COMMUNITY Garbage rates to rise in July By Jacque^ne Woge Emerald Reporter Lane County residents ran expert garbage rates to go up in July, whether they haul gar huge to the dump themselves or puv for curb side garbage service Ken Sanduski. Lane Couniv rr» vi ling i oor (iinator. said rates must be raised or the counts will not have enough money to pav tor its so! id w aste services Sanduski said he estimates the rate increase will be substantia! and people will notice it He said he does not believe consumers would dispute tile need In tnr reuse the fees but rather the amount of the increase "The typical household garbage hill has been a small and inconsequential expense, hut .is we txicome more concerned about environ mental protection and solid Waste the bill will be greater,” Sanduski said The increasing cost of operating the county's solid waste program ts a direct result of new environmental regulations as well as general eost-of-opornting increases The new regula tions are Federal Subtitle 1), Stale Senate Hill (if. and the Clean Air Act Keli Osborn, development analyst with the City of Eugene, said Senate Hill f.ii requires Or egon . dies with more than 40,000 people to re duce their garbage by to percent by 10*15 Osborn said Lane County staff estimates that the metro area already recovers -0 peri eld of its waste Recovering tile remaining 10 pen cut will Ixi more difficult. Of the number of recovery options outlined by the hill, the Lane County metro area chose weekly curbside recycling, education, progres sive rates (the more thrown out. the greater the hill) and yard debris recycling. Because yard debris makes up 20 percent of waste in the county. % art! debris ret voting will be the most significant of the recovery pro grams Sand'aski estimated that the yard debris program could < nst a low of S2.730.000 to a high ot SS.nStl.OOO ! he greatest expense would lie for a yard debris processing renter He estimated that buying land and construct ing *>nd operating the r enter would cost from SI 5 to St million Initially, the yard debris program will In voluntary. with about six depots lor people to drop off leaves, tree branches and shrubs However, to meet the 30 percent recovery re quirement, the haulers will eventually have to pit k up the yard debris at the curb along with other tin vr Inbles, Sanduski saul I he county has recycled some yard debris situ e Pint and has l>een abb- to sell everything t! produces, but selling all the compost created from a larger program may be a challenge 1 til ike the results of Senate Hill lit. the physical olios t ol Subtitle l) will tie more evt dent lo Short Mountain landfill employees than to the public Subtitle 1) was sponsored by the Environmental Protection Agency from com urn that landfills are fouling groundwater I lie regulation requires the county lo take greater tare by construe ting monitoring wells, monitoring the migration of methane gas arid covering fill with a topiiner to redtn e the amount of rain percolating through the gar bilge I he (.lean Air Act requires the county to re move o/.one depleting chlorofluorocarbon* from appliances, su< h as refrigerators and air conditioners She cost ol removing the sub stance from all the appliances at ear h of the county'• it. drop-on sites will coat about S 7 5,0(H) ETALS SfriTINCS Nt>ntraditKin r«? information. < ail 1*0 40tt*> MiSCrl i AST.tK s VtiHimi in Tran«ilion (itlli'dinui v*1 provide* a clume to m«w*t inmrao and imiwi ik wuh other* on um(rm i« •.?-.l.ay from 11 am ) ' 12 pm in the W fnws « (*!>:< • lobby. KM*— Suit*? t for more hi for r'urUoT- rail >40 4t f W Internal Kin* I Ih*> i4 fnrfral V* at I ny» v. '.ilk. i’ { . *• inlay til \2 pm fnsiwtwn Viftiioy Klvef (.artUtf and loy* H U* Y.« more information. >i 14 i *'«4M Outdoor Pribram v» !! *> * \jtunl Sfj/m 4* Hi W«v if'e»fi.iy Vidro today at 12 Hi ft m in th* KMl < Hjtdooi Program Hoorn r >r m >iv mformat n < *tli \¥> A ‘n « livt ilitus for utbmUtin# b.t Ah It- the • > i ff -rtl deti LXil ' vote uxi. is n - the ifd) t***fi-m publii *tt>n ht Alt run I he Or • ■>' t/i<* uni 11 eseni : ■»*<** pUta helom «»*>» hi run on * * M¥J)l *t'f* {>■&*} * CORRECTION Kliimo Green was misquot ed in an article in the Nov. 2 4 i'ltii'tahi Green said. Don't assume you’re safe tiecause it's not .1 fraternity party " The Enu'raid regrets tho error and any confusion it may have caused FOR INVI I ArIONS BROCHURES FLYERS r O S ! t R s RESUMES AND M O R K Graphics TEWYAKl ACCEY CURRY DISHES..™.Ig.3.50 sm.250 VEGETABLE RtCE..3.50 CHICKEN BREAST STEAK._ 3.50 YAK1SOBA NOODLES..lg.3.50 sm.2.50 SWEET f, SOUR CHICKEN..-....3.50 T;u>a Out kniatte Across from 0*rv Owen 1306 Hrty ard (345-9555) OPEN HEARING VII Members of the University Community V-. k« (twi ihr Policy Change ft** t imily H * « jfr Vpertmwu I Ug>NiiS v Kiyuranmu and huKity fiw Awugmivru WHO • I i Ap*rtm«tu. Cmvrnit) • WHAT • An U) ctwnrncni <*\ pt*in«»c«J change* in ihe rhgjNihiy *nJ eitigpiment of f «««] y, Apart/nmui • WHEN • On tV**.ernhr* l. 1992 • • flegovting at l 2 pen m«*s *;vJ c«*u at I pm • WHERE * P !* l i.' .i-r (l.tfHvcrly the I • .r,«n w its*- |th Memorial I'mm • ’•*' ■: 1 '< -m/nt-ma may he (uhrmiu-*! *n*e pn - » u» applu * u who are eligible U* financial aid • t njvcnuiy 1It*** A 1 • \ .!;>*!, I tjualt I •*:.'.,< ‘n-mutted u» t ‘ulturai Diversity • neT DON T GIVE UP THE SEARCH! TRY LOST --- g and FOUND IN THe CLASSIFIED Sfchon -1 CUSTOM PRINTED T-SHIRTS Lowest Ratesi *-A+cA ■k'A'k-A&'A A~A AAA# WUNDERLAND I c VlUf o Fv. 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