13th & Kincaid • 346-4331 • M-Sat i Children s Saturday Celebrations Upstairs at the Bookstore Bring your children for an hour of story, a crafts and play.This week's theme is 11 ImI I i ft Holidays Around the World. 7 12-1 pm For Ages 3 - 8 OFF LINE by Rick Ball APT6.R Y£AR-3 Of txPlX)ft.ATlOM, ViCK.it AHO' TitXT PIUD THE. "PRlMPtRb" GRAVE.YARO. THI FAR SIDE By GARY l ARSON L*l»(, Edna »» lofced lo »ell her boitael* sprout houie Oscar the Freshman by Neal Skorpen Oscar the Freshman is taking an extended Thanksgiving holiday. Calvin and Hobbes bv Bill Watterson SVS'iE CkN I COPN ANSV&85 ? BECAUSfc twO GtT tiUS ] A GOOD GRADE not 5! wiruouT DOING ANT NO«< SO Its, WRONG TO GET REWARDS: *X) NMEHT EARNED I 'ft HtVtR HEARD Of AHSOUt *WO COULOnT L \_WE W\tw THAT 5 Chocolate £ Italian «*- ^ Sodas oO - U E At The Espresso Cart ^ now hxaNd at rn# ^ Carlon W#«t Sid# WK) Mon-Frt 6 30*m-1 Opm S«t-Sun 9 30«m-l0pm Cappuccino AD SPACE AVAILABLE HERE! CALL 346-4343 FOR DETAILS! \ Doonesbury by carry trudeau ueu, rra w H )V i 4 | n% /*? nr a*/ r Ofl rhtf* | . ' ^ ’WUSMt¥ &0& t\ l rtf UM » ‘>!ANP>XlrtP to har mt «v*. r<' «/kv . Mjrtuw ■< ffZMtS HAW tffiH ■fm, M/NtTt >uht fitth ixunw. ytrr.n.M • /// ’ K>IVi* ' ilWJ FOP “ THf CAUy TAPING A1 n AMU Kf iT’ If CAN'T HUKT. 1 1 CROSSWORD By Eugene Shaffer ACROSS I Corn* ».*»• * 4 f m(*d 7 a.,i > Rft/vwn l b 11 Cofpotftt* »ym>bo< 13 A/* you ft mfto 14 Kftftt*. 15 On IfiOhvft dftfivftlrvft 17 July btrth«fon« 10 |k>U>y GokJ&boro tvftrjftfkftr 20 G'**k Ifttlftf 22 Sfttvftd ft U » ft»him< 24 *0ft» L*d f rOft* compowf 20 Moo»« pftrty’ 32C<*d 33 Su»p«nd 34 Suxy oI « 36 hUind o» 1h# Innft# 37 l»yh| on on# i »••! 39 No* Ml l*> 41 (Urt*lon* bailowaH ol 9? 43 Mixtfi Poto 44 R«ad cutsotity 46 I >«puty 1 function VO A f«g 1t%h S3 Dototad 55 Boy >n Dogwood & n#tghfcot t*»d 56 Hu« Ou 57 UU 56 CaUtfvdo/ quo!« 59 Ottoman govoinoft 60 f to# 61 N«*d you —V DOWN 1 Untfttof 2 Sunday oI yo»® 3 l rtwary co^ld 4 Court 5 NitiKbOf of N M 4 ' I h# Ouc>W#* kxaU* 7 l mmy 8 Biocfc of 0 Socwty rHK*com« 10 Pm 12 lH®ai®i ckmk* b«oo coU/t 19 Ron up !b» pte>n« Ml Solution lima 24 mm Saturday's anawar 11-30 21 frt to# 23 * nlarvgie mingve 25 (toe ot Dorothy* COmpen on* 26 f mmnut WlQ 27 PatfOAUf* the tiook motxto 26 Traveity 29 lea* 30 Oklahoma ctfy 31 D'taotote 35 Muftc to Mano w*!« % ear* 36 Wapiti 40 Matter 42 l A# 9 <*peed*y) 45 Un attorned 47 Otoe 46 ?)p#n»rvg day7 49 l «ncMt*r I « 50 PuQtohc ptoy 51 I «pert 52 Kid'* tncet*enl query 54 Margery of rhyme