Ex-justice: Packwood rumors circulated for years PORTLAND (AP) Rumors th.it Sort Rob Pack wood sexually harassed women circulated for years in Oregon, former Oregon Supreme Court Justice Betty Rob erts said Monday Lobbyists wanting something from Park wood were advised to send a wom an. she said. "Those kinds of sort of cute comments have boon floating around for a long, long time." said Roberts, the first woman to serve on Oregon's highest court. She said the tone grew more serious when victims began coming to women's groups wtlh their experiences "We began then to understand that there were some very serious problems." Roberts said Roberts and 12 other feminists and women's rights advocates issued a state ment Mondav expressing sadness and anger at the revelations At a news conference, the women re fused as a group to urge 1‘ackwood to re sign, but 10 said they thought he should stop down '! think probably that resignation might bo difficult for the senator," Rob erts said 'It nevertheless would f>e the easiest course for Oregonians " She said women would file ethics complaints or try to ns all Par kwood if necessary to fort e him from office f’ackwood, KOre , has boon a strong advocate of abortion rights and unmim's rights throughout his i!\ Republicans on the all male Sen ate Judiciary Commit toe during confir mation hearings for Thomas Pack wood was one of two Republican senators who eventually voted against Thomas "Sen Pack wood should walk his talk ahout respecting women, about honoring diversity, ahout commanding leadership and walk right out of ihe United States Senate. Shibley said at Monday's news conference m P»**o by ;•* •'«» J. Protesters chanted action not words and sisters united will never be divided" as they gathered on the Iron! lawn of the Phi Kappa Psi fraternity Monday night. MARCH Continued from Paqe 4A t >y members) not to internalize this problem," she said ‘‘Phi I’si was the first to admit that there is a problem, and they’re trying to do something about it." Rauch replied by yelling that the effort still falls short "I had to make an issue of this before they would do any thing." she said. "I had to use my face and make my name public." Jodi Stomach, Greeks Against Rape co-founder, said her group is making an effort, but she admitted "the greek system docs condone rape tn certain aspei is " This protesters pounced on tier statement with shouts and laughter and demanded frater nity members come out and speak lor themselves. "We don’t want to fight with women," a female protestor shouted. "Get the men out here." Govro appeared and road a short, prepared statement. "Phi Kappa i’si will not toler ate or condone physical, men tal or emotional abuse of any kind to women,” he said "We have hosted open forums and have others planned for the rest of the year " TREETWISE J QUESTION: So, uh, what’s up? “I'm going home to go to sleep and then I'm ready to play poker at the dorms I got my poker boots, poker jeans and poker face on JENNIFER WACHTEL freshman, sociology “School is killing me I’ve had too many midterms, an' i there is loo much work and studvina to bo done be'ore the term is over" DOUFFY YOUM junior, accounting “Well, God. that's a pret ly open endedques tion From a personal -.landpoint, go! over Hie hump with i midterms and am enjoying a brief respite where I can relax before tearing into finals." J.P. OUELLEITE senior, sociology Green bud' GRAHAM MOTE freshman, undeclared Well, sales are a little slow, but they will be picking up in a minute We finally got rid of Bush. almost, and Measure 9 failed " FROG sidewalk personality A Not much Softool is really hard because I'm not used to these kinds of classes And Oregon need*, more par ties " KATHI MORINAKA freshman, business _rnOOv l CUSTOM PRINTED T-SHIRTS LOWEST KATESI • AAA A A A AAA AAAAA • WUNOERLAND TJSSST [ Hh STREET ■ c „ i PUBLIC MARKET GA“ts 683-8464 VIDEO ADVENTURE < VALLEY Hivm Pt A/A ~ __ mJ «waauvvvwgugg£; Experienced CRIMINAL DEFENSE I I CALL HUGH DUVALL Vctabud 4 Clark Attornt\ VV 1 ' • $2 OFF ADULT ADMISSION ! • - ■ . MOVIELAND AT WEST 11th 800 SENECA ST. . 342-4142 & I Kill I \\ \l> II I S|>U VUMI ALL SLATS I *< I PI S#*l ' lAl I U A * Ul Nl . 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