When You Need ^ Resu mes /envelopes ✓ Theses Dissertations ✓ Reductions/enlargements ✓ A wide selection of recycled papers ^ Labels ✓ Comb/velo/tape/ wire-O binding "THE" pi ace FOR CLASS PACKETS Hours: 8:00-5:30 Monday I ruiay 10:00-2:00 Saturday with the EMU IN TOUCH « CRAFT C mlmuttl /rum I\tgf iff will (ill the increasing interest in crafts that has shown up in the l hiiversity While lw has tv- spec ific reason lot the upswing in interest. I durance has a lew theories. "Miw\ ts tight," 1 aurance said. "W hot people are making isn’t intended as vein typical arts and i ralts types o( gilts Instead, people are building bookcases, tables and other such hardware. Another role the center plays is that of nn alter native workplace (or art and architecture students, ! aurance said 'We give (the students) access to more machines, as well a-, the decreased amount of com petition lor studies,” I aurance said. "A number <>l architecture students use our wood shop to create models " l V spite the tact that all tall term workshops are completed by this point ol the term, students con still make use of the cralt center. Hay passes are obtainable tor Si with a student identification card, which enables the user to a host of cratt center equipment. I hose enrolled in workshops arc- given priority over day pass users, but most workshops are in the evening, leaving the center open during the day time In addition, the (.'enter tries to allow two nights a week tor people to come in and work on various crafts. Ihose interested in signing up for w inter term workshops are advised to stop by the center on I Vi 1 1, when next term’s brochures are made available 1 aurance said the registration process, 'Our membership has been steadily increasing term by term for the past few years.' -Rick luiurance ( raft ('enter m\tsUint catmlmutor which begins 1 Vc. 16, tends to go by in a flash *'Stme classes, like bike repair and ceramics, fill up really quickly," Laurence said “We advise peo pie to come m as soon ns possible Ix-cause we can t guarantee a spot in the classes.’ With more than 30 different w» >rkshops this term and even more scheduled for winter, the center expects to maintain its bustling pace, Before the registration process starts up, how ever, the center will present its annual Winter Craft hair, in the FMU Fir Room on I Vc. 2 anil 3. Co-sponsored by the h’MU Cultural Forum, the fair offers a variety of entertainment and products for the curious student. "We have more than 30 vendors, with a couple of booths and a hunch of tables," I durance said. “There'll he everything from book-binding to ceramics to knife-making." Rivaled only by February's family album show as the center's most popular event, the craft fair usually sells out its booths by September. Laurence said the range of qualities and prices among the fair's vendors provide those who attend with a large selection of gixxls. "It’s a great way lor people to see what hugene's artist:, and creators have to offer," Laurence sail —Peter Nussbaui * Solutions from your Apple Campus Reseller: The holiday gift you can really use. I Tell your folks that more college I students choose Macintosh than « f any other computer. They’d want you to be in good company. \>k for an Apple Macintoshdomputer this holidas reason and loin all of the students who’ve discovered that no matter what they do. Macintosh helps them do it letter and faster That s Ixvause Macintosh is so easy to use And the thousands of available software applii at ions work in a single, consistent wa\ So once vou’ve learned one. vou're well on your wav to learning them all The advantages of Maimtosh don't end when school does In fait, the majority of Fortune 1000 companies use Macintosh computers' So ask your Apple Campus Reseller to help you chextse which Macintosh to put .it the top ol vour holiday girt iim. Macintosh. It's m< >rc than a present, it’s a future. - Microcomputer Support Center 202 Computing Center Monday-Friday, 9am - 5pm 346-4402 € 1W: (*naputtr, lm Apple the Apple **i ******!» *r rrpurml te»|mwi« -* Appleu.mftnrr Ux HSU * i> *ftfWemJ u*Jrm*rtt **d***><%' * ?S*k«U»fc «rf M*. ft iviA i«irj* <***. *H»mM .*> 4 vufvn **U* ?cU !» ' -"■; n.:rt u :?ri !*£*'» r S»*l I MfTMMNG ON TH£ flMM? Let Us Help. Check out the Coming December 3rd.