Jjy Hosier by Jay Hosier Hank Spelunker lives in an an^st ridden, neurotic world and he never knows what unusual situations await him around the corner Hut then atfain. when you're a spelunker, you never know what you'll Imd when you >Jo exploring in the dark' deck' lL_ VKNOu 1HA1 ICA'. A !-'I >• Kf YIN6 fv,A^ illi'u i U MAVt Htf N 1 ' i i. ir-tiNtV, HAN *■ / W* N"> IHf t A'■ 1 I •;nu >r ■ ha; 1 * , V i'AJ_L>v — ••. _ w w /I U fJEV£R GCT A ' WyFRieNP.AU MEN vWANT AS^HoT BABES ofte day youu tfUT * guy THAT lAN S£t BL10HD WHAT JOU LOOk" UKty ""—y — [7^ -twot CMf DIDN’T V / iwi time you open your mouth THE STUPlDlTY JUST FLOPS'' “The last thing you see before kissing someone." NO OjiBlS Litfc TRC'TVI c'MCN, HANK. VjHC AR6 Y°u KlDfMN(i’ /OU'Kfc l0nV. STUD AND YOU KNOUJ tT. I6t K, WOHfc N A R t .1057 INTIMIDATED B> i - '" 6>00D' l-00h^6> h s you Best friends are trained to lie