Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, November 20, 1992, Page 5, Image 5

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    Oregon l\aly Emeralds \X'eekly Musa', Iheitrr, Donee, Mow, V'kleo, and Nightlife (nude
Friday, November 20
Now Wimam (oeklc punk) atlfw EMU Beef
Garden Spm
Etouftee (caJun) at Good Times 9 30pm
Multiple Sarcasm at New Mu s 9 30pm
Zeb Wednesday (blues) at Taylor's 9pm
Dub Squad (world beat) at John Henry's 10pm
The Daddlee/Reckonball (rocfc-tunk|a//) at the
WOW Mall 9 30pm
Barbara TurrIU (acoustic.) at Defend s 8 30pm
Saturday, November 21
disappear fur (acoustic rock) at Good Times
9 30pm
My NamWVIIlage (did (akemaliye rock) a) New
Max s 9 30pm
Hungry Young Poet* (pop•work! beat) a!
Taylor's 9pm
2 Minutes Hate, Adickdid, Reckon Ball lallerna
live rock) at John Henry's 10pm
Caliente COot' l aln lofc) at the WOW Hal
9 30pm
Sunday, November 22
Young Frssh F^llows/Blind L#mon
Pt*dg*/Frank Discussion a! John Henry s
9 30pm
Monday, November 23
Youssou N Dour (Alncan WurkT fieali a! Ihe l MU
Ballroom 8pm
Rooster's Blues Jam al Good T imes 9 30pm
Uber Sluda/loe Harms nos Sanchez/
Therombue (alemalive rock) al John Henry's
Buckborn al New Ma> s 9 30pm
Tuesday, November 24
The Dreamers/loet Creek Gang
(rock) al John Henry s ICpm
Power Train (bkies) al Good Tanas 9 30pm
Local Hero (acoustic) al Taylor's 9 30pm
Sugar bests (bkjegrasa) al Detierl s 8 30pm
Wednesday, November 25
Walker T Ryan (acoustic) al Detiert s 8 30pm
Duke Robiltard (legendary blues) al Good T mss
9 30pm
Guardians ol American Morality (country) at
Taylor's 9pm
Thursday, November 26
Blues Club Project (Insane puss) al Good
Times 9 30pm
Visual Arts
The Muwum of Natural History eirtbts "Death
and r rests Day of lha Daad In Oaxaca. Maiico'
thru Dac 23 Noon • 5 pm Wad ■ Son 1680 E
The La Varna Krauaa Retrospective shows Od
2S - Jan 3 al tha UO Musaum of Art. 1430
Johnson Lane
"IntariAcaa- al lha EMU Ail Gallary thru Nov 30
Ceramics and painted wood acupture try Baa
Garth and works on paper Oy Carol Westlake
Tha Paul Taylor Dance Company a major new
work. "Company B" is lha smash h» ol tha New
York City dance scene Al lha Hun Corker s SIN a
Concert Halt on Saturday, Nov 21. al 8 p m
Includes a pro performance tap shot* what r s
Ska to lour w«h one ol the most renowned dance
corrpawea m lha world Saturday al 7 p m In lha
Hull Carter Studio 1
£ quire a Tony Award-winning play that examrws
the nature ol existence Is presented el the
Urtversfy s Robinson Theatre lor two last shows
Friday. Nov 20. and Saturday. Nov 21. al 8 p m
The Rocky Horror Show. ACE Theatre s INe per
tormance ol lha original stage version ol ihe cu«
movie classic, ends this weeks nr! Shows al 11 30
p m Friday and Saturday al tha Downtown
Capart! Theatre
Access Theatre s Storm Reading shows Ihe art
ol dsatxtty at Ihe Hu« Centers So rang Theater
F rtday and Saturday at 7 30 p m
The University's Aria and Cultural Evsnts
Information Hot Lina, open 24 hours, is 346-2062
& <§>ears
Story by Freya Horn
Most students wonder what the
future holds after earning a
college degree. As for the
mostly college-educated human mar
vels of the Jim Rase Circus Sideshow,
they are now feasting on broken light
bulbs, double-edged razor blades and
live slugs.
