Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, November 20, 1992, Page 2, Image 2

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Atlanta City Council
may set precedent
!f you hud any doubts about the effect of the Ore
gon Citizens Alliance sponsored anti-homosexual bal
lot measures on Oregon's economic health, put them to
On Monday, the Atlanta. Ga. City Council voted to
boycott the state of Colorado and the cities of Concord.
Calif, and Springfield. All three locations have recently
passed anti-homosexual legislation and the OCA
would have like'd nothing more for the entire state of
Oregon to join the club.
In defending Ballot Measure 9. the CX'.A claimed
opposition fears over lost business were unfounded.
And true to (X)A form, it _
was wrong.
The decision by At
lanta will have a negligi
ble direct impact on the
politics of Springfield, but
it may send a signal to
other cities and groups
who might do business
with Eugene's neighbor.
Consider the conse
quences on tourism. Will
people from cities that
boycott Springfield decide
4s more
bodies follow
precedent, the
pressure will
build on
Springfield to Join
the 20th century.
to travel there? For that matter, will they come to fcu
gene or even Oregon?
As more government bodies follow Atlanta's prec
edent, the pressure will build on Springfield to join the
20th century. Hopefully, that date will not be far away.
A more effective boycott would come from a West
Coast city, perhaps Seattle or even Portland.
And what about Eugene? Being located adjacent to
Springfield may cause some of the negative publicity to
find its way westward and contaminate Eugene's econ
In Thursday’s Register-Guard. Springfield City
Councilman Ralf Walters was quoted saying he "thinks
it's unfair that they've singled out Springfield and put
us on their list." Perhaps Walters should remember
that his city has singled out homosexuals and put them
on an "undesirable list."
Fortunately, the American Civil Liberties Union
will soon file a court motion claiming Springfield’s
Measure 20-08 violates the state Constitution on the
same grounds us 1988’s Measure 8 did.
In time, the people of Springfield will restore
statewide and national respect toward their city. But
until then, they better get used to being the bad guys.
Oregon Daily
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Iba Oragon Oarfy F mart*! * putbabad daily Monday ihrougn Friday dunng in* tcnocr
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Nm Sun Chau* Aflan. MtaJy Baucum. Mar Bond*. Jutlm Brown. Sarah Clark, Amy
Oa*onpon. Amanda Fam*. Aloa Farran. In Haggafly. Tmrma Hunting* Mary Kl*n. l«a
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Ganoral Marugaf Judy Radi
Advantalng Director. Bfyan H Coppodga Production Manager : EAchd* Moat
AdvartlaJng Shawn Barvon. Soon Dana, Jann.«* Hudunt Jana Ifcaa. Chna Kano!’. Tom
Loach. Jaramy Maun. G<*an On, Duann Slad*. Sharon Var Ang* Wmdhwm
Ctaaadtad l*aggy McGinn. Monap* Barry lagan Sharon Same. Suaan Updegiatt
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BuaMaaa Kathy Caroona. Supervisor -krdy Connolly
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Buiwmi Oft*c«... 1M-M12
OtapUy Advertising..146-3/12
CIimIM AcKsrtisinq-346-4343
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to n«COSES now.
■ ■ail H;
Mom crime
1 feel it is necessary for my
self and on behalf of the Eugene
Police Department to answer
Hope Neulson's apt question:
"Is there not enough crime to
keep (KPD) busy(ODE.
Nov. 9).
No there is not enough signif
icant crime in Eugene to keep
the entire police department
busy, so one must regulate the
more common, but equally im
portant. crimes of misdemean
or Wo must coinmend, not
condemn, liPD for generously
providing many jobs and
sources of income to the com
Wo all must realize how hard
Lane County has boon hit by
declining timlKir receipts and
tho passage of 1990's Ballot
Measure 5 Lower timber re
ceipt revenue has caused a de
cline in county income and an
increase in unemployed timber
industry workers.
