EDITORIAL IFC in violation of ASUO Constitution The Incidental Fee Committee's 1992 resolutions are clearly unconstitutional and should be revoked. The new language in the IFC's resolutions is an at tempt to usurp power from the ASUO Executive Office. Whether that was the IFC's intent remains to be seen and will be determined by its willingness to rewrite the resolutions. Three IFC resolutions are constitutionally un sound: Resolutions 92,8, 92.12 and 92.16. Resolution 92.8 requires the approval of the ASUO and the IFC be fore a group can spend more than $1,500. It also re serves the right of the IFC to “permit the expenditure of any amount without" ASUO approval. The first part of 92.8 is in direct violation of Sec tion 6.7 of the ASUO Constitution, which prohibits IFC involvement after funds have been allocated to a group. Every IFC funded group must submit a line-item budget to the IFC that accounts for every dollar re quested. A lump-sum expenditure of more than $H(X) already requires the approval of the ASUO. The IFC has no authority to permit or refuse the spending of the money once is has b«x:n allocated. That responsibility falls exclusively with the ASUO. The second part of 92.8 is a gross violation of the constitution. Again, once funds are allocated, the IFC has no further control over bow the money is spent, nor can it simply approve whatever expenditures it chooses. Resolution 92.12 allows the IFC to "alter, restrict the title, use and amount of any incidental fee funded line item." This violates Section 6.7 of the ASUO Con stitution, which reads in part: "Onee allocated, there shall be no attempt to attach any further conditions or policies concerning the use of such accounts." This means the IFC has absolutely no right to alter a group's funding once it has been approved. The third, and most dangerous attempt to usurp power comes in the form of Resolution 92.16. which attempts to enforce a 1983 Constitution Court ruling and impose penalties on the ASUO for failure to act on tne runng. The resolution restates the court's ruling, requiring the ASUO to freeze the budget of any IFC funded or ganization that violates any part of its line item budget. The IFC is attempting to write the court ruling into its resolutions, and threatens that the ASUO's failure to follow the ruling will be taken into consideration at the ASUO's budget hearing. The IFC is not the enforcement arm of the Constitu tion Court and has absolutely no business threatening the ASUO’s funding. The court ruling that the IFC at tempts to use as justification for Resolution 92.16 actu ally forbids the IFC from carrying out any of the three resolutions. The ruling specifically states that the ASUO. and not the IFC, has power of enforcement for ail IK. ap proved budgets. The IFC should remember that the principle of “checks and balances" applies to it as well as the ASUO. and that it is not the guardian of student gov ernment. Oregon Daily Emerald V O BOX 1T5I rUGFNC OBtOO**7*33 Th* Oragon OaRy I maraal t% putjfcahad daJy Monday through f r«U»y Oumg th* acho® yaar A?xJ T umnuUDf and Thursday duong •'***/v’y *M5f\ o*V«*> At Su '*» 300 0* lh# I rt) M*rvon*j Un«on and »% a m*mo** ol «h* A»% prtvai* proparty Th* urtawt rwoovai or u%« o' pa;*x». » pro«*cvtA£>*> 6y taw Nawa Editor EdHortal Editor Graphic a Editor f ntarlainmant Editor t. dRor Pat Jam* IWg Martn Urw Jaf! Pe&tay F«ya Morn Night Editor F r a*ia nca l dRot EdRortai EdRor Sport* Editor Supphmafita (ditor Mart n F tthor »*op* Noosfco*' (Wan Jitnuar’ Daw Charbonnaau C*t>*y Andaraon Aaaocwt* EdRor* Tammy fourty Srudanf Gdvamrnant Artrvftw*. Daratyn Trapp* Commu nrfy Coltan PoMg. H£h*r f ducMtorv'Admm«Tratari Maw* Staff CNata A.t*n, Mandy Raucum, Mar Bondar. Jwalm Brown Sarah Ctar* Mog Dadop^ Amy Davenport. Amanda f *m<*. Aire-a Farrar. I nwi Haggerty Taraaa Hunatngar. IWA Know**. Damian Mclaan Stava Mima. Trthm M.w»«x Ksm Ngjyan. Tr«wa Now tlan Shaw Mchaaf Sh nd»*r Enc* SturJancAa. Manors Surcx. lActM Thompaon Agutar. Amy Van T jyl. Todd W> ham». Jaoqua*KY^Y:y:' i ! i vtw \ irw Socks Goes To Washington. Hjuiiii Poor taste First, i want to thank you for running the story about the young woman who died after tier apparently suicidal jump off of Pl.C [ODE. Nov 17) There wore many rumors, and I'm glad the facts are being told But I'm very disappointed in your show of pcxir taste and ir reverence by running the ca daver story along with it Although it was an interest ing story, to |iut it on the same page twice is of very poor taste, especially showing the picture of two people examin ing a body right below the sui cide story on Page -t For a briel disgusting moment, I thought you had published a pic ture of the woman's body I enjoy your paper Please don't make any more of those Journalistic "faux pas " It was n very large oversight and shouldn't have happened Please