Oregon Daily Emerald Sports Ducks to go after bowl bid, revenge in Civil War FMpdotD Oregon State University heed coach Jerry Pettibone was ad smiles after the Beavers' 14-3 victory over Oregon last year. By Dave Charbonneau Errvsrald Sports Editor _ _ __ Thanks to Oregon's loss last weekend to UCl.A. the Ducks lost somo internal from txrwl scouts Thanks to Oregon's loss last year to Oregon State, tho Ducks lost somo Interest from tho state A win Saturday ovor Oregon State at Parker Stadium would help the Ducks regain somo interest from troth the fans and the bowls — more specifically, the Inde pendence Bowl When asked about his thoughts of being considered for tho bowl, it was obvious where the importance in Saturday's game lies for Oregon head coach Rich Brooks "I have none," he said "I’m |ust trying to find u way to defense tho Oregon State option and for us to find the end zone again " Oregon (5-5, :t-4 in the Pacific 10 Conference) has re lied heavily on kicker rommy I hompson nil season, ami lhat reliance bal kflrod last weekend whon Thomp son mlssoci a 10-yard field goal In tho fourth quarter of Oregon's '»-(> loss to tho Bruins Brooks sail) the Duck offense can't assume Thomp son will hail them out of u stalled drive. "What we need to do Is find a way to get In the end /une." Brooks said "It comes down to being able to make key plays within a drive or at tho end of the drive to gel in the end zone." Oregon State (1 ft t, 0-0-1) enters the game us the Ittl> itiidling leutii in ibe tluikul Us option offonsu has worked well at times, and poorly at others Last year, the Beavers' offense gave the Ducks Ills, rushing for :t2:t yards But the play that pul the nail in the coffin for the Beavers was when running buck Chad 1‘uulson faked the run and threw u 20-yard touchdown pass to Muu Turn to CIVIL. Page 12 Oregon Daily Emerald Call 346-4343 Before 1 p.m. Today To Put Us To Work For You Tomorrow! A* A* CongraJuialions lo Keren M PuWicaiioos Cnair KaAwW » Amy L MrWg Cnerrs tor Ruth Slewing Commmee Your nslers are proud! A*A* / Fashionable f Recycling Look for it every Monday In November 103 GREEK HAPPENINGS Conor aajlationa lo KAM naarty InMatad mambora Joy A A«g»A KaAy B Cnrw 8 Cama D Soph D Kaiyn f Mcnata £ l aura f Any G “Aaavta G Waradtn H Dorrwjua H Cindy J Racnai M WaraXAn N Now p jlaa« Aaian H >A*r H Atn S Adflna $ Janaaa W L ogP W You ouy* all alaaa! Wa ara ao proud o* your! • Your SMtata SmSS^SSSSSOESESESS xTTcotiGRATurATioSsTovTT OUR INI FFFCUTTVF OFFICERS Prm**r* \Ac* Pr«*jd«rtf Sacwaty T fmtakutw Tf«m«r P>fSOftO«< Ru*h Panfurftomc XU Darcy A Shm**y C Ang« S t hmi O Adfta G Cr\*m>n* l Ctmthitm H XU tile cycle eJTiis c4>aFcr S«i drug* daeratona Do you rava ao «*aa « tiudaots «iu good dat**)"* >■<■» !*u* aisaii thaw iv«» > A 11000 kJW* trap «ia Da awardad to tna dudan «no»a fitOfma a iftar tor G I V t Sctw*arv*o Appr.rai.or adormanoo avar44 /$» Ai"U&TU. ftO*ti'"i» GI4AD SCMOOi APPPOVt 0 ?0 /•<»/ IhMUMJiM tx* * ground T«#m papers f l/H rmumm %** vca Uwp( OP CAMPUS! IiwmI In your future orfth^ Owgon Dully lm*»M CIcMlfUd Advertising _' JO THfc TYPING PHO Word P*OC****p'04r 'ng/T y p*ng on lator C*S Ul tOU ArvylifTw iis TYPING SERVICES Typing S*fvle« t ip»»K*d lyprtl ot<» » **1 Uaav (***(•* h«AftO*'utOto» 'At*r< Call Paggy at M2-t*e« Typing A word processing 6% c*k tt* tloutMo apor-uri extgo i?4 hr lorn around f 'oo campus p** ~*>0*,‘ UK* Punted tent to computet hies WSlClAlNlNlWnTSi US-3506 • 20S kV Slh Under New Management! Full Lunch Buffet Month_$4. 75 Vegetarian l.unth ItolTfl.$4.15 Full Dinner Buffet Kri 4 Sat...$7.95 Vcgtlarian IHnnrr lluffcl._..^0.95 Live Classical Indian music weekends •Offer e*pir« Noermber JO THE TAJ MAHAL Fm» Cw»n« 01 lna» 10th t Oak St. Undar Ovarpark in May I he ''tils uullk'uli*. Indian ivstauiani in I uiicnc I tint tic * Mm S«i 112 ,W> I >iunci 5-« p m I n Sal 5-10 p tit YOU'RE BACK YOUR NECK YOUR LEGS YOUR ARMS Your whole body needs our soothing hot tubs. Come relax your limos in our open air settings. 1883 GARDEN AVE. across Franklin from UO campus 345-9048 ^he Sharpest Mind Advances. w Marines Special evening presentation tonight. Call 1-800-944-3016.