EPD officers test students’ drinking skills By Jason F. Jensen Emerald Contributor Sucking a penny won't work, and you may have to roc.ito the alphabet or stand on one leg. Curiosity and fears wore an swered Thursday night in the Bean (ktmplex as Eugene police officers subjected seven stu dents to sobriety tests, deter mining their varying degree* of Intoxication. "Guess the Drunk” was part of Alcohol Awareness Wnok, said Rob Campbell. Bean Com plex program assistant. "I think it send* a good m» sago.” ho said. "It shows how much each person drinks and how it a (Tacts thorn compared to tho others " LTD officer Grog Harvey ex plained the signs of intoxica tion that ho looks for after stop ping a driver. Harvey is one of two officers driving the special ly equipped DIJII cars, which are equipped with recording devicos and radars that can sense in all directions Tho officers also have new ''sniffing” flashlights that read alcohol levels. Harvey demonstrated numer ous physical tests on the panel of students Linda Malzels seemed a bit unsteady on her one-leg stand. Kirsten Kappa port attempted to estimate when 30 seconds had passod but reacted ut only 17. Tom Olguin had exceptional ly red eyes, flushed cheeks and required the help of a table to stand properly And although |on Isensee appeared normal, he Insisted on an escaping to the bathroom Another test involved stu dents reciting part of the alpha New computer system to link schools By Demian McLean Emeraid Reporter As early as next winter. University computer science graduate students may lx; able to attend classes at Oregon State University and quiz pro fessors without ever leaving Eugene. Engineering and computer science departments ut five Oregon universities have begun develop ment on a high-speed computer network that will link faculty and student searchers from around the state and eventually around the country The Joint Schools of Engineering will design the project, having won a S4.5 million federal grant in October. The network, which will also include Portland State University. Oregon Health Sciences University and Oregon Graduate Insti tute of Science and Technology, will be among the first of Its kind at American colleges, re searchers said. Higher Education Vico Chancellor Roger Olsen, who co-wrote the grant proposal, said the net work is innovative because it will employ fiber optic cables. Fiber optics can carry telephone, video, compu ter and fax messages on one line by converting their signals to pulses of light. "The advantage is that we tain transmit lots of data rapidly between two points," Olsen said "We'll bo able to transmit voice and data and pic ture at one time." Waller Rudd, head of Oregon States's computer science department, described and idea for a "desktop classroom." "A teacher would sit ut the desk, and students ‘A teacher would sit at the desk, and students would be spread out over the state/ — Walter Rudd, Oregon State University computer science department would Ihi spread out over the state,” ho sulci "They'll see the image on thu sc reen and be able to respond to questions through computer inter face.'' Although Oregon universities are currently linked by ED-NET the same video-computer network that Cov Barbara Roberts used for her “Conversations with Oregon" many say the system is too primitive to meet the needs of com puter science and engineering research. University professor John Moseley, vice presi dent of research, said ED-NET lac ks the capacity for high-speed computer data transmission "ED-NET Is basically a cable TV operation," he said. "It's a teaching tool with one-way video " With the new Ulcer optic network, engineers and computer scientists will send reams of data at the speed of light between stale universities and actually see one another on the video screen Rudd said this will save both faculty and students travel time. "Computer science students will be able to work together on projects without driving up and down the interstate, " ho said ET ALS MEETINGS Womm Uk TfMnWww will m#*i for it* brown bag lunch and woman * forum on "AMoruvena**" today from 1 to 2 p m in EMU Board Room Alio, Aliva ft Thinking, a support group lot woman ovar J5 will maat today from J to 4 p m in EMU Cantury Room E For mora information. call 'J4ft~4099 fapanaaa Student Organisation will hava a Japan#** Ijinguaga Fabla today from & to 0 p m in EMU Caviar Room For mora information, call *40 9004 South* aal A atari Sludwa fragrant will hava a brown bag talk on Tha Uarnui racy Movamant in Burma" by Mylnt Soa today from 12 30 to 1 30 pm in EMU Century Koom ^ For more information, rail 14t*c coupon p**r cuMoam Exptrm 12/20/V2 “30 years of Quality Service" Mercedes • BMW • Volkswagen Audi • Datsun • Toyota 10% discount w/valid UO I D card m good thru 12/31/92 •tna toys* 342-2912 2025 Franklin Blvd. -GERMAN - AUTO SERVICE, INC. Eugene, Oregon, 97402 DEVELOP & PRINT • 3” PRINTS <1697 |50! 2nd set I i coupon must accompany order. CAMPUS 1 HR PHOTO I 1231 ALDER • 683-4693 EARN EXTRA CASH! The U of O Student Health Center is currently seeking CERTIFIED CPR INSTRUCTORS to teach CPR workshops. • Applicants should be U of O students • Time commitment: 4-hour workshops Contact Joanne Frank: 346-2728 at the Student Health Center. Call by Fri., Dec. 4, to make an appointment. Hiring for Winter term!