Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, November 25, 1992, Page 3, Image 3

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Police say students must report brutality
By Manoy Baucum
Thr primary causes for stu
dent-police problems on cam
pus arc stereotypes ami incor
mt perceptions. a group of Eu
gene police officers, adminis
tration offi< nils and students
agreed Tuesday mght
Students and police are
equally frustrated with each
other. University Office of Pub
lit Safety Director Carey Dray
ton -and at a panel discussion
organized by tire ASl’O
The problem with police-stu
dent relations seems to Ire mlat
eti tir the officers who work the
campus area and the officers
that work the downtown area,
said |rm Oliver, assistant vice
president for institutional af
Oliver said campus police
rarely have altercations with
students while on the jot) lie
cause they see students during
tire day. going to class and
tending to duily student activi
That's why officers like to
work !hr campus." she said.
EPD officer Dennis Baker
>iii officers who work the
campus have asked for the
The profit* ms occur, officers
said, because downtown ( tips
are the ones who see students
committing < rimes while under
the influence of alcohol
Oliver said she ii.es listened
to perceptions of hoth police
and students and "there are
narrow minded stereotypes
coming from tioth sides ”
Ilona Kolfs/.iir, an attorney
with the University's legal sor
vices, attended the dist ussion
and spoke about the rise she
has seen in student aliena
tions. saying there Is a "marked
increase in these type of con
tacts ’*
Koles/ar acted as a student
advocate, explaining the prob
lems students can encounter
from seemingly petty misde
meanors. such as a false swear
ing on keg licenses
Students who apply for a
tfjr i'jg MJUfc>
OPS Director Carey Drayton told a crowd ot 20 people Tuesday night
that police and students are equally frustrated with each other
teaching certificate or slate is
sued licenses encounter dif
ficulties that may also prevent
thorn from galling jobs in an al
ready tough economy. shit said
Another woman from the au
dinner said if more information
were given to student* on the
matter of keg licenses and other
misdemeanor offenses, the
problem could be lessened
Drayton said minors who
drink are extremely susceptible
lo rape iiml sexual assault
Drayton and the other offi
cers emphasized the impor
tance of telling someone about
any incident c of police brutal
ity or harassment as soon as
"We've got to break the si
Inner." Drayton said
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The following Incidents wore reported to the
University Office of Public Safety and the Eugene
police department from Nov. 11>-23
• A burglary at the University music building.
‘Hit K. 18th Ave., was reported on Nov. 16 A
flute valued at S300 was taken from a looker The
suspects gained entrance to the building after
hours and cut a lock off the locker There was no
sign of forced entry on the exterior doors of the
building. The burglary was the third of its kind in
the jiast throe weeks
• A hike valued at $900 was reported stolen on
Nov. 10 The hike was token from the 1200 block
of East 13th Avenue while the owner was study
ing in the EMU. The hike was locked to itself, hut
was not lot ked to any Other object
• A University student was arrested for assault
on Nov 18 The student Is suspec ted ol assaulting
another student at the Public Enemy concert in
the EMU Ballroom on Nov. 6 The student was
the second person arrested as a suspect in the as
• A 32-year-old man was arrested for criminal
trespass and harassment on Nov 19 Police found
the man lying on a bench on the 1500 block of
Kincaid Street According to polit e reports, the
man was visibly intoxicated arid could not sit up
straight When polic e asked the man how imu h
he had to drink the man replied "A whole hunch
of Old Milwaukee The man then asked the offi
cer to arrest him The officer said he intended to
take the man to a detoxification center The man
stuggled when the officer tried to put him in the
car. Once in the car, the man tregan to kick the
window separating him from the officer ThecfTi
err then took the man to j.ti! and ( tied him
• A bicyclist and motorist worn involved in .in
accident on Nov 20 The bicyclist was traveling
in the middle of the Hast 14th Avenue and had no
headlight, according to police reports The bicy
clist wiis attempting to turn Inf! onto Alder Street
when she hit a car that was (raveling south on Al
dor and was making a left onto hast 14lh Avenue
The bicyclist suffered minor < uts and bruises and
no one was cited in the act ident
• i'oltt i responded to a i omplalnt of people on
the roof of tin apartment complex on the 700
block of hast 15th Avenue When police arrived
al the scene, they observed two men fighting in
the alley According to police reports, the fight
was between a resident of the apartment complex
and <i pledge of the Phi (lamina Delta fraternity
The fight started when pledges of the fraternity
jumped on the roof of the complex and chul
longed the residents of the complex to a fight Po
lice said all the people at the scene were visibly
intoxicated and no arrests were made
• A University student was cited with unlawful
possession of a controlled substance on Nov 2 1
Police responded to a call that the student had
overdosed at the Riley dorm The student had
taken psilocybin mushrooms by mixing them
with tea I mi fore drinking the substance. The stu
dent was alert and breathing when police arrived
After the student said police could search his
room, police found mushrooms and later died
the student at the hospital The student was re
leased from the hospital after a brief observation
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