Oregon Daily MONDAY. NOVEMBER 30. 1992 EUGENE. OREGON VOLUME 94, ISSUE 62 Pfxxo by K»m NQuy»n Senior Kurt Heimbach presents e prospectus for his Honors College thesis topic on the European Community. The pressure is on in Honors College j Students say Honors College offers education — and stress — of elite schools By Chester Allen Emwald Hftporlef Miriam Grossman admits sho was going a little crazy. Grossman seriously considered hiding in Knight Library just be fore closing so she could spend the entire night researching a new topic for iter Honors College senior thesis Her topic choice was due the next day Grossman is one of at tout 50 Honors College seniors who are pre paring their senior Ihesis, which is required of all Honors College graduates An Honors College senior thesis often requires the same amount of research and writing skills as a master's degree thesis, said Hon ors College Professor David Frank "The thesis is an opportunity for the student to explore a topic they haven’t had the opportunity to pursue in other courses," Frank said "I have seen eight or nine theses on par with a doctoral dissertation " Most thesis projects require at least 50 primary and six.ondary sources of information and are about 40-50 pages long. Frank said Students must also defend their written thesis before a three member thesis committee, and the committee then decides wheth er the thesis passes, Frank said "It's a terrifying thought to walk into your senior year and realize that you have to do your thesis," Grossman said, "especially be cause it's bound and put in the library for other people to use for their research.” Other Honors College students described the thesis process as "stressful," "lots of work." “challenging” and "frightening " Why do Honors College students go through this hell? Many students said writing their senior thesis was a small price to (ray for attending the Honors College Honors College student Morgan Cooper said the college offers University students an education comparable to elite universities or Ivy League schools at a fraction of the cost. “You get a higher quality education at the Honors Collage," Turn to HONORS, Page 4 Skating on thin ice Pf**o fry *