Breakfast Special! 7 10jm to 11 'Opm Meet to cat at 7U *2.50 ► Mon. Cheese Omelette ► Tue. Pancakes fie }■{$* ► Wed Breakfast Burrito Supreme ► Thur*. french Toast fie Kjys ► I'ti. Strawberry Waffles Atk athsut .Wi>n4r; Sfet uif 142-2241 • HS4 I -ill I llh • Nr*» to kinktift At Rainbow Optics, students are at the rainbov optics 343-5555 1740 West 18'*' Jus! west of Clumbers 343-3333 766 East 13th One bkx'K from U of 0 MEN’S BASKETBALL PREVIEW Hoad coach Jerry Green hopes to gel Oregon lent beck to McArthur Court this year. Green brings new look to Ducks By Dave Charbonneau Emerald Sports E cldc* The Oregon men's 11 ti-am was greeted by 4.00(1 dtsl icated fans when it entered the floor of Mi Arthur O.ourt for the first exhibition game of the sea son It wasn't the wild, rowdy fans tile “Pit" is used to having A fi-21 record the previous sea son will do that to fan turnout Instead, it was a crowd of ob servers They came to see just what exactly this new lerrv Green guy has brought to bu gann As lor Green, he was observ ing as well {Timing off an as sistant coaching position at Kansas, Green was used to si-e ing packed houses This night he got his first true look at what tnay lay in front of him: a team without tradition of expecta tion. But Green saw the positives "As soon as we sat down." Green said, "I told the players to look at the crowd I wanted (hem to know that someday we ll walk out and this arena will be lull 1 don't know when that will happen, hut it will happen.” Until that day. the Ducks are puked by virtually everybody to finish dead last in the Pacif ic- tO (Conference Green can't control that; all he can control is the way his team is supposed to play. Green, who took over as head VISTA Volunteers share the vi sion of a belter tomorrow by making a contribution In the com munity today. Brighter futures take shape when VISTA Volunteers mobilize and develop community resources to address the many faces of poverty. After your college career is com pleted, VISTA offers you die opportunity to put your education to work in realistic settings. VISTA Volunteers learn life skills — skills only a year of unique VISTA experience can provide. VISTA Volunteers are assigned to project sponsors which may be private or public non profit organizations. Vol unteer activities may Include, but are not limited to, organizing food distnbu tion efforts, creating networks to support BE A VISTA VOLUNTEER VJSTA literacy projects, or designing pro grains to coinbat substance abuse. In addition to acquiring valu able and rewarding expv» i*v “* 136 E 11th • (near Willamette) 342-3358 Must be 21 or Over Monday Nov. 30 $2 Acoustic Soda (fcafuriog member* of MW) Marty Tuesday 1 $3 Magic Circle Yantra Wednesday ux$? TBA Music Starts at 10pm Open 4pm-2:30am Mon-Sat