Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, November 24, 1992, Supplement, Page 6B, Image 13

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    Cooking With A Social Conscience
Nurturing your health while supporting the earth
•Jan's Salsa
• Marinara Sauce
•3 Bean, Black
Bean & Chili Dip
All made with organically
grown tomatoes & beans.
17. sale* lot Ecology 4 Hunger Project*
* Travel
We know students
Student Travel Desk
When you need your reservation, just
let Helen take t are of it ('all or come see
her at the Student Travel Desk
M) I . 17th (same building as Blockbuster)
485-0408 ()pen 7 days a week
The Rental Information
Office EMU, Suite 5
346-3731 ■
Many Free or Low Cost Services
• Computerized Database
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• Lease Information
• Renter's Checklists
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....stop by and we will by glad to assist you.
Office Hours:
Monday - Friday
10am - 4pm
No canoes, no bicycles, just off-campus housing
FqiulOppnrtuniiv, Atlimuiive Aoiim layiiutmcommitted tticufturaldiwrsujr
with the EMU
Beer Garden
The FMU is nut merely a
place to cat, study and
pet involved in a variety
of clubs. It's also a great
(dace to meet with friends and prah
a heer at the end of the week.
Ihe 1:MU IVrr Gardens offer
a vxrial environment with good
music and beer almost every Frt
day night. live heet gardens run
Irom 4 to 7 p in. and offer free
chips and salsa through the first
While t lx- festivities are brew
ing m the garden, the nearby
Fnmtinn (iourt ( ale serves soft
hot pretiels for $1 ITie cafe may
alsi i serve slices of pina on future
beer garden nights
Many students have taken
advantage of the festivities and
really enjoyed them.
" Hie location is convenient
tor students, and the lx-er prices
are great," said 1 Ini versify senior
I face Buck
I he heer gardens have
Henry Weinhard’s Private
Reserve, 1 lenry's Ale and Wid
mer 1 leilewctien on tap. I here
is hardly ever a cover charge,
and the average price for beer is
$1.50 per pint.
Phis Friday the fx-er gardens
will not lx- active because of the
thanksgiving holiday. 1 lowever,
Friday, IVc. 4. the gardens will
lx* on schedule again with Inter
national Anthem performing live
on stage.
Bands to watch for next term
include Jolly Mon, Hie
Strangers, Boogie Patrol Fxpress
and Multiple Sarcasm, ibe Fitly
Birch 1 V>gs, live "acoustical alter
ego" of Jam Bay may be sched
uled and ate also possibly going
to try an acoustical night with
the Sugar IW-ts and the Mad
At tlx- beginning of each term
a poster is hung near the l-MU
Uxxl services that gives a sched
ule of coming events at the lx-er
gardens. Phe poster describes
each of the scheduled hands for
the term and dates when they
will lx- playing
Being environmentally con
ic ious as always, tlx- lx-er gardens
offer a discount to students who
bring their University mugs with
Fife ri'-’TLJi
University junior Lob&ang, also known as “ Die Maestro,” (xuirs
another perfect beer at the EMU Beer Gardens.
them on Pridays. Students can
get n discount on a cup of coffee
from the BreoarwayCate on their
way to class, then at the end of
tl*e day rinse it out and get a deal
on n pint of I tenry’s.
ihe HMU Cultural Forum
and tin- beer gardens1 promoter
I ric Peterson attempt to hook
a wide range of bands with many
different musical sounds. Less
than tour years ago the Red I lot
Chili Peppers were setting up to
ploy at the Ix’er gardens.
i he diverse selection of Kinds
creates a large range of people in
the audience. "I enjoy going to
the In-er gardens because there
is always a gi«>d mix of people,’
l Iniversity junior Rachel Parley
Students are usually more
than ready to start the weekend
by 4 p in. on Pridny.
“It’s, nice to have a few (seers
on campus alter class," said stu
dent Sehra Sampson "At the
heer gardens, students can pre
funk lor the night’s coming activ
Some students say they
believe it is great that students
have a facility like the Ix-er gar
dens tn enjoy and kick track alter
studying dutifully all week long
without even leaving campus.
Kelly Ray said she enjoys
relaxing with a beer and a good
conversation with friends at the
end of her week.
“ Ihe beer gardens are a great
place to wind down after a busy
week," Ray said.
Whether it be after that Iri^T
day midterm or alter turning in
that big paper, there is always
something great about sitting
down and enjoying the relaxing
environment that the beer gar
dens have to offer.
Peterson said the ix-er gardens
average 200 to 300 people pet
night, this term the EMU had
its most successful Ix-er gardens
ever when the Renegade Saints
played. Close to 700 people
attended, and 1 5 kegs were con
— Iere.su Isabelle
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