13th & Kincaid • 346-4331 • M-Sat oupops 15%B50% OR) This Week Only! Closed Thursday Some Exclusions OFF LINE by Rick Ball W.* vu/ _jU\.. . L WHfcM £CQMQHISTS hPUK. CQNb'JtiLKb 115TEK J THE FAR SIDE By GARY LARSON One good thing about living in thu age all the cave* are brand new Oscar the Freshman by Neal Skorpen MY KIP* j C~Ed C WP{ pA t ‘j 11 Y0 UK£ YA M*y£ Pjm »-V’ "HfTwNAaerA r--'"■■■ t' vf r< thought A^oot * trvin &NGf£ JiJtfM? only \f you po tr) Tm'IOU&H SOME J , ru*K£y OOTFlT ) M—iC— IT'U. 0*H-/co$T T£n Cf-ANp AM? A ; i kfi - v Calvin and Hobbes by Bill Watterson CAN I \ LEARN TO \ parachute: a/ OF an I airplane ^ r |4H1 DON- ■**! XS1 PvM \ ‘CWCKtN' ON TWt RAiLRofcD i (K#v. k :> 1 n Bfc A OCAPT.3 WM TO W TH Ot ATM, IV. SVjRt MOMo SO fVK T \C M I Cafe Latte Hot' Chocolate O O u n «0 . . , 3 x: Italian o Sodas At The f r.presso Car t A nom al »>• ^ Carton W«t! SKI* Palto Mon-Frl 6 SO*m-IOpm S*<-Sun 9 50*m- I Opm s § § V L AD SPACE AVAILABLE HERE! CALL 346-4343 ! FOR DETAILS! i S Doonesbury mPt&XMklCAN* CCN&t*t' VN I'APWX Hta Vf'iiTt rmvtt*< rw .<*•/« >>w r me/* iVluV'll’HVl ’Y" __ * z' BY GARRY TRUDEAU A VtPTUAl WHPfMWCffiGifi H»> urupffJOlMN a *nu ,'WX CHtKOANP Mx */.!'- • t ni» •:\'u''HA7V •• rAUt*V?'. A ( * mviNtX*■' IKN.OU1 l KNOhtf \ 4V> OMK $UGt*5 r/CNSr 1 CROSSWORD By Eugene Shq/fer ACROSS 1 Mol* making tool 4 Ofdaal 9 f aad bag mot xml 12 Moo goo pan 13 Marrtyn ol opera lama 14 Paid player 15 Put trvto urords 17 Bai&ca bench 18 Com polar F ran/ 19 GW mark at places 21 Raman ta/y textbook 24 Husso ol 'lethal Weapon 3" 25 Intend 26 U bo# 28 Takas {;•/* 31 M*chi*l maker* 33 Oelace 3$ I a*.t s*1e of the Urals 36 Mas the chuf/pah 38 Arctofy bow wood 40 Au*%*i AV* n 41 Ctaifws in Moty wood7 43 ‘Mttftoh* CO*Hpo*«f 45 Shoe cuihon 47 ~Wha1 wa» — think?* 48 PrtroJ 49 Hlo* 54 Unck>*«/. m P°**Y 55 F »i4ptac* fragment 58 BfttakiftSt to* Biutui? 57 Inflamed 58 S«l S9 Cartwf*jhl patriarch X)WN 1 Birthday datum 2 Gfow 3 Bac k Uik 4 Ancwmt N'i« c4y 5 Spaakar*' platform • Mid Apr cottactor* 7 l and (li*t«n) $ Account ant * book 9 Ruled by a daipot 10 Viantfy 11 Putt* wtfh a ropm G Aim* (0 Hah Solution lima: 71 min Saturday s answer 11-23 •w—of—n—nr S 2 71 Ho. ««(>< notation 22 Tnaon Mansions* gat 73 All«*t ted strongly 27 Reddish blown 79 Rival of MewSWOefc W) Author IWlkjw 12 l.ly 14 Hack on the pay roil 1/ WoW >9 Over diluted 12 G»st ol Mmi invitation 14 1. 2. 3. etc 15 Stravinsky ol mus«c SciuW KegtofS org ► 1 Weep >2 Stlh i mother ►3 I amed race Patch 1-UK Tim