PROBLEMS WITH THE UNIVERSITY? The Office of Student Advocacy can help registered siiKlents who have problem'' with university faculty, staff, polities or procedures We arc a fax1 ASUf) program pros iding professional services for students in campus-related matters Call 346-3722 or stop by 334 LMl' to set up an appointment. emu t u 1 °Ven a m - 5 30 pm decern her 2 + 3 sponsored hy ihc emu trail center & die cultural forum LG BA Lesbian Gay Bisexual Alliance Weekly Coffee/Social Hours • Dances • Lesbian/Gay Film Festival Speakers Bureau • Lesbian Gay Bisexual Pride Week SEEKING VOLUNTEERS To Get Involved Come Up to the Office or Call 346-3360, Suite 319 EMU Office Hours 10-4 M-F OWlOePSIT^ op OPGGOW with the EMU IN TOUCH Kune l u Master is a favorite of the joystick crowd in the EMU video arcade. Photo by I Men Coulter irs Not just Fun and Joysticks Anymore I was frightened when 1 first entered the !MU video arcade, everywhere 1 turned (lashing neon lights hiurrvd my vision and tlu- noise of sirens, hells and burzers nt peak deci bels filled my ears. "1VL it's an air raid," I screamed. I his could not K* a video arcade Where was the Pac-Man, the Asteroids and that little guy whoclimhs ladders and dodges barrels? And lor God’s-sake, where were tire joy sticks’ Apparently, that was the dark ages o( video games. 1 he University now houses a complete coin operated video arcade equipped with such tech nological video gome advances as Street tighter II, Mortal Combat, Atomic Punk and myriad control panels, buttons and guns designed to render your opponent completely unrecognizable. A virtual palace of amusement. (Something every highly accredited university should have.) N>i some however, the IMl 1 video an ade is not a mere amusement palace. University sophomore Jack Occurs visits the arcade every day and is prepared to spend $10 thrashing his opponent in an intense game of Street l ighter II "I’m in training for the annual EMI I competi tion on Nov 18," he said. "Il I can't make high score there's no way I have a chance at the nation al title ." lYm’t ci>me to this arcade looking lor a friend ly game of Pac-Man. llu* stakes are much higher and the competition is fierce. "People have been known to get quite upset when they lose a serious match,” arcade regular Chris [Airman said. “It’s not uncommon to see a few broken toes from kicking the machines at the end of the day.” But with the agony of defeat comes the thriil of victory, and a victory at the EMU video arcade ts quite a climactic experience. "Yes, yes, yes, oh (kid yes. I've got high score!” screamed an esteemed Mortal Combat player as tin* screen lit up. tm» rw\f fnr k p..i Huilo hy Dylan Coull«r Intense concentration is necessary if you want to master the new high-tech world of video combat. weak stomachs are advised to stay away. “We pretend it's our teacher," said sophomore Mike Palocine as his opponent’s head toppled to the ground in a bloody mess. “It's more fun that way." But the fun doesn’t stop there. I here are all kinds of ways you can pretend to kill your teacher at the I-.Ml J video arcade. Kir a quarter a pop you ran blast your professors out of the solar system, karate chop their limbs off, or dunk their heads like basketballs via such innovative video games as (ialuga, Kung hu Mastei and Kim Rock'in Bos ketbail. If you thrill-seekers ore interested in entering the action-packed, fast-paced world of videogame entertainment, you only have to venture down into the l-Ml s basement corridors there you will find a dark room similar to the mission control center of the Starship Hnterprise. Don't lx- alarmed, its just the arcade. So loosen up your fingers, equip your wrist with sweat hands, and get a gtxxj night's sleep because there s a lot more to work with than your basic joy sticks. And don’t forget your quarters because they won’t take Visa and they won’t hold your place in line while you run to the change machine.