Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, November 24, 1992, Page 4A, Image 4

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Photo by PaaAiry
Two men peer out a window of the Phi Kappa Psi fraternity as a
confrontational protest rages below
Continued from Page tA
proach to ending violence
against women" hung above
the door of the house
Rauch said she is satisfied
with ti«! way the University's
dean of students office handled
her complaint against the indi
videal But Rauch and the oth
er proUlsters said they are an
gerisi the entire chapter of tile
fraternity was not disciplined
and charged dial members are
still engaging in sexual miscon
"Phi Kappa Pm fraternity was
instructed, by the dean's office,
to hold rape seminars in re
sponse lo my rape and the irre
sfxmsiblo drinking atmosphere
that they provided," Rauch
said. "It is important to note
that few, if any. of these semi
nars have actually taken place
and that rape seminars are not
discipline but education."
However, both Govro and
Klaine Green, associate dean of
students and student conduct
coordinator, said two seminars
have taken place and more are
Green handled the complaint
and helped Rauch and her al
leged assailant reach their
agreement Green filed an addi
tional complaint against the fra
ternity and reached an agree
ment with Govro regarding the
Although Green did not dis
close the nature of her com
plaint, she sat id it was not con
cerning rape. Green said she
has seen no pattern of sexual
misconduct at Phi Psi
Rauch said the impetus for
the demonstration included n
more recent complaint of at
tempted rape filed with the
University against n I’hi Psi
Kiiuch said she plans to file a
complaint against the fraternity
if no disciplinary action is tak
en She is asking, among other
things, that the entire Universi
ty chapter be dissolved. The
only action the University
could take. Green said, is to
disaffiliate the fraternity from
tin- University.
Protesters made accusations
about the number of rapes and
attempted rapes by Phi Psi
members this lerm alone. Al
though statistics from unofficial
complaint forms have not yet
been compiled for fall term,
Green said two rapes have been
reported to her office. One
complaint involved a fraternity,
and one did not, she said.
"I'm concerned that rape is
something that happens every
where." Green said. "Last year,
when there was a rape in the
dorms, the focus was on stran
ger rape. But date rape can’t be
ignored, and you can't assume
that you'll be safe at a fraternity
Fraternity members hud little
to say after protesters descend
ed on the house at 72U E. 11th
Ave., and the most heated con
frontations took place between
Several female members of
Greeks Against Rape defended
Phi Psi's educational efforts
Aimoo Mark with told the
crowd she opposed the protest.
"We're trying to get (fralornl
Turn to MARCH. Page 5A
Bring Your Quarters!
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