off 25 pounds, but an ankle injury a month be fore practice began caused him to pul some of that weight buck on. Three weeks of practice has Johnson in bitter shape, and he feels comfortable running the floor for the new-look Ducks. In Oregon's opener against Can borra. Johnson scored 10 points and muscled his way In for eight rebounds Green couldn't he happier with Johnson'* performance so far "I'm really amazed," he said "He didn’t touch a basketball for two years I'm amazed at the ground he's mode up Johnson said he knows he has a long way to go us fur as getting hack to 100 percent, hut is satisfied with his progress Being the only "new” mem ber of the basketball team has lessened the pressure Johnson felt being a former state player of the year "My freshman year. 1 fell a lot of pressure because I had such u goixl senior year In high school." he said "Now, 1 don’t fool nearly as much pressure, because no one remembers who I am " Becoming a household name on the Oregon campus may just bo Johnson's new "mission " HOOPS Continued from Page 8 coat hing st.iff they're readv Export Creen to uw his on tiro 10-man roster this year "Wc'ro going to play all tho guvs.” Croon said "In this system, nobody’s going to l>o able to play 37 minutes " Antoine Stoudamire avor agod 20 points for tho Duck* last your and returns for his son lor your Sophomoro guards Orlan do Williams and Johnnie Keece will also bo looked upon to fill it up from tlm outside Williams averaged neurlv tO points a game last season Koocn is a point guard, hut his strong point is his outside shooting Senior Andre Collier will share time at the |K>lnl with Koe fore going on a two year Mor mon mission lunior Bob Fife is hack af ter redshirllng last season Fife is tall at r> foot-11, hut he only weighs 2U'> Junior Jon Mitchell and sophomore Damon Runyon round out Oregon's 10-man lineup Guide to Eugene/Springfield fashionable (Pecvcftna CASH FOR ROOKS We've Expanded Both Store Areas! Two Convenient Locations 768 E. 13th (campus) 345-1651 525 Willamette (downtown) 343-4717 BUYING HOURS 9-5, M-F 9-1, 2-5, M-F 9-2, Sat Smith Family Bookstore OLD fRICMK viTAa 0 CGnhrj>Of