Nov - D«c 19 9 2 Voi. 1 No. J Publish^ by akgo mar ENTERTAINMENT. INC Tomorrow s Comics * is a publication of Argonaut Entertainment .Inc Copyright 1 **92 All rights reserved Tomorrow s Cornu s-* is a registered trademark of Argonaut Entertainment. Inc So part of this publication may be reproduced «»r transmitted in any form or by any means without the written permission ot Argonaut Entertainment Iru Names places and institutions are fictitious and any similarity to anything real without satiric intent is a coincidence Nufemissions: loinorrow s i umitv. ihensh- and carefully reviews all standard submission packages Please send 2o 2:» e cample* mo original*. pleas* of your cornu strip or panel as ;t would appear in a daily format a I page cover lette r describing the strip panel and its t rntral c Ivar at ters and a sell addressed stamped envelope iSA-SK 1 if vou would like vour work returned Latter* to the Editor ire welcome Please include vour name address and telephone number l etters selected lor publication may be edited lor purposes of * tardy or spate Tomorrow'* C omte*A c/o Argonaut Entertainment. lae. 455 Ivelta Avenue Nude Cincinnati CJhio4522t> Telephone r»U> *71 AKl.O(274oi President • Editor-In-Chief Harold Tiegrr Vice President - Creative Director l-ennv Dave Vice President - Marketing Harry Klkus Director • College Advisory Board Ann Laucr Administrative Aasistant Sue liar her Aiviion 1 \ Jai kson. Kvj Jim Kacltn OesignMftrk. Inc Steve I mho It Michael s Color .service David Schansbcrg Corporate Prey* Service K K Donnelley & Sons Company t Printed in l SA) Tomorrow’* Comic*® i* printed entirely on recyclable groundwood paper. Save the environment. Share thi* with a friend. Ask and you shall receive. Vfr asked you to \ote for your favorite new comic strips and to tell us why you liked them. Mm did. Mm asked us to keep the magazines coming. H4* will. Happy Holidays! I hr Hmw X I tin Ini'! ifmit < hiiiiu Irr'tirul t i< I'llrni timing! lomnrinu \ ( \ irrih ' l\ tin outstiinilim; forum for ru n Ullrnt Heather Umv of Vermont (Hutu Sprlunkrt is t;ood t'Hout;h Jor thr Sun irunitsiol uimtriii s SHildas lomorross s ( Hmti s is tin < 11 ellcnt nuitni'inc anil I hupr h< si mini Aaron, Univ o) Cal -Berkeley "I has f lenti l s Urnt to Kfht’vr Strrss liungins: over ms desk It keeps me s>oimi1 I also lo\ i ll ( Itteken Hods SslUibas I torn Hi ll /hi\ mat’ll, tne is t;reat' ueiana. univ oi Aianama t'omiirrow v Cumin \uts sofunns that I Uiut(h?tl out Inutl What a vi tHult-rjul \u[>plrnu‘nt Scotl Carnegie Mellon Univ Wurped Speed seas deiinitels the funniest lymee was mills itend too t in impre ssed It 's funny, s et pertinently topical. . _ , Brendan. Umv of Illinois v-.v/ /ht' humor in n on fhir with ( itlvm A Hobbt'\ Your rruu;ti;irn i\ a i;mil collection ot ru n c omn sin/) humor James. Univ ol Colorado / nulls identified with the characters in Makirn; The (hade The Art of Lis ins’, and ( lift A Huhin Cindi Carnegie Mellon Univ Makim; I he tirade is a perfect same ihitl i:olles;e students ean relate their own experiences to I’m not sure whs I liked Moose man. hut I dul / sfiiess sou never see cornu strips about super hero wanna he s I his is a ^reat ness infusion of comu strips for the W\. Bill Umv of Alabama 'IjeadhelUes and Spelunker were sets funns and kept me sfiffiflins; vers enjosahle readme Wendy, Emory Umv '( iiff it Rubin reminds me of mans business and pre Insi majors nil brums and no social skills ' Jill, Umv of Alabama "Spelunker's nostril and zipper seas something / think everyone can relate to. I was giggling so loud at Warped Speed in ms Hiologv class that I had to put it down. This is a great magazine'" Stephanie, Umv ot Colorado "Isadhellies was gross, honest anil absolutely hilarious' I he brass tt- fern is truly a grand depiction of our modern social structure • plus alot of yucks Kris umv or Miami "Everything in ihe Art of Uving mas so true’" Amy, Emory Univ Thanks again for your comments!