by Ron DiCtiart llv s feisty, he's alienated, he's Chicken Bird Prince of Poultry! .\s both a victim of society and a menace to it. he calls em like he sees 'em! <)ther hall baked characters in this foul play include the wisdom ot Science Duck, fearless Captain Plu&f. and Susie the token chicken chick' C3 II SiSeaeg fi > W Ops.' ou mm tjOutM f\A.TWff J t Kf*M> r*wC. *Ai i/A&Lt trrrtt ftiULO, rni*p'-Gtol>lA. -jasoaj, %7tc/r you* j^A FiMjfC lJU THIS }—/ I OF tiff** HOto tfTTW**>, twfevs! far Atoncf Homj' ]-^ ±crE*JcE POCK'S f/A*iff mures the ntKA rioAT TO THE EP6E of -THE 6o*ol! * Of cajist. rou MAt> A Plot of VMf C*J rovf nAJ OU> JtlCX, AKJO OOt tVAT UJIU ffCtUtAff yOl>M, -yAiOtJ! Ou*. *■* *] icu u*TH v>"t Of r J THf MDAK*i iMjTtltuTf TO r~"^ \ TfA^OtO.' UCUI CLAS rtx4 hm*>S f‘*MLY 6**i (UOTT hou IS A^A/aJ THf ftfff/i Rlffutp 1 "OVA'S. OuR »V{ RO, Apr Aim PlUCrCy , 8f6AlS CLASSES A scf^ce" owe* /WfC VT ^ * f iOCHlt t>v< K , *Asi(CLtC>R ', ) Jj *+• V 7/jOV «■? coiUCiire! // > SOc'ff KM« fOH ST<(T \^ ^Tf **.' AS 'Xv^ f ffON S ^ i bou K(JST 8f*T -vf»t WTJ) /I &R<(< m#i.t| :t 'MfS/ / W CfiKST / ret* st A , rweivC < Vt ^fiD. \VMWfS/ [A(K -Time ■500 S,V^5^ -*vk hl(AV. I'll CJV( X>v a LtrnK CfA'X SA"SfO jn mOvJ nAfp Xu H'r twt *OAlL ! I'LL Ttu -]OuR CfApfS J-A v\(C,APuou£ f •XU j-' -- - rrtO* r*o«-*t ; v\J ^TaT?£ JL iHOt5 j OK.' 8oT« hAkP S CAj rur MALL! TAK( A 8*f/rrv, A*JP BfOIM1 FANTASTIC! DOJtX' AH A" K# that OAjf! youft 6, P-4 Ui 4.o! OK nm/r 4 r?*CALl^ . ft 5^ vAh.MviuO ^ ^tfrifurg AMWT(W6| TO W”S £ajUI(?OAJ _.A' / V.fwr; r//♦!£- teRjiyu A COMPui'ioR'5 , -' TT* AlCOHOOC _rv» 3t i/f P *6f ' 1 ,1 AuP Bffoltt W /T~ I **u VJC' s W VJH(W