Oregon Daily ElTICF-foot-9. 200-pound for ward would have to wait a couple of years to prove lo Duck fans ihat fie was, indeed, a money player for Oregon hollowing his freshman year, Jofinson had a Iwo-year reservation in Sail Lake Oily, preventing him from playing any sort of organized basket ball. The two-year break from basketball was neces sary liecause Johnson is a devout member oi the Mormon Church, and. as a Mormon, he was ex pected to spend a two-year mission in Utah teach ing, learning and experiencing the Mormon reli gion This season, Johnson is bm k on the Oregon squad, with hopes of becoming a valuable asset in Jerry Croon's up-tempo style oi play You could xuv Johnson was, and is, a "man on a mission " "It was hard to drop basketball for two years," Johnson said, "but the mission was something I had planned for my whole life, and although I Turn to JOHNSON Page 9 i i CUSTOM PRINTED T-SHIRTS Lowest Ratesi 896-0101 Experienced CRIMINAL DEFENSE HUGH DUVALL Vetabud & Clark. Attorrwyj PC 345-3333 DUII. (iriMtti I«• si O. ftMisc* t>ruy (>**ftmi b\ th<‘ Stuiirni Hctillh < enitf l *(tti tiU}rx OPEN HEARING All Members of the University Community An t Jpfwtumiy u> ('onwtwn' on the lV«*p»*e*l ('hang* for family lb*.s g/Apartmcntt I liability Kecjuirrmenu and Priority for Asaignment WHO • I aimly Houaing/Apartmcnts. University Housing • WHAT • v -n-p*f',.amy U> K*nm«nt on pfta*aed changes in the eligibility end s alignment of family Housing'Apartmcnta • WHEN • (hi Ihursday, December ). IW2 • • beginning at 12 pm mun end concluding at ^ pm • WHERE • The Urn tinder Kean (betnerty the I orum Rnm) tn the I rb Matunul Union • • Written ( .*nrnmu may tie submitted and mutt he received by University lioutuig on or '•>»« S pm Thursday. I Vrc ember t, 19*>i Written connvoiu may also he presented U> the I (rating* Officer during the Hearing • WHY • I •- -ipirn! Umventty atudenta Siccas and ««ppKru*ntuca f>« hurting tMigrunerUj in the Ama/in, last Camp-ua. and Westmoreland family Hearting areas • • fo ensure that assignments give ptuaniy u» applicant! who are eligible for financial aid • University Housing An Affirmative Actual. Itjual Opportunity Institution. C<*nmtUed U> Cultural Diversity ^ CREATE YOUR OWN T-SHIRTS FAST let your imagination go wild! Photographs ♦ Artwork ♦ Slides ♦ Drawings ♦ Anything you want as a T-shirt ♦ Custom design services kJnkor 344-71*4 Ope# 7-Mt4niffcl • 7d*yi I'fmpus Start ME. 13th Art. Arrau fro® thr l of 0 Bookstore ^