SPRINGFIELD SCIENTIFIC I SUPPLIES Scales Chemicals Lab Equipment 9 6 Mon-Frl • 10-5 Sat 726-9176 1124 Main St. Attention l rhnn Athlete*!! < hoc k urn sur grout S|»orl*»ear A lilt* bosl IIVI Si;ii;(TIO> in town! '1 SWANK - fa Hi fiftaRf kirt! '1 jiaaiean StyU "Rid Head 1 * lift Fwai ' * Wondifwiaf " Radi Campus Skate Co. 720 E. I Jib Iu2<>r(‘, Or BACK TO SCHOOL SAVINGS f firnt p4t*% town cor# futon Single *159 Double‘189 Queen *209 mock non FUTOIM 686-5069 1! ?? Akin# Weekend' Special *54.00 300 FREE MILES 72 Hours Friday to Monday A-WAV SThtTcar 683-0874 110 W 6th (By the Hult Center) Must ba 21 ANTI-SLIP SOLING • Helps prevent slipping on slick surfaces. • Good for Men’s, Women’s and baby shoes. CAMPUS SHOE REPAIR 043 East 13th • 343-6613 “30 years of Quality Service" Mercedes • BMW • Volkswagen Audi • Datsun • Toyota 10% discount w valid U0 I D card lb. good thru 12/31/92 Mf1« t» AU * r* j** 342-2912 2025 Franklin Blvd 'GERMAN AUTO SERVICE, INC. Eugene, Oregon, 97402 ^Ij kJQ^ presents: TONIGHT! OVER THE HUMP INKjHI WEDNESDAYS THIS IS^ A BUSY NIGHT!} FRIENDS Continued from Page 1 to not « cup of coffee and a muffin, Palmer said He said she told him the Iasi job she had was in December IH'l! Palmer said Abram* w as very philosophical about fu r situation and did not seem depressed "Looking lack, it was real obvious she didn't have any more problems.” he said She had al ready planned on ending it Palmer said Abrams told him 231/53% 131/30% 107/24% 193/44% 119/27% 5% ticajtlm hy Mt sith.i j church " Russ also lives in (he House of His Presence at 1057 I’ntter son Si The House is a co oper utsi' house he 10 collage stu dents who attend the Kaith Center She salt) the house tmunhers interact more than what muv !*■ usual "It's different than a regular co-op," Ross salt! "It's more like a family Ross addressed the stereo type of Christians as your iwsic lullow-lhe-crowd kind of peo pin Iiv saving there isn't that much of n crowd to follow Although the Faith Center college age group has a fairly large mumfiership aUlUt 90 members the: number is higli compared to Chi Alpha and The Navigators Tim two latter groups vac h have ubout 20 reg ular members. "Some people who are invit ed in think of the church us a crutch," Koss said "But living a Christian lifestyle is very in dividualistic" Thanksgiving Never Looked So Good! TTTT 2,«s5 •xios • f*nnhxl tnxn • H«xj s:iMy»a*f. m rm 890 E. 13th Across From U of 0 Bookstore 342-3456 Mon-Fri 103m-6pm Saturday 10am-5pm