BOWL Continued from Page 1A school proud and to make the) Indepen dence Bowl happy ” In 5,000 Oregon fans mode the cross country trip, and that fact had a lot to do with the Ducks receiving the invi tation over teams like Kite, Southern Mississippi, Memphis Slate and Kansas "We picked them because we apprise;i ated the fans they brought in MWO.” John Lahmnn. a member of the Independence e Bow! selection comm i I too said "We ex pect them to all come bark this time and bring nil their friends " Brooks and his players all said their team's appearance in the 19HU game was more of a Ihrill than when the; Ducks were invited to the Freedom Bowl the following year "The Freedom Bowl had Disneyland nearby," Brooks said, "hut the functions we attended in Shreveport were much more enjoyable." Senior linebacker Joe Farwell was one of it handful of players who played in the I <>80 game, and he said the players were treated like kings "You always hear about Southern hos pitality." he said, "but you just don't re alize what It's like until you've been then1 They treated us like royalty last time we were there " Brooks said there is no question in his mind that his team deserved the invita t ion. "We re among the top one third of the teams in the country." Brooks said "We mnv not be in the top 20. but we're not that fur off Our fans aren't happy at 6-5, tnd the leant isn't happy at 6-5, but it ust so happens that fi-5 and 4-4 in the toughest conference in the nation Is good enough for postseason play, and I'm not •bout to apologize to anybody." In accepting the invitation, Oregon it so agreed to purchase 6,410 tickets a! 5 10 apiece and will receive $650,0(6) In travel expenses The game will be at 0 45 a.m. PST and troadcasl live nationally on ESPN Oregon Daily Emerald Call 346-4343 Before 1 p.m. Today To Put Us To Work For You Tomorrow! too BIRTHDAY GREETINGS Happy 22nd Jen! WE LOVE YA! Ho & Kate xw-xx-i-xx-xsx-xx-x-x'x $ it i c Y c / / •/•/// v /\t /*/•// 105 PERSONALS S«I drug* dactalona Do you hava «n «ftm for a prop** ihai s**tpa ttudants mah* good dactwona m araaa Mtoct ”•*»( Ivm7 A t'OOC achofcar %tvp jwfe t>» awanJarJ k) lha fluctar* *'*)«.« propd * chowan tor rha GIVI &rtxH*rWp AppfcOBI or and 44 0 1**. WOHlH a GRAD SCHOCX APPWOVfO JO y»«v |hi»i*d*M hack ground T arm papery, f u« raaum# «v I d«>ng i aw* p/ ON CAMPOS' JO T HI T YPING PRO WonJ f>rocaavng.Cdiing/T)rp*ng ThaaaaDraaariaffcona on laaer Ca8 M) «064 _ PftOFE&SIOMAl TYPING Aao word proohiMng. edging I roa pckupAkaiivory Honda. 93S 1 8SG? THE WORD SPECIALISTS Won) IhoCAtamg k DwMop Put»«kh»ng Giad School Approved Ittaar pnntoo adding, graphic*. cfaaadaiiona. \hmm. tmuifnm. irampArancw* k mora* CINOY 4M-S4M TYPING UNLIMITED Bwtxia l and 4811143 Serving DO ata* %tncm HRM Punted text to computet tiles 1 sIcIaIn/nieTPi si 345 3506 • 20S W. 5th TyfWfvg & woid proc#*»*ng (\h MMIOOd UMWW ?* rv lum tifcxxxl f ro* ovnpu* P*c* i *i iii i it i ii'j LLiaaoc 344-4510 Ql'AUTV WORD l*K(K I SMNU oiAiKiAit m!. *>*<•< wah you a YCXJH convanwnca AI t jOjacrt 343*2747_ 130 FOR SALE WSC Brand Hmm iJ*xj ?*hn6m Nf'O Xt %t* • 1. 1*00©be 343 ?913 CHRISTMAS WW ATMS Buy ornt ky youf-vtt>' ty v*y T *■,'*•>» * *o yOur fMWWtlfe W V8W TATOOGiR CERTIFICATES NOW Hi JAN 1«4 Huify Havago * Siuefro Taioo o'ktyx f 100 pm atm ky or-Jy %<*.: Gmn« tor j^Rt of just tava ' 0% on p*m ;ng and rr-.rtg*/*>ai* Studio Tatoo 1011 W feih I uyarv# OR 34S-TAT2 Vtvftar ?ii Ra*h *fx3 ayfK tO«1 good aorxttxjr*. ISO OOO w*ava rrv«m..A(ga «! tarnoor** 747 U5CARSTRUCKS kill. 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