have a little compassion and sympathy for those who saw it happen or those who knew tier Kim Jallum Psychology Thinking man To adopt the Hitler quotation with which Martin Fisher Intro duced his opinion column of Nov. it) "What luck for news paper editors thiit men do not think." In his column. Fisher raises a serious charge He alleges'‘the true OCA" is controlled by four or Five people" with an agenda th.it “seems to lie one of power, pure and simple.” But Fisher neglects to name these people and offers little evidence that a thirst for power rather than a concern for con viction governs the leadership of the OCA. The label ' opin ion” is no excuse for sloppy journalism and character assas sination. Howard Klllion Eugana Stop the silence How much more evidence of Serbian brutality do world gov ernments need before they lake some action? AIK' showed that the Sorb forces are shooting children Serbian forces have even attacked a funeral proces sion and busses carrying peo ple. After World War II, tho world’s major governments agreed to prevent a second hoi oc.au si The way thn Bosnian Muslims arc being exterminat ed is reminiscent of the begin ning of the Nazi Holocaust. The inability of the so-called Islamic: governments to take ef fective measures to help Bosnia have both helped the vicious Seri) forces continue their inhu man behavior and allowed the United Nations to maintain a hypocritical stance The Islamic Republic of Iran is the only Islamic nation that is effectively helping Bosnian Muslims while the Saudi King and the Kuwait Sheik spend Muslims' money for things contrary to Islam. According to the C.1A, the Serbs have IKK) tanks. 200 ar mored personnel carriers and between 700 and BOO pieces of heavy artillery, plus a massive air fort <• The Bosnian defend ers only have two tanks, two ar mored personnel carriers and less than two dozen artillery pieces The world continues to shamefully block Bosnian ac cess to the international arms market Indeed the world is telling Bosnians to die quietly and lose every trace of human dignity Thi* is a humiliation for the world. The world na tions. with their silence, give Serb forces a "license to kill " Silence is not the answer. The world should stand up for peace and justice Ali Koyhan Graduate Student Urban & Regional Planning Potential offense Continuing in its. tradition of publishing offensive ads, the Emerald offers up this gent "livery man is a potential rap ist." As men. we find the label of "potential rapist" possibly even mom offensive than "potential sex object ” If the Emerald ad vertising department showed poor judgment in running Lolli pops ads, certainly it has done so again As a matter of fact, we never even saw the Lollipops ad until it was pointed out in the Letters to the iiditor suction. This ad, on the other hand, is bigger than any of the actual news on the page The only purpose this ad would seem to accomplish is the alienation of half of po tential supporters of this group. Following the ad's line of reasoning, the group Men Against Rape is rife with poten tial rapists and all the women should beware. It seems to us that the lack of good judgment has reached epi demic proportions around here. Jon Egging English Paul Taylor Japanese Observe As a new student I find my self experiencing new things,^^ from voting rallies to pnlitica^K|> protests However, on VVednos^^ day. Nov. 11, we went without There wore no ceremonies, no banners, nothing Then to hear that we cele brate Dr. Martin Luther King )r.'s birthday and not Veteran's Day surprised me. Granted, this college is quite liberal. But to celebrate one holiday and not another is disappointing. I be lieve (laying tribute to our vet erans is just as important as honoring King. To shun one holiday duo to its lack of popularity on cam pus is unjust. Just as constitu tional rights are guaranteed and observer! to and for everyone, holidays too should be recou^fc> ni/ed by students, much ies^j^ state universities Not to say everyone need agree with them, just respect them. Christopher Lancefield Pre-Business Administration In response to Friday’s ODE article on the? ASUO/1FC (Nov. 20), 1 find it frightening that the? IFC is expanding its power to control any aspect of the ASUO. This ine[>t group can barely take care of itself, lot alone tell the ASUO how to handle matters. This is a group, in one fund ing fiasco, that didn't know if it hud St 1, $110 or $1,100 to allo cate. Yet it finds qualified to ex ercise even the most minor control over the ASUO? I realize the IFYi has only the right intentions in its attempt After all. thanks to the mighty Oregon voter, wo ure suffering a severe shortage of funds Great er budgetary constraint is re quired by all lF'C-funded organ izations However, extra-consti tutional means are not the way to achiovo this. Duka Shapard Political Sclanca