Oregon Daily Emerald Call 346-4343 Before 1 p.m. Today To Put Us To Work For You Tomorrow! Copy Acceptance • !hc ODfi reserve* the right to revise. reel**ufy, reject or cancel any ad at any time • political ad* arc payable in advance and muvi show clear endortement,» e "Paid fur by (Adveniwtr)" • A cample erf all mail-order nemi muit he lubmiued prior t*> the publication of the advcrtiirment • No advertiimg for term paper tales of editorial writing andAtf research writing will he accepted • The ODI* will not accept adi containing a I 901) phone number toi GREEK HAPPENINGS FIJI INFORMAL RUSH 0 to raw A big teton BUrar gam* Tuaaday, Qacambar 1, 5 00 pm AT TLNTION Al t GREEKS* G/anA Waa* Comr*-.",«o Application* nra out* Trwy car tw up #> So*ta *> Doa lu«w> Dae * to Su*a 5. 1 MU Gal ■oviVvwr M w - Pa Km» 11S TYPING SERVICES JO THE TAPING PRO Wooj PrQOMMngl nt or* l im< MMOM arytma _ __ Paggy'a Typing Sarvtea I. ipanancad typrsi otter Mpvcaa 0O IRM CCKOpOtOr •iy««n' fTWl aw pnr*<* FiOfti UA’«rt Call Paggy at JAjMIMWI PROFESSIONAL T YPINO A>uj w*vu prurmrung. «1«*ng fro* PKjtuftOafavary McKxlft 915 t eft? THE WORD SPEClAUST Si Word Proem* «ng * DwMop PubAMung Grad Sctxxtf Approved I amk pnrtiad adfmg. graphics (huoruuom thmm. raaumat* uampa/arv ***. A rr'or*1 CINOY 4MJ4S4 TYPING UNLIMITED Barbara Land — 44V3M) Sarwng IX) araa *«nca 190t R l,rni)l -i.oHm.i h'fftyyu tl»« rn.l .4 yn*_«■■!»<_ At M4 om. ROBIN A GRAD SCHOOL APPROVED. ?0 yaor Oac* ground T #r m popart f u8 * »«m« tar vica f damg l a*** pr ON CAMPUS* iwyswwaew! j eanf*«kx>t>»o •pacoti aw poga ?4 j nr turn around f r«« ca*Tpt« p**» Printed text lo computer Wei W SlClAlNl NiETRi S| JJ5 JS0d‘205 W 5th NRfct# 344-4510 gilAIJT V WORIlpRfX ! SSlNG (Nutx’tfKMKn *m^w>fYH>nr utiiJ. Li. u^iU 605 E. 13ih CflKtant umkJ UwcfN**p w*r» »** aoarch and poiikh fmai dr«n 34S0621 i jo FOR SALE MSC Aquarium, haiagon. TruVu. 28 oaJ Bluo back. *A\Qnvm 3S0 pump So w^rvucc and iaf? ft*h Invosiod PW Soil ky *2?S i ya o' in* Slorm light rung am Rough! *or J200 Soil lor $50 Andy f*B3 823S Brand Naar CAf-'lornia Pro SkAtos Niro XT. bio 11. llOCobo ‘43 2933 Chn* CHRISTMAS WRI ATMS Huy ocsa lor yOw?k*»' or b&y Thar*s lo your parang Wo do vt* to i*m» US S20 2fS 344 afl40 (Rrandonj_ GUBARS GALORf 1 M vcai am* of *-J k nds Also camoras ami s-’orno*. Buy and So* Conte/ 361 W Sib Hollar Madaa ’or *g*#» tH TRS 9 Hani»y boon 0sod Askrvg JSO 060 Call Chris as 46S 3/89 tM FOR SALE MISC TATOO GIFT CERTIFICATES NOW TIL JAN 1 *t FLj*ijr S*. ag» • Stucco T«eoo o*Va/* $iOO aon-Naoo* tor only $90 Gross k* Q*8* Ot }U*! Mvt 10% on 1*00 4 pxoflr.^ng **xj maga/nm Studio Tatoo ion W $th Cogon*. OR _ $4S TAT?_ UNKJf F ilH«3 Nmtvn* CMOron* f und) cA'fH ana g*tl* or> um m lJO Boon%Jo* ncm \hfOuQ^ 0*c 1? 