OPINION High-flying flag’s disappearance baffles caretaker Gone Perry is offering SUX) for an American flag. Bui don't start digging through your storage thinking you've found a way to make a quick buck. Perry's look ing for a particular American flag It's the one that has boon flying high above Al ton Baker Park at the top of a 195-foet Douglas Fir tree near the Aut/.en Foot hriHoo Pal Malach Perry put the first flag up on the Fourth of July, 1991, to honor Vietnam veterans. And now ho believes it has been stolen. “I first noticed it (was gone) on Tues day morning of this last week,” the !1H yoar-old University Physical Plant em ployee said. "I had it really attached good, so ! was positive it man 1 blow down, bul i wont over mere anyway to look." l’erry, who runs a weekend tree-trim ming business, first climbed within 10 feet of the top of the tree, where the width is "about the size of a 12-ounce Pepsi or Coke can," on the day many were celebrating the return of Desert Storm veterans. Perry said ho got the idea to flV the fine because the Desert Storm parados re minded him of the lack of tribute given to reluming Vietnam veterans "Everybody was celebrating and doing the big whoop-di-do about it and all this," Perry said, "and I got a brother-in law and some friends that went through Vietnam, and they didn't get anything done lor them .'' Perry said his brother-in-law. Bob Wyckoff of Eugene, was "really feeling low." "1 just hung this flag up there," he said, "and it just brought his esteem back up It just made him feel goral again I said, 'This is for you.' " Perry used climbing chains and spikes that fasten to his boots to scale the tree When he got near the top. he attached the three-by-five-feet flag to a tolesc ojiing fiberglass pole that extender! to about 30 foe! Perry completed his one-man war memorial by fastening the pole to the tree with nylon rope. But the flag he believes was taken down is not the original Perry said lie cause of the strong winds that rt|> the Hag up over time, he lias had to replace Old Glorv four times Perry said the flags themselves don't rost much to replace, hut it is the idea !Hij» someone took it that bothers him "The flag's not really lm|Kirtant,"' he said It would he nice to get it all heck so I rouhi put it hack up The tree just looks naked without it Perry said he suspet ts the flag may have been taken by the same person who put a peace flag up on the same pole ear lier this fall Perry said if that t* the case, he'll trade his American flag for the peace flag he took down and keeps at home. "(The peace flag) stayed there maybe two days before I really got pissed-off and took it down," he said "1 had talked to a couple of guys already who said they were ready to shout it down, and it was only up there for a couple of days Perry said the American flag starlod as ,i gesture to his brother-in-law. bill he lias continued to maintain It because so many people have taken a liking to il "It wasn't put up out of spite." he said "it was meant to make people feel good, not to bo ripped down and stolon I'.it Malm h is i-tilUir t>l the Emerald CcMuflwfty p#>Olo Gene P0rry places a new flag earlier this summer at the lop of a I9i>-teet Douglas Fir tree near the Autien Footbridge Perry said he believes the flag, which serves as a memorial for Vietnam veterans, was stolen last week. LETTERS Find solutions Did the students who slept in the EMU Courtyard Tuesday night really servo a purpose hv sleeping under a circus tent? Why not do something really worthwhile with your time? Sign students up to work for Habitat for Humanity, help transport volunteers to local soup kitchens and shelters dur ing non-holiday times when they're really needed, or sell your trademark Birkenstocks and buy a homeless kid a month's worth of food. Most people are painfully aware of the plight of the home less. Please don't turn the issue into a circus act. why not work on solution*? Paul W Budlong Business Sugarcoated In responding to Deanna Dawson and Keri Levine about their disgust over the Lollipops advertisement In the Emerald, all I ran say is: Sugar, if someone thinks ad vertising for watching women dance nude is blatant disre spect for women, she should re consider I mean, baby, whistling and hooting .it a woman on the strut)! is d isrespeclfuI And sweetie. speaking con descendingly to a woman is disrespectful In women Hut (ensuring advertising in the University newspaper on the basis of political correct ness is disrespectful to every one's intelligent e Gilbert Hanson English Keep power The editorial against the right ol Oregonians to amend the Or egon Constitution through bal lot measures is the worst case of arrogance and elitism I've seen In the Enwrultl In lhi’ editorial, you "It simply gives l«<' much power to people who can't handle It Don't you trust the people? Why can't we handle it? Are you one of the chosen few who can handle the power' You also say, "The elei torute does not deserve that mut h power." It is precisely the pow er to change the constitution that the writers of the Oregon Constitution wanted to pre serve. In most states, the electorate doesn't have the control over the political process that Orego nians have We should not he working against this type of puwi r but working to empower voters in otliiir status Brain McNamara Undeclared POLICY I .otters to the editor must he limited to no more than 250 words, legible, signed and the identification of the writer must be verified when the letter is sub mitted. \ THIS WEEK oa»«a«^Soi vo i^w A 'r'£#'5ot** Sch°°1ipTISC^ LP at ^ O0 m'rnbCt^J£sted a°d :;r 346-4362 Dole Whip Other Services at the Main Desk Store • Hult Center Tickets • Greyhound Hus Tickets • Concert Tickets • Movie Tlieatre Discount Tickets • Filin Dcvrlopln# • IS1D Cards Noon Video. 12:30pm Wednesday Nov. 25 Room 37. 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