MARCH Continued from Page 1 At ii Friday morning mooting, Gov Durbar* Roberts told tho campers she would not grant their request to upon a legal homoles* campground at the park Instead, Roberts offered the l umpers up to S25.QOO to pay for temporary housing or to provide servile* and |ob train ing for the 2tt campers evicted from the state property Jar k Gillette. n homeless camper with four children, said he believed Roberts was trying to “buy us all ofl " Tho camp ers' m i upation of Armituge Park would send a strong mes sage to Roberts, he said "I think it'll prove some thing Gillette said "It'll prove we i an't get shoved around Debbie Roberts, minister of the Ghurch of tile Brethren in Springfield, said she represent ed the religious community in her participation at the march "YVe stand with the people who are oppressed, shut out and pul out," she said The state is "pushing these people against the wall." said Rico Fore/., a Human Rights Homeless campers and supporters march Friday night to Armitage State Park while calling tor the park to be reopened as a permanent campsite Commission momhcr Ho said University students can make a big different it just by edur aling themselves about I hi? homolnss problem "Mntil homrlrss people and see them as real people and not as stomntypos of a drunk.-' ins said About 15 University students joined in the march Freshman Harmony Matthews said she is concerned aiiout th" homeless problem in Eugene "We all deserve a plate to live," she said SAVINGS S^SKIS $5-35 BOOTS $5-25 Name Brands like Rossignol, Atomic. Dynastar, Salomon^ Nordica, Raichle. Tyrolia GOODWILL AS IS 15 COBURG RD Phone 343-5851 RALLY Continued from Page > F J Maloney, an oul-of-slate law student, said the rum changes would bo unfair "Many of us came hero thinking wo could get in state tui tion after the first year," he said "To us, this would ix- .in ad ditional $1,200 to $1,400 burden, it's too much to ask when we came here under different rules " Fewer out-of-state students will attend the University if they know they may never achieve residency, said Dean Dawkins. Portland State University's student body president "The students' voice is being Ignored by the board again.” he said "We need to make Oregon the education state not the education mistake ASUO President Bobby Lee said lie believes out-of-state legislators were influencing the board’s decision because they want to retain their own students. We re gambling with out-of-state students to make up money lost by Ballot Measure 5,” he said. ' If you have a problem with funding, don't [nil it on the students, hut on the state " (.reg Light, Lastern Oregon State College student body president, said the board must realize how the rule changes would affect students We go! up at two in the morning, and we left at :t a m .” Light said "We thought it was important enough to drive seven hours lo come here We can't make short-term solu tions to long-term problems " Neil Sunneli, ASUO finance coordinator, said the number of out-of-state students at the University affect in-state stu dents "I grew up in this state." he said. "But without the out-nf state students here. I know my education would cost more." 136 E 11th • (near Willamette) 342-3358 Must be 21 or Over Monday n«v $2 John Henry's 1st annual l Jberfcst Ball featuring: The Uberstudz Los Hcrmanos Sanchez Tuesday n«v. 24 $3 The Lost Creek Gang The Dreamers Wednesday \«% 25$? Ifs such a surprise we don't even know Music Starts at 10pm Open 4pm-2 30am Mon-Sat Ml Hud Heals! Opticolor Film 135/24* 100ASA One Day 4" Reprints 290ea lues 1-Hr Photo 2nd Set 4“ Prints 99C wias Overnight 2* Set 3’ Prints tins Opticolor Film 13S24-100ASA -|99 Fri Your Bookstore Guarantees i In Lane County! UNIVERSITY OF ORECON The Dean's Pick of Flicks A five film senes presents Paths of Glory Tues. Nov. 24 Rm 129, Law School 8:00 p.m. Admission FREE Still to come: The Verdict 12/1 TYPING! Each hour of editing consultation includes free typing of up to 5 pages. . Ail subjects . open 7 days • call anytime! PRO/EDIT Cash For Textbooks Mon.-Sat. Smith Family Bookstore 768 E. 13th 1 Block From Campus 345-1651