10 4 (Sm 10?) Buy, Ml, 1 rod* W* Bo ft wtfyday Tho Cloth** Hot—, 7701 1*h us BUY OR TRADE CASH FOR LEVI 501 JEANS up to $10 ••€*!' Aj*o buying t o/ti% Good Qi>«Wy J«fl foot* Omnm A csMfft *K*a to 0*1* Tuoo. Fn Soil 14 Its Monro* 041-446ft us CARS TRUCKS GOVbHNMI NT S* 171 D *or> $'00 F o«ta, M«*rad«* Co#v«n**. CNavy* cmptut tK/ywn guKhi L'*v FFOOOi »< S964?_ 1966 Bajq Good v»>apo l Owu' *. P»r'1f,iOf' hfar* < A’P«0< f$un$ QOOd f>s>*« oinau& A».*.r»g ?o# $1500 oOo C«’ mt 5a;« 2pm I9#*i Ma/da 6261X f ..*f •,i: pot art uv CM vomo n*»*p $.400 *V) VW Squ*** Back. body dam *qq turn t if pa*H $3*5 247 STILL AVA&JtBLEI* John Maddan Football 02 fat StGAGENtSIS l», cal Soon HUM1U_ __ TLA 5 SctantHic avcviato# I it mtom* cond*tpy 40 mg HO COAX VGA monitor ***• naw $6.50 OtX) 344 1344 170 SOUND SYSTEMS CASH1'! Wo buy *«►;< a#ici %oyv*o» VMS VCtt * and Mwaoa T Nom(>t.on f iOClYOnxa» 1 12? 34 3 Hi* /;» JVC TO WAOS Dubtxng Hack <*>> J morMn* o4d us«! 7 mos 'wmr on &-m> as UO Boo**to#o $295 onsiy $215 060 ’ 34 S <#M 7 us BOOKS CASH FOR BOOKS Two Coftv*m#nt i ocAlton* Wb £ I3»h S?S Wiliam*n* (campus) (downtown) 143-4 71 7 BUYING HOURS • S.Mf »UMH *2. %m Smith Family Bookstof t90 SKI EQUIPMENT Snowboard* Burton M6 JftOcm. I Ku Ortdinpt AsymmwtGoo% 6?75 obo *&b 1*380 aoo RIDES & RIDERS Rmpona£»4* drtvar wnrwai to *h*ra rn YOU U*nar a Rofe*»Oft O' Arorm Thoff'O Pn3di.Xl«On Vd.S! inaUntvaritfy Than** Bo« 0*t*aa, oatittd r tn» lobby of !?*» Rob*n*on Tnoatfo Mon I' , ' 3PM i»*> tor t*M» STjcJ#ni Boi Ow«ca Mg* Aupn# Abbafl or JN* A3»5" t Mg' Marlay T«rfta*mar. Jo Ooayn® part o! jn« Un program C*& 1206•S4S4lSSa«» AftOfttf WATERFRONT JOBS WSI 5U#nm*r chAJran % camp* NortheasJ TO«n and women who can taac* ch*«*en to swim, coach *w«m taam. w«'er*x isu« tomtr 9B3 WOMEN can or ante Camp VEGA. PO Bo« 1771. OtaDory MA 0733? (61 7*934 6&36 Wa wrf Pa on campt^ik ?/1«3 Irom 11 4pm m I ha ( MU. Cadar Room* AIR Plan ahead G'eanhousa worn F w* t»ma »*C|u>rad March through Ju*y T rammg ? 3 days par ***** January and February Actrvo wor* so must be phy**ra#y U Respond *» creative * school pn> loot i i or mat group* Vanad tub jan areas d y»j novo an hoof a weal o' on hour a day. ptoaui cot Cathy (anuarmow a) 807 3277 lo> luRha> ntarmaion Tn* a your chanoa lo mahg a d Mmo today1 SUMMER JOSS Countaionmuppori uafi (NOwi i com patio nha*«l top salary. RMEIOdounOy naval al ooaoc* Mu« nova tk* m ana ol in* loaoanng aanvai An.-axy. naaaOaa. «•»«!>« Beyenng. Craht. Dane*. Drama. Drum. I anang. f ot] Hochoy laolboii Go» Guitar Gymnava. liar hoy HonaOac* njmg Mur* toot. Jogging. Kanaa l arroa*a Noli**. Photography, Piano Ihochal'y McnarOladmg. Hopa* Sal boarding Swung ScuOa. Term* track, warn* Wa-gitn Wood Support u«n luMian hiov'artl'wo'wt. oahort coca* Bo» dm*#*. marmgnanc* nunaa tooManoh MEN cat or arm* Camp Wtnadu. 