Currently on their international
"Eyeball Terrorist Tour,” and coming
to Eugene Sunday, this troupe gained
worldwide recognition as the non
musical hit at this summer’s alterna
tive rock bash, Lollapalooza.
Troupe memtxirs, who go by such names us
Tim the Torture King and Slug the Sword
The Jim Rose Circus Sideshow has a "bizarre sense of humor that only works
when atrocities happen." They perform Sunday at the Eugene Hilton.
Swallower, have spent years perfecting stunts
that defy the bounds of human endurance
"It's a combination of martial arts, science and t hird World
family secrets handed down for generations." Rose said in a
telephone interview from a tour stop in L A He added that it
involves skin toughening and mind control
The founder and ringleader of this Seattle-based show. Rose
is a contortionist whose daring feats not only require years of
practice, but also a daredevil streak.
He has needle-sharp darts thrown at him and can withstand a
bed of nails or a faceful of broken glass while people stomp on
him. He also swallows double-edged razor blades and. through
tongue manipulation, pulls them back out on a string. And he
pounds railroad spikes into his altered nasal passages.
The well-scarred Rose calls it the "Circus of the Scars
In an interview with Spin magazine. Rose said his show’s
purpose is "to make human atrocities palatable." However,
even though people are now accustomed to a barrage of visual
stimuli, with this show then* is still the danger of optn ui over
load. Paintings at shows are frequently reported
This show rivals Ripley's "Believe It or Not.” hut with some
exceptions First, thr lruii|it' is comjHised of "sitlf-inadit freaks,
or apparently "normal” people who have made a hobby out of
doing extraordinary things with their bodies Second, every
thing is for real "It's not an illusion show We steer dear from
hoaxes and cons,” Rose said.
"It's for people who are sick of things that are slick, contrived
and choreographed,” he said in explaining the show's appeal
"It’s like an all-star That's Inaudible TV show, only it s live,
real, raw and dangerous "
While their audiences demand all this. Rose said his troupe
entices the challenge. "We are your gladiators. Cheer us on,
challenge us." he said in true ringleader fashion Reportedly,
the two-hour show intensifies as the audience becomes more
Turn to SIDESHOW, Page 8
Taking in the Latest -
Bram Stoker *
Francis Font Coppola. Dtractor
Columbia Pictures
itit (outot**+*i
You might say that Francis
Ford Coppola's ambitious
adaptation of Bram Stoker's
Dracula is a visual feast. I’d
say it’s more like a cocktail
party. Lots of small talk, Fin
ger food and people you don’t
really care too much about.
There’s nothing to, if you’ll
pardon the allusion, sink your
teeth into.
The legend has the Frince
Dracula reinvent himself as
an immortal after he comes
back victorious after a hard
fought battle in the late 15th
century only to Find his wife
has killed herself, thinking he
was dead When the priests
say only that it is the will of
God, Dracula renounces God
and calls on the forces of
darkness to help him become
the legend he is
Flashing forward 400 years,
we see that Dracula is buying
up plots of land in London.
fiance, played by Winona
Ryder. She bares a striking
resemblance to Dracuia's
widow and the Prince decides
to woo her.
Prom there the movie
moves in and out of vague ref*
all the con
t i n u o u s
darkness anti
storms in
gets a person
Review by
Lucas J. Gutman
symbols and
hensible plot
down altor four centuries. The
young real estate broker sent
to close the deal played by
Keanu Reeves makes the mis
take of bringing a photo of his
Ihores Tom Waits as a
lunatic who worships
Dracula, Winona's friend
Lucy who becomes a doomed
blood-thirsty woman after her
contact with the vampire, and
Anthony Hopkins as the doc
tor who is the first to figure
out what is going wrong
What really is going wrong
is that Coppola cared far too
much about the visual appeal
in Dracula than the writing
or acting. Some talented
actors turn in surprisingly bad
performances. Notably. Keanu
Reeves and Winona Ryder
Reeves, who has been
extremely good before in such
work as My Own Private
Idaho is stiff and unconvinc
ing in his role as lonathan
Marker Much as il pains me.
Turn to DRACULA. Page 8