The Purple Ort ban I ik»*\ by Dan h ike* Roswell T. Abernathy, hapless loner, and the rest of the people in < trtsville are at the mercy ol their spiteful creator land everything else around theml in this celebration ol the absurdities ot life [ trouti, rW/ff\ TV liiratxtf Vi ) rr> Ytui- (ft inr> / P*TT ntft-rs / S'J*«rr SMrrW. / snoMi.y A rt/rw-ofr; » TUHiV r *1 * ^ jifOA jvbf >. tXPWfSS vw*' ,-W/ . T»» . .WS rvc r»/*r or o*> *&}*£*?’ ±& r is: ■ >v ktm novTl Pc ufcA | VO/G / * rw,i? / r I 4a, ASinWAuT I 0 L JCtfM**** a. U.C • *t ro L-/*r :a- . tV tH* Ktr,r 0( Pi, ( t'A*. t v “M A* f V uJ04M&N T / bit# r*f It-AVffT* ** r**ieovHr*Y srts* iff •*; f*t . . i^rr v ' •* CvXPvftAr e 4ajc■ *'Hf4*v * Vf Voo a 8ucir jr : * r r> ,e Ait f , , 'A N f ' *, /4 , /