5 Gr tana. Mamaro rack. NY 10S43. f#14)J*1 MSI WOMt N can o' onto Camp Voga. DO Bo« 1771. Duibury Mg 0713? (61 ?W34 6V)6 W* gull be on lamp* ?’,V3 kom 11 4pm tn tn« I MU Coda' Hoorn* A t B TENNIS JOBS Somm#f CMKSr«n'« camp* North***** mr an*j aroman with good !«n/v* background who can teach Chicken 10 play Jarwws Good udttry. room A board tray* Mtowanoa WOM I N a& cy anna Camp VI GA MO Bo» * 771, Du*t>ofy MA 0233? f6i 7)934 6V)6 Ml N ca* or «r«e Camp WtnatJu, S Gian i ana. Mamaro nac* NY 10S43 (SM4>381 *>383 Wtwli Pa on campus 2/1 V3 Irom 11 4 pm in tha I MU Cart* Rooms AIR SAI1NI0C IS NOW MlfBNG! The fotiowvng powtor.* *a avaaabla Co-Da actor • 2 poaJUona Advertising* ur»dre*a*ng Managar IVk up * application m tha Worn an % Cant*. Su«a 3 EMU App daad ana Mon. Nov 30. 3 p m AA/EOt 215 WORK STUDY GREAT JOB Racycfcna Aaaatani a ant ad »or W'.ni#r and Spring larro, corf act Campus Racycttng « 3461329 220 MOUSES FOR RENT 4 B1 OCXS FROM CAMPUS 4 B wood! am wrdvta tn aupor floor pfon 2 BEDROOMS. 1 Vi BATH • But 10 Campua • Swvnnvng Pool • WoBKAnnauHm ■ Sounaa »49SA*51S/M0NTH At* about Nov A Doc Spoaat S C Eugano (Donald A FoahoBow) 687-1318 SPRINGFIELD 152 South SJnl Qua* MW buteing 2 bdrm* 5 )90 319 C SlroM t bodroom laundry $300 No pats Shown by appolntmant SPYGLASS ASSOCIATES 345 W 10lh U6 1IJ0 Cwtpui Apartments Furnished. 142 Bedrooms. Fed rates $37444*0 445-2423. Fumrehed 1 bdrni Ava-laWe tor W*n ter Term I5tt» and Halyard Reserve now'*84 90?2 Historic home, i pi us bedroom no do9*. 1605 Roar $495-mo on site laundry 485 360C __ 1440 MHI • Mirge 1 bdrm. upstairs Very mas. quart. super cioar $450 'mo 343 5094 1 bdrm turn Very mce opt to quart bmttng Covered pertuog. laundry, faevmontn 1200 Ferry Si 343 3318 1 v, BLOCKS f fK)M CAMPUS Studo. on sne laundry. $305mo 485 0790 Redwood Park Apts. Quiml. Country Living With City Convenience Untumlehed 1 idmi $344. (starting Nov 1) Low Utilities On Buaitna Equipped Weight Room. Spa Wood Part 4 Playground Laundry Fee times Ala* FumlatMl •ullea Studio. 14 248 $600 lo $47$ Individually Decorated Completely Furnished Everything From Cable TV to linane For Bed. Beth 4 Kitchen On Site Management Teem 4103 W. 18th 484 5775 ^Jennings + Co UMVERSTY MANOR SOUTH 745 E 15th You can'l bear the pneas on 1 bedroom jmts 1 woo trom U ol O iprary Ca« Itch tor rantai rales «! 343 900? or pager 465 0502 GARDEN TERRACE APARTMENTS 1403 Carden Roomy two bedroom etoso to campus. AVAIL ABIE NOW11 Qv-e* nmghOorrood only $465 Ca“. Paul tor snowvxj 344-1 7?t Jenntngs'Co 2 BLOCKS TO U of O RESERVE NOW!!! l.lm Rod Availably Call Don to «t 344-5695. to •M v Immaculate 2 Dttm\ ? story «k,pi« * ideal to* 3 o# 4 poop** W Pfvato PASO® wortoo* ng !h© Mfl'aco fpodoa k* 8BQ®) » f’oaco'uf. wotf 4H and vaio • Great monthly rata** MU RACE APTS _ (Bahmd Tracfctown P*iu) EUGENE MANOR 1 A 2 bdrm, great vow. jJd «X(. •toning «i 9455. 