Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, November 24, 1992, Page 3A, Image 3

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    Resources available
for survivors of rape
By Afc>e>y Collins Sears
Emaraid Contributor
Victims of rape, its well as their friends and loved ones, are often
at a loss as to what to do in the aftermath
The University's Unwanted Sexual Behavior Task Forts’ makes
recommendations to survivors and those they confide in
If you are raped or sexually assaulted:
• Go to a safe place
• Tel! someone you Irust so you are not alone
• ('all one of the resources available to sexual assault victims if
vou don't want to press charges
• Consider reporting the crime The police can help you gel spe
cialized medical care, gather and preserve evidence anil resolve
concerns about personal safety and ms urilv The University's con
duct coordinator can also offer assistance
• Attend to your immediate medical needs However, do not
change clothes, take a shower or hath, brush your teeth, use mouth
wash or comb your hair before going to the hospital, in order to
preserve evidence
• Seek an advocate A 24 hour advocate can talk with you and
accompany you to the hospital if you choose to gel < hei ked for
physical injuries, pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases
Cull Sexual Assault Support Services or the police, who will pro
vide you with an advocate from Vu lim's Services
• Believe in yourself (jive yourself time lo heal Recovery from
sexual assault is different for everyone Counseling may lx1 an ave
nue for healing.
• Men who art; assaulted should know they are not alone ten
percent of reported rape victims are men.
You may never experience sexual assault yourself, but you may
know someone who has Forty-two percent of rape victims toll no
one, so if a friend has been sexually assaulted and turns to you for
support, appreciate how difficult that is
The most important thing you can do is listen Help your friend
reclaim control Believe your friend Survivors need their pain and
their experience legitimized.
Don’t blame or judge the victim Most people who have experi
enced an acquaintance rape end up blaming themselves anyway
MkkVhul they need is unconditional support and understanding that it
■F was not their fault.
Ask what your friend needs and how you cun help, but don't
take control of decisions. Let your friend make the choices You
don't need to "fix" things or be a therapist
Take cure of yourself. You may need to talk to someone about
how the incident has affected you The resources available to rape
victims are available to you as well.
lapartae* Student (>n(4ntul«»fl mentation
meeting today at J p m in KMU Room
( «d*r A For more information, call
Federation for the Advancement of
(amservaUve T^outM meet* today at 11 X)
a m in Room 121 of the law school
KMU Budget (ammilli* meat* today at 2
p m In EMU Room Cam*Ufy D For mow
mfcar mall on, tail 34d-372t)
Student Senate m«u today #1 5 pm in
MU Room Century D For mora
information, rail 3460030
Intervarstly (Kristian Fellowship Bible
study lot gradual* studants tonight at ? 10
*t Kmarsld B«pU»t Church on Hiiyafd
beiwaon JSth and lOih For mou
information. cadi H1* «o*t«
Deadline for tub muting hi Alt to the
Km* raid frotu £Mt/Suit* MX), it noon
the day before j'ubitt atnm The new* editor
due* not hove a (im« machine Kt Ah run
the »Jay a! the event unit*** the event taka*
pi m e before noon
With p* of event* with a don at ton or
admitHon charge will not be #*« epted
lompu* event* and lhove e.heduted nearest
the publn »tion date will be given fxrwrity
! he Km® raid mverve* the right to edit for
grammar and tryle hi Alt run on a *f»m e
available bad*
Continued from Page i A
ed crime on campuses na
tionwide. according lo the
FBI. Statistically, one-In-four
women will be sexually as
saulted during their college
Students are using the
forms, but Oi’S Director Tom
Hicks said there is no evi
dence that people are using
the forms as a substitute for
reporting the actual crime lo
a law enforcement agency.
"The forms are often a first
step for victims to report the
incident and It ran spur them
on to report to us or to the
Eugene police," Hicks said.
According to the unofficial
report forms, there were 10
rapes during the 1991-92
school year and 18 sexual ha
rassment Incidents,
An OPS internal memoran
dum stated there was just one
rape and nine sexual of
Hicks said the inconsisten
cy in the numbers of reported
rapes is probably due to
some overlapping in the offi
cial and unofficial record
keeping of sexual assault in
Hicks said other advan
tages of the forms Is that they
cun alert the OPS as to where
to dtroct its resources and
show patterns of assault.
DeCidio agreed '‘If people
don't s»y what i* happening
then it's hunt to improve on
it," she said
Unofficial sexual assault
forms are available in the
Women’s Center, the Univer
sity Crisis Center, the Coun
seling Center, the OPS office,
the Dean of Students office,
and the ASUO office
Eventually, there will he
form display racks *n nine
high-traffic area* such as the
EMU, the library and Prince
Lucten Campbell Hall.
Some of the confidential
counseling and support ser
vices include the University
Crisis Center, 346-44B8; Uni
versity Counseling Center,
346-3227; Cay and Lesbian
Hotline, 6B3-242B, Sexual
Assault Support Services,
484-9795; and Whltebird.
Gaiic Bread
11.30 am
10 pm
2673 Willamette
LP'S, &
258 E. 1 3th AVENUE
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All Members of the University Community
An < 'ppoftumty to ( ommnnt on the (V«lu * Oanjjr foe I amity
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