Experienced CRIMINAL DEFENSE I At t HUGH DUVALL Vetalfud b Cbrfc Atto/r*y» PC 345-3333 • i n Jli Hf. ,»!♦ • . : >»U j (>.»«<•• • 1« j ■ i1 •' t \ • > • f - . f! » * -v - t '• • A - *. , « » t »« . . \« t* » .,! . « >* I Price quote by phone LATE NIGHT F Pi "> L)<-*T S '- • »t .O * I ’!*' ' '■ II ’■ '• f OPEN 7 DAYS poppiV _y1n^4oli^ 'The Land East" , Traditional Gf*«k t» Indian Food Winter Hours Mon-Thurs 1130-9-30 Fri & Sat 11304000 Sun. 5004000 992 Willamette Eugene. Or 97401 L 343-9661 THIS i PAPER SIDESHOW Continued from page 5 involved. Although the show is now gaining popularity in the main stream. it is also popular with the Modern Primitives, an under ground movement Of people who use the pain from piercings and other forms of fcxidy alteration to achieve a spiritual state But Rose said his troupe is unconnected with this movement "There's not much pain involved for us anymore We paid our dues years ago in our basements when nobody knew about us." Rose said "I've lx*sn manipulating my laxly for years, but 1 come from the sideshow tradition and my sole purpose is to provide entertainment." It all began for Rose when he "worked the ball loss and dunk tank" as a boy at the carnival near his home in Ph(x*rux. Ariz This r Leah Stift Public Affairs Officer for the Israeli Consulate in San Francisco, to speak on the new Israeli government and the peace process. Ifemple Beth Israel Sunday, November 22,6>8pm 2550 Portland, Eugene Sponsored by Jewish Federation of Land County 4 JSU ^ T1CKE|T£oSTUDLN)S 63'° puoilC Tr»JW» 3y* , Z/H'J C.'JUTWTU'L ftjftU/M EMERGENCY STEREO & VIDEO LIQUIDATION SALE Ma|or Los Angeles electronics distributor cleans out warehouse' Video Audio Liquidation brings truckloads of stereo and video to Eugene for immediate liquidation' But with no room to put it all, we re forced to take our already low liquidation prices and slash them down to EMERGENCY MARKDOWNS! Forced to Quit • Video Audio S* ot t ui^crw • TV Stereo Mod* ot Svefttc • A txmferupt Cfvwn o4 *trrco *tore% in Southern Oregon video Audio Liquidation Special Liquidation Hours 10am 6pm Mon Sat • Noon Spm Sun 3520 West 11th Eugene - Phone 485 3254 gave him the opportunity to go backstage at the sideshows, or "freak shows." he said His interest piqued. Rose said he later went on to apprentice with street performers in Spain and Amsterdam, where sideshows are more common than in the United States Currently. The Jim Rose Sideshow is the only one in this country. Rose said the show is keeping alive an art form that dates hack to Medieval times. In the United States, sideshows were a standard at circus es for almost a century, dating from the 1840s to the 1950s. Then, with the rise of the disability rights movement, it was no longer a socially accept able form of enteitaiii menl However, in those days the "freaks" were mostly people born with ‘It's like an all-star That’s Incredible TV show, only It’s live, real, raw and dangerous. It’s for people whe are sick of things that are slick, contrived and choreographed.’ Jim Rose, of the Jim Rose Circus Sideshow disabilities, according to Syracuse University professor Robert Bogdan’s book. Freak Show: Presenting Human Oddities for Amusement and Profit. Previously a solo act. Rose used to alternate his performance with belly dancers at a "tacky Middle Eastern restaurant in the hip part of Seattle" in the winter months, he said. During the summer he could be found doing his act on the boardwalk at Venice Beach. Calif. Then he began performing at the Crocodile Cafe, a Seattle club where the now famous bands Nirvana and Mudhoney started out. Wort! spread, and his act began to include others. One addition is the Amazing Mr Lifto, previously a car insurance salesman who can lift heavy objects such as steam irons and cinder blocks from pierced holes in his tongue, nipples and other body parts. Another troupe member is Matt "The TuIm?” Crowley, a former pharmacist whose act includes creating a bulimic cocktail that members of Ministry, Pearl lam, Soundgarden and The Red Hot Chili Peppers drank as a rite-of-passage at Lollapalooza. Via a seven-fool-long tube inserted through his nose to his stomach. The Tube is fed a concoction of beer, chocolate syrup, live slugs and other available ingredients, all of which Find their way back up. The show has "a bizarre theater humor that only works when atrocities happen," Rose explained. .See it to believe it at their Sunday night show at the Eugene Hilton. DRACULA Continued from Page 5 his performance is reminiscent of Kevin Costner's in Robin Hood Prince of Thieves Ryder, in her role as the object of both men’s desire, Mina, is similarly disappoint ing. She reacts rather than acts and it translates into an over wrought performance. The whole film is that way, with everyone playing each scene as if it were their last. There is no sturdy base on which to place this film No character is that important to us and no situation i» made easy enough tu fully grasp. Much like films such as Prospero s Hooks and Woody Allen's Shadows and Fog. nothing lies beneath the thick veneer of visual tricks. This has been touted, by the filmmakers, as one of the most loyal translations of the Dracula legend. But very little of this film has any literary quality There’s smoke, monsters and some incredible ornate sets But nothing that will strike anyone as tokens of great literature. One of the main problems, in fact, is that you can't help notice that it’s all a movie. Perhaps it was intended to feel like a nightmare, but it’s not menacing or frightening by any means There’s a lot to like about Dracula for those who think of film as a primarily visual medi um It’s a triumph of form and technical magic One might be able to be wrapped up in the false world Coppola creates. If only he had characters and a point of having them there, the film would have had potential for being groat. 726-6969 L. OPEN 24 HOURS CUstJ Sun. 4*m It 10nm Man 12m It Hnm 1166 S. A St., Springfield /tr mm ttu ytmi' Looking for fun stuff to do around town? I Look no further than today's Entertainment section.