Nealson may Im> a hit hitter at
LI’D for infringing on her
rights, but she shouldn't luke it
personally. Think of ull the
food she put on the tables of
the many people who partici
pated in her booking and pro
cessing I'm sure everyone from
tho arresting officers to the
laundry person who washed
her jail garb is gracious for her
contribution to the Eugene
Nealson’s S200 and 40 hours
of labor invested more in the
city than it could have ever on
the retail scalu. She shouldn’t
be sour that her rights were ne
gated, but proud of her contri
bution to tho city of Eugene,
Lane County and the state of
i must congratulate the fine
intellectuals who discovered
these creative means of stimu
lating the economy
Jell Philpot
In color
Ryan Blacketter asks, "Do
Duong and Orozco think King
was just another Unde Tom?”
(ODE, Nov. 18). Wo believe
Martin Luther King Jr. was a
powerful leader of human
rights. But King is also used us
a token black hero bocause he
is portrayed as more accepting
of whites. Continually
Blacketter tries to make racism
white and black, which it isn't.
It's a multicultural issue.
Blackelter also degrades tho
esteemed Josst; Jackson by call
ing him "Jesse " Ho degrades
peoplo of color by continually
referring to them as "minor
ities." And he attempts to de
grade us as multiculturalists by
saying we twist "the meaning
of words "
Yet Blacketter must be quite
a racial activist to be finger
pointing and also be able to
speak on behalf of King. Or is
he just another Informed white
who has read some interesting
books? On the other hand,
Thanh and I arc both active
representatives of tho racial or
ganizations Witness for Peace,
ALLlfcIS and ethnic student
unions working against racism
and for cultural advancements.
Blacketter really has much to
learn This is not meant in a be
littling manner. He challenges
“multiculturalists to bo accept
ing, or thoir mission has
failed.” Again the burden is on
us, but we accept it and invite
him to work with us.
Or does he not undertake
what he expects from a people
already ridden with more than
400 years of oppression? As
King said, "It is not tho white
supremacist — KKK style
groups — we should fear, but
the large apathetic white mid
dle class."
Svsn Orozco
MEChA Historian
The Allies vowed after seeing
Nazi atrocities that they would
never allow a genocide to occur
again. The Kev. Numeyer. a
concentration camp survivor,
preached that individuals and
nations that don't speak out
against genocide become partly
responsible for it.
What action has tho West tak
en for the tens of thousands of
people who have been killed by
ethnic cleansing? Both Muslims
and Croatian Catholics are be
ing killed. What group of peo
plu will be next?
A new genocide is occurring
in former Yugoslavia. Will tho
U S. allies sit back knowing
that a genocide is happening
and do nothing? The world will
bo responsible for the deaths of
hundreds of thousands of peo
ple. As students, we have to
speak out and promote actions
that will stop the killing.
The United Nations. Europe
and the United States must do
whatever it takes to stop the
ethnic cleansing. Sanctions
should bo tightened on Serbia.
Serbia should be given an ulti
matum to stop using its air
force and heavy artillery on ci
vilian targets.
if Serbia refuses, ullied air
power should eliminate their
planes and heavy artillery. Di
rect military intervention, un
der UN. auspices, should be
considered and individuals re
sponsible for genocide should
be trier) for war crimes.
Students should keep in
formed about the "Serbian Hol
ocaust.” Our silence should bu
broken and wo must demund
the U S. government to take
necossary action to stop the
genocide. Our silence will con
tinue the killing
Martin Lawls
Ad bad
Just whon wo woro wonder
ing what to do this weekend,
thn Emerald came to our rescue
with half-off coupons for Lolli
We wore actually worried for
a while that the paper thought
students at the University wore
above blatant disrespect of
women. Just because we are
pursuing higher education
doesn't moan that we are above
some good o!' clean, American
Everyone at the University
can benefit from these ads. The
Emerald receives money so it
can continue to bring us its
thought-provoking articles, and
the students can save money to
buy books for the required race,
gender, non-European-Ameri
can class.
And we all know that In the
end, money is the most impor
tant thing (no matter who we
degrade, offend, etc.).
Keep up the good work.
Deanna Dawson
Karl Lavlna