Cross country teams go fo r NCAA titles in Indiana By Sieve Mims | rt« • : RapOOef The Orison iwn's and woman's cross country teams are -treking the N'( AA Championship lodiiy in Bloomington. Ini) tii> week after finishing second at Ihn I) tii i VII! Championship'. Ti • Duck womwn dropped from sev enth in 13th piano in the national polls aftor lying Arizona at regional* for set ond plai n, itut art) looking to Improve with the help of a healthy Nicole Wood ward Woodward, who ini', won three ruins tills year was forced to drop out of thn regional meet aftor suffering from flu-likn symptoms during tin- race. Despite losing limit top runnor, thn Bucks managnd to finish second and mi oivod an automatic hid to thn moot “We hope Nicole's illness was just for one-dav." Oregon head coach Torn Hninonon said "It was monumental to our loam placing and he could make a difference of HO points in the Nf AA meet if she isn't able to run She lias re i...r— .. " bounded nicely tin*- week am! run * workout on Wednesday' Freshman Heidi Van florkulo-Gold stein ran a great race for the Ducks* el re finishing fifth with a time o 1 7 :\7 (aihistcm’s finish was her fount top-10 performance in five rat es thi: \i .tr. although ta r time vs.ts up from tin vseek before at the Pat iflt: 10 Conferenct t championships 'Hindi is feeling good about herself, Helnonon said "She ran a terrific rat r last weekend and she Is flying higl now " Senior Erika Klein had a strong finis! at regional*. coming in 15th place witlii time of 1H 11 over the 5,000 metei course Klein, whose tiest NCAA nine finish Is 140th in 1*190. will he counter on heavily. Heinonen salt! "Erika was sick from Sunday to Tues day," Heinonen sail) "But she has re hounded well and we need her and Ni cole if we are to he at full strength Sophomore Jenna (Carlson has also been hurting, hut she appears to he ready for nationals (Carlson tiegan the year ” *w" lop*H) p«rformflno*s b ■? v.*f U'tsr- «h| anlllnoistmtom the Drcnth Mniin ri- * * vA'tu she finished in 2lHh plain I w — ■ wll,|k« lalct Carlson was unaSiii '■ r« ^ 8 ** ™ conference chemplonehlpe iif»- *d l,l't'»Mkonti she finished .’3rd ,.t r< fill Ullitro, Nlamh Zwagerman and J< > * ' 1 will also txi running lor ihsc —»* H111^ Ctllnro finished 132nd a! last v * - >r's AA mi*Bt, while Wareham and /- * agi’n'mii nro competing In their first o . -= * »n«lchampionship W'' iitu mnkntl 1 nth. but 1 would Iik» U j- "*liUhotoj) 10 or have a great day ar ,»ntHIs'hlnd Arizona, a team they heal is*s- “ "''•’d wirilor at the I’ai 10 Cham p m. *sn*lil|H, f redinum ylir| k,.sk«i has led the -' I Ducks in all three ol the lour races ho has run this year, but b« had his worst finish of the year a* regional*, coming in Kith pfilCT' Kedshirt fredsman Tracy Hollister had two straight top, :0 finishes before last weekend when he finished 40th Hollis ter. -in hoo meter runner in the spring struggled over the 10.000-meter race compared to th» 8,000 meter races the Ducks had run all year The national mee! will also be run on a 10.000- meter course •■\Ve hud some guys whorouldn't han dle the heat in Arizona." Oregon head coach Bill Dellinger said "When you're running in adverse conditions, maturity and experience are a factor We have a voung team but we held together to la second. ” Seniors Colden Baxter and Kick Mestler have improved their perform ances during the post season Mestler finished 11th at the conference meet but led the Ducks with u seventh-place finish at regional* k I___l:_ Winterize Your Car Right Now! • QUALITY, CERT W FlED TECHNICIANS • AFFORDABLE F=» RICES •CLOSE TO CAP/* PCS 1917 Franklin R ^lvi! 4 8 5-8226 V 80486 Special! We service what we sell! (Limited Sup Intel 80486-25 Mhz CPU. 64 k Cache Memory. 85 Mb Hard Drive. 2 Mb Ram Memory. 14" Color SVGA Monitor. 16 Bit SVGA Card. 8-Slots ISA Mother Board. 2-Serial, 1-Parallel, 1-Game Ports. 101 Keyboard. DOS V.5. Manual, FCC & Novell Certified! (Mother board can be upgrac 33/50/66 Mhz) 18-Month Limited Warranty. $ -f qqo Options: " 120 MbHD Add $50 170 Mb HD 1-Mb Ram Add $55 Mouse 512 K S-VGA Card w/accelerator 1-MB S-VGA Card non-interlaced 14" 0.28 mm DPI S VGA Monitor 14" 0.28 mm No-Interlaced S-VGA Add Ad Ad Ad Ad Ad Will) edto 149 $19 $35 $69 $55 $99 CITY VIEW TV & COMPUTER, Inc. bales & bervice 2352 W. 11th Ave. 683-351 « Open: M-F 9:30-6:00, Sat 10:00-5:00 * Financing Available1 ' FREE FRIES I ICC Urge ir\ Wj urge pucnci or free (.mall fry with smallpilehcr ^ of your favorite fx-vrrage. Monday thru Friday 4pm to 7pm "7At "P(*cc ,KS4 I aM I 1th • V)2-224l r COME WALK WITH US! j (^Stressed out? Want to love weight or lower your l holesterol’.’ - Do Yourself a Favor - When: Noon lo 12:50 Every Mon., Wed. Eri. Where: Meet at Student Health C enter Steps ☆ Rain or shine! v<- Please wear appropriate shoes' International Students Welcome Sponsored by lhr Student Health < enter hiut mors H"oWr 50C Hot Dogs! watch the Game on the Big Screen! Guido's 13th & Alder 343-0681