" Oregon Daily ElT10r£ilcl Bowl berth good opportunity, if done correctly BBT" From the Sidelines Sieve Mims The ] ‘i'(2 Independent o Bowl is urance In years, but as they prepare for their third bowl game in thrrlast four years, the Ducks must be more careful l our of the most controver sial people the Ducks look to the i'liiu Independence Bowl were laigene Mayor |eff Miller, Springfield Mayor Bill Morriselte and their wives If Miller and Morriselte want to attend this year's game, they should tie calling their travel agents The only people the University should pay to send to the game are the players, (ouches, a few s, bool udmints iplfi who tralors and other per need In hi- there I he i u r r ii n I p r I c c for .t nmmitrlp lli ket lo Shreveport is S450 if a person agrees lo st.tv in town for it least four nights, sun) Karon Clark of AAA Travel Agent y If a per son slavs less than four nights, ihi’ price is S'WXi, sail! Clark This means that for every person the University sends lo the game, it will cost $450 lor airfare Assuming eat h person Slavs in a respectable hotel, say $75 per ntgiit. the total i os! |>er person is S750 lor the game This amount of money is 80 percent of the cost for in state tuition for one term With all the economic problems facing higher education, this money must be spent on students rath er than four days and nights in Shreveport for people who have nothing to do with the Or egon football program The University has agreed lo purr hose 8,140 tickets at $30 piece for the Independence Bowl It s a lot. but it had lo lie done for Oregon lo he invited lo ttii- game "1110 Durks will bo hard pressed to sell more than 5,000 of these seals, which means the unsold seals will cost the University about $00,000. Before people start compar ing this year's trip to Shrove port lo the 198*1 trip. they must realize the differences BUI Bvme. Oregon's athletic dim tor 111 1989, hotighl 14.000 seats arid lost $174,000 to assure the 7 4 Ducks would plttv In a howl game (of the hrsl time iri years A bowl game is not us important for the Dinks this year Imkuum the 0 5 record is ijuesitunable for postseason play, and the Ducks appeared In howl games in 1'tH‘l and 1990. Thu biggest difference be tween Oregon •> appearam e in the Independence Bowl three years ago and now is the num ber of tickets bought by the University The 14.000 tickets Byrne purchased for the Uni versity in 1'IH'I cost S100,000 more than the 8,140 txmght this year In odditlon. Oregon was payed $500,000 to appear in the 1989 game, compared to $050,000 this year Add the $100.000 less that the University spent to get in the bowl and the $150,000 more they will be payed to ap pear. and it will cost Oregon $250.000 less to ploy this year This time around. Oregon should make a! leas! a little money to play In the bowl game All money matters aside, the talk of a ImiwI appearance being emlmrrassing lor a 0-5 team is stupid There Is no reason lo be embarrassed altout going lo a bowl garni' and even less rea son to is’ embarrassed alxnrt l>e ing •! 1 in a conference that had seven loams receive vole* in re ten! Top 25 polls I he 1992 Oregon Ducks are a good f(M>ti>all team, not a great team and probably not as good us tint Ducks' 1983 and 1990 bowl learns flirt litis is a good leant Oregon was in practically every game il played this year, and with a couple of breaks they mu Id have been 8-3. The factors that keep the 1992 Ducks from being consid ered a Top 25 learn were clear ly evident in their 9-6 loss against UCLA two weekends ago Oregon entered the gartte 5-4, thinking they needed two wins to clinch a bowl berth. There was no excuse for the Ducks to come out as flat as they did and lose an important game against a weaker team, but they did. The UCLA game was the kind of game that a top notch team would win in a rout, but the Ducks didn't. For tunately for the Ducks, great teams aren't the only ones who gel iiowl berths, a lot of good teams also do. This bowl game ts a great i banco for the Ducks to show case their football team to the entire nation anil improve their recruiting position When a high school pInver watches the Ducks on New Years Eve on ESPN and realizes the Ducks .ire playing their third bowl game in four years, it will make a strong impression This year's Duck squad also deserves to play in a postseason game because of the obstacles they have overcome during the season A lot of people bolioved that when Oregon went 3*8 last year it signified a return to past years of futility After Oregon started 0-2 this year, people got even further down on the Ducks. It took a lot of heart for the Ducks to fight back as they did instead of fall apart An Inde pendence Bowl berth is a good way to reward the Ducks for not giving up, especially the se niors who have been a major part of the transition from a pr football program to a com petitive one. Oregon head coach and ath letic director Rich Brooks has taken a lot of criticism for han dling both jobs, and budgeting this trip will be his first major undertaking. There is u lot of pressure on Brooks not to lose money on this trip. He has said he won't, and as long as he doesn't, the bowl appearance is something for all Oregon fans to be proud of. from the Oregon 5)aif^ OEmeraW Classified" department c I.ASSII II I) »*< >i ,i< i i*;n Placement Adi may he placed at Room 300, MMU (mam office) or UO Hookttorc, Mam I "lour Payment • All idt muil hr prrfunJ unices hilling hat hern c%taMi*hed ('all 346 4343 for hilling arrangement! • VISA/MC arc accepted • A pun.hate order must accompany all University departmental adt Errors/Refunds Please check your ail! I he 01)1* will run a classified ail one additnatal day at a rrtull id any typographical error that changes the meaning of the ad. if rrpitrled hy I PM Refund* will Ik limited to credit* only No cash refund* vnll he ittued after the ad deadline Credit* mutt he uted within 6 month* of i**ue 100 BIRTHDAY GREETINGS iMJfMl P twenty lou> and to much more Thank* to« balng auch a graat bland. _Lova, Tha Droid Man 115 TYPING SERVICES At M4 0TSI, ROBIN • GRAD SCMOOi APPROVf D 20 ywar that***** back ground Tarm paparkifuS raauma u* v#» f d. CaW Paggy •« Wm PROfCSSIONAl TYPING Artso won] {vocbiwvq. «*1irr\Q f ?«mi p*c*u04k»fcv®ry Honda ®3S m«? „ nn~ tv' 15 p 2 ~' Vi wi**-. - \ < n .-. : # aj flal — # w # *W Brand Naw CWitamtfi Pro Sfcitito N*ro XT. t./a 11. $100t>bo 343 ?933 Cftn*_ CHRISTMAS WREATHS Boy °iM> & TOurtaf! 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Bedroom* fa$ rates $375$450 445 2423 Formatted 1 bdrm Avn apie fry W n lar Term I5ih and Htyarti Reserve now' 444 >9922 Historic horn a i p*us bedroom no dogs. 1605 Pear'. $495,mo. on site munory 46^3660 OOE CLASSIFIEDS 1ST0»» SHOPPING _ laaaa for renter farm 190? in Cofie pian avruaO*# writ ! ran* tar tree 343 i?55 or 343 3997 msg 1 $40 Ml • large i bdrm up*ia»f* Vary n*ca. Quaa. super oear- $450 mo 343 5694 I Jennings f Co 2 BLOCKS TO U of O RESERVE NOW!!! L Ml tod A»*lUt»My CXI Don to vim m M4-5695, lo MO: V Imrmcutale ? Ddrm. ? uory opts • Mow !»)»( poopio V Pnvata (Mtio* ovartookmg ’na Unraco (parted lor BBOsi • Peaceim. was in and tala • Groai nomniy tate* MILL RACE APTS