1050 f arty S* 464 7441 15th A OLIVE light. prght and ipatx^ng studio and or apartments c*»k« downtown locations. starting a; 9366 mcSudM moat utillia*. covered pA/Ong. 95 W 15th 484-5633 590 COBURG ROAO 1 bdrm condo®. My appfcancad. laundry courtyard view Sm«l pet OK >399 485 6991__ 240 QUA OS AR otiMtws nciodad Largo room, private Pair across from campers 9275*10 Avaia&i# 12-18 687 6729 RARE OPPORTUNITY Ne* t clean uiws AvntaMS la W.rset lerm 1.2 Bloc* !o campus, turn, um pc, greo! ierwits Oep $’00 No loo '360 Ajne* Si 345 S949 240 Vary faw Urn1 Now'v mkirMsNkJ quads w** p<*vat« aniranca (scauant tocnion Morun !o morth !«narcy Onfy $209 *nd utd 1750 Wiyard Roai Is*** NodhwasJ. 543 4109 $??6mo. 1 Mock from com put haaf uttiflias *nckidatf. avail 12/18. ma* un* OA>y 342 7561 & Jennings f Co QUADS!!! CEDARWOOD QUADS 441 E 17th Pnvaia room*. AIL UTILITIES PAID, on *«* laundry, only J?3V?50 Call NOW 686 MAO 245 ROOMS BaamHul ylaar in woadad araa on Spancar* Buna, bus arxass. pool, sauna «8S ?457 Room in Houm Sfwod Kitchen and twin. 3 Wits to campus. $l85^mo, o>i heal and mHitios included 345-4155 255 ROOMMATES WANTED ChAM ViMaga, private Path, smoking ok. V* mile from campus on bike $230 ♦ $50 dap Prorated for D«c 484 5130 Neat and clean Mf roommate Oase VsHage Apts 2 fidrm. 2 Pa. $312 50 mo ♦ Vi util liawrtey. 686 1 754 Reeponsible, clean roommau* 10 share 2 Ded'oom apt. 1 Woe* from campus $?5C month « » uhi-taM CaH 683 1 58/ lor in (oryx** 1457 Patter eon Qu*»t easy go ■-§ household $225 1ft! mo. $225 las' mo ♦ $87 dep Ava*! Doc 18 Ray. 3454524 265 GARAGE MOVING SALES Must ••li' Matching sola/ toveaeat roefcer glass end and coffew tuples Great conege luml ure: AN $600 0O0 485 4715 Final ahowa TONIGHT •1180 PLC Lmwrmncm Kaadan’a m?IMIB© * * * * * 7:00 pm 9:30 pm Vera MtUs * hmnw Suuttrt m a lohn ) ora classic The Man Who Shot LIBERTY ViLSNCE >2 students w/ID, *3 GP doubt* fmoturo: $1 mor* W I kkoi W»ht(is Ml M MMDON III! HiMikin MlhliMhHklM. A BRIEF HISTORY OF TIME •*W*r ’»<•«, W1NNERI BEST PICTURE AND BEST ACTRESS 1992 CANNES FILM FESTIVAL IEST INTENTIONS] LATE NIT >0 t* *xi) CS MM 11 4C1*«V N^*r \*4%u ** SISTER ACT wmoopi cot obihg 105 HEALTH & FITNESS OANCEJAM1 A MW f gotftttftng to workout OOOy. mtna. »nc ipint WwwvMyi 7 30 1 0pm. Conooo Softool (181ft A S3 ko SERVICES DISCOUNT MEAT OH. COMPANY Want 10 uva on yoor o*> ^aa!-7 G \j% a am, al M S 4166 Pragoani? Need NHp"7 Fr«*»* preoruuv cy um»! Earty cttadion C»i BIRTH RIGHT 